Has Nintendo of America given up...

Has Nintendo of America given up? It would explain why they've been making the company look like a fucking joke for the past six years.

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Got appeal to normies and memers if you want their money

I think their Twitter is trying to cash in on the Sonic Twitter's success and they're failing miserably.
Ironic, isn't it?


But you CAN still get hit by it


it's ONE post out of 2 memes they've ever made

the first one was pic related
I still shudder about it

this is funny.

ok never mind:
I was horribly wrong

but then again, they're just casual tier memes

>Fooled you with Wario

Just look at Sonic the Hedgehog on Twitter.

>that quote

I think I have been hit more times by the blue shell when not in first than otherwise.

>ONE meme post

Dude, the official Nintendo social media accounts literally never post anything but failed memes and Polygon reviews.

Their entire fucking Tropical Freeze marketing strategy was to spam everyone with shitty Cranky Kong Advice Dog pics that weren't even topical or self-aware.

This was literally one of their attempts.

But I laughed when I saw that.

>more rts

This is fucking nothing, the internet memes being horribly hamfisted started in the early 2000s.

Practically every second trainer in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/Diamond/Pearl/Platinum calls you a n00b, it's fucking grinding.

>Seen Bill's name in credits since 1997
>Poor guy probably thought he was betting on the winning horse
>Now reduced to walk ins during shitty promotions because NoA is a meme at this point

Honestly surprised when I first saw him in direct.

A gem.


Yea I ain't watching that.

>scroll down

>getting triggered by memes

haha lol i love memes and advice animals haha is so funny :)
i wish my mario games would have memes in them LOL!

>made these games in the last 6 years
nah fuck off

People aren't upset by the sight of memes.

They're annoyed to no end by their improper use and excessive overuse.

Just because everyone thinks Stephen Harper's "rock band" is a fucking, cringe-worthy joke it doesn't mean everyone is, "triggered by the rock music".


How the fuck should i know? my dad does NOT work at Nintendo.

pretty funny desu

>Nintendo of America made these games

Are you fucking retarded, son? Like do you drink paint thinner? Does your mother fuck her brother? Do you line your toys up from smallest to largest?

>6 years
>Half of them are mediocre
Also NoA doesn't make the games, moron. They just fuck releases with unneeded censorship.

Anyone who's made or LOLed at one of these jokes here is to blame for this.

Memes don't stop being memes once they leave the confines of Sup Forums. That's why they're called "memes". They spread, they propagate, and they mutate, sometimes into something completely unrecognizable, and at times completely abhorrent, to the ones who started them.

Then stop creating memes just to filter newfags out. Reddit doesn't create memes they just parrot shit if you stopped creating toys for these people to have you'd see a huge difference.

NoA exists only to piss people off.

If you pull back from first place does the blue shell still target you?

Depends on the game. I think in Mario Kart 8 it always targets who's in first, unless it started its animation to explode. Then it's too late to hit the breaks and allow someone to go past you to take the hit instead.

Can't remember correctly but I think in Mario Kart DS, it hits whoever was in first place when the item was used, even if they've fallen to sixth place when it reaches them.

No. You grew up, and are no longer Nintendo's target audience

It would be extremely painful.

I'd enjoy having cat Peach sit on the top of my lap.


But kids these days don't like Nintendo.

How do ya do fellow kids.jpg

>reddit doesn't create memes
I think you're in need of a quick rundown.

some of the memes were appropriate for their time

No, since while Nintendo of America is posting dumb shit on Twitter, Nintendo of Japan is making some games I'm really looking forward to

What's wrong with this? At least they're not using an outdated meme.

>Sonic Twitter posts a meme
>Nintendo posts the very same meme
>Corporate idiots trying to pretend they know what's hip

it would be fine if you at least admitted there was a bias




Which NoA will promptly censor and stuff full of memes.

>(Ugh, I really sound like a fool, don't I?)
got a smile from me D E S U

actually... yes you can

The Sonic Twitter actually understands how to make memes work and it fits the character better.
Nintendo's Twitter is very boring and out of touch. I've never seen them try to banter with a review site or a e-celeb.

What the FUCK does Hoshino even do at Sega? He's in every other fucking Twitter post, is he just the live in artist at Sega of America or something?

Unlike Sonic, NoA does that shit in order to be hip and with zero self awareness to boot.

They're run by insane, out of touch old men and manchildren.

To be fair, GF has a separate translation team, along with Hal Labs.

>Dude, this guy does this shit too, and you don't complain.

How was his post deflecting? The "But Sony" joke was made after Nintendorks kept accusing Sonytards of shitting on them in 2014. When did Nintendorks ever deflect to Sonicfags in the same amount of frequency?

What's worse? Not bantering, or being bad at bantering?

You sound like a greasy nintencuck

>being a cuck whiteknight for someone else

Even sadder!


Rather her sit on my face t b h

>Being bad
I dunno, some of them are pretty funny.

Being bad at bantering.

I'd rather someone take themselves seriously than think they're hilarious.

>Sega's official social media account is run by someone who understands social media
>People aren't upset when he fucking rocks the shit out of everything

>Nintendo's doesn't understand shit. It's like an infant seeing someone using a fork to pick up food, so the infant picks up a stick and stabs themselves in the face
>Most people except the easily amused are turned off or all out disgusted by such mishandling


Not an argument.

This is what happens when a Sup Forumsirgin makes it into a PR position.

>Rehash Between Worlds
>Rehash Kart 8
>Captain Indie-tier
>literally who top mid

Nintendo doesn't understand how to make it funny. Like, what's the tweet in OP joking about? Nintendo's status at the bottom of the console business? Mario not having his game ready for Switch's launch? Nevermind that as points out, it's not even accurate.

Compare that to this. What's the joke? You'd get it instantly if you know anything about Sonic.

I thought that was an onnahole at first

>Compare that to this. What's the joke? You'd get it instantly if you know anything about Sonic.

You instantly get the Joke in the OP if you know anything about Mario Kart.

You can't possibly be that stupid so I'm giving you this (you) out of pity.

Mario Kart 8 is the best Mario Kart in the series, though.

Don't banter and stay serious if you know you're not good at it. At least you're staying true to your strengths.

One of you faggots are gonna cum on the switch screen I can already call it

I actually laughed at this, but that's because i'm a fucking hypocrite

That's actually clever. Much better than

Have you been living under a rock since Double Dash was released?

they are probably in on the every hates slippy meme so did it on purpose

Doesn't work because:
1. You can get hit by the blue shell even if you're not in first place
2. The joke is to point out something either extremely obvious or incredibly stupid

To be fair this one was a lot closer to when the meme was popular.

it's not

>Work put into the image, text overlaid onto it with Sonic's retort in the actual tweet
>Accurate, and actually a common joke within the community that Robotnik is "faster than the fastest thing alive"
>"We need an image. Get that guy dressed up as Mario to point at his head and take a pic."
>Text added as the tweet; instead of it feeling like a person with Sonic's twitter it feels like a company shilling, which it is
>Inaccurate and unfunny
Sega does what Nintendon't

>Mario Kart 8 is the best Mario Kart in the series, though.

Not if it's TOTALLY the same as the very first Mario Kart from 1992, nope.

That was sarcastic.

What the fuck happened to his mouth

Sega does what nintendon't


So Dr. Robotnik is actually faster than Sonic? Shit, the lore gets deeper. He's the fastest thing alive.

>>Work put into the image

I'm pretty sure that's just a stock Eggman picture.

I wouldn't call placing a picture in Photoshop under text "work"

Why not just call it Super Mario Kart?

He's AS fast a Sonic. In Sonic 2 you can run alongside (overlaying) him, but not further than him.

To emphasize that Mario Kart has indeeed changed over the course of 22 years and isn't just "2d sprites race on what looks like something printed on flat paper" over and over again like the user who said "Rehash Kart 8" implied.

Fuckig this.

Nintendo has no idea what's it's community really is, and it's most likely that they never heard of it at all.


S.T.E.A.M. wasn't that great, it just looked good because of how awful the new Paper Mario and Fire Emblems were.

Splash damage is a technicality and you know it.

Maybe the OP should have said 'targeted' instead of 'hit' but you're just splitting hairs.

Pretty much. This is just more autism on Sup Forums's part

So there are two fastest things alive, then he should technically be called "one of the fastest things alive" in order for the joke to be accurate.

He means they took the render, applied it to an appropriate background, made it look like an actual black Twitter tweet (this is what they're called, by the way).

Nintendo just took a photograph and tweeted it.

Just appreciate that everybody refers to this as Robotnik running faster than Sonic.

We know he isn't actually faster, but he's literally one step ahead.

Yeah, except it's not a joke. What's the punchline? "Blue shell lol" is not enough to make a joke. The Sonic has has a clear, defined punchline - the absurdity of Eggman's ability to keep up with Sonic.


What I got from it was "If you're a loser, you'll never have to worry about getting hit by a blue shell".