Prove me to that Yukiko isn't best girl, you literally can't.
Prove me to that Yukiko isn't best girl, you literally can't
>best anything
How does it feel to be thirteen?
Because she isn't Rise, but she's still top tier
Rise>Yukiko>>>>POWER WALL>>>>>Naoto>Chie>Marie
Naoto > Rise > Chie > Kanji > Yukiko > Marie
Thanks user
Shes the most boring character out of the entire game excluding Marie
my nigga
>the best girl is the bland girl with nothing interesting about her
That says more about the qualities of the other girls desu, why does Sup Forums keep pretending Persona has good waifus?
Theres Naoto
Chie is my waifu, Larry is my side chick
p4 waifus suck
She has sleep apnea
P2 has best boys at least.
What's the best way to play the two Persona 2 games?
The PSP versions. If you have a hacked Vita, you can emulate them on that.
How aged is the gameplay?
Because they made Futaba.
more pits
P4 girls are all one-dimensional cardboards defined by quirks, so appearance is what matters when it comes to them. With that in mind, the only acceptable choices are either Yukiko or Rise, Chie and Naoto are shit-tier choices.
Yukiko appreciation stations are da bes.
I hate this picture. It makes it seem like she has no depth and is a 2d cardboard against a wall.
any animu girl against a wall with visible shadows behind her will look like a cardboard standee if you choose to look at it that way.
>It makes it seem like she has no depth and is a 2d cardboard
Fitting, just like the real Rise.
Someone post THAT picture of Yukiko.
You know which one I'm talking about.
The best.
> Is an idol and beloved by people
> Is earning significantly more money then the other girls
> Rise will stay young long enough to figure out what she would like to get into
> Knows the industry and has many connections
> Can most likely help secure you with a job
> Despite having the chance to fuck or be with anyone else she chose you and not someone who has her characteristics -- money, power, etc.
> Is actually sexually attracted to you
> Doesn't get shit like every other fucking girl in the game
Rise is literally the perfect person. You guys who prefer other girls either want to live out the high schools fantasy of being women you were never man enough to be with or you just want easy girls for an easy life.
Rise is perfect for the present and the future. Even if you break it off with you you will go ahead with money in your bank and the ability to carry on.
You have absolutely nothing to gain from the other girls minus yukiko since inheriting a business will naturally land her in a good financial future too.
I just want to be used as Yukiko's personal chair after she was tired from a long day of walking around and doing club activities. Is that too much to ask?
>Yukiko will never "eat lunch" with you on the rooftop, just the two of you.
My tears are all dried up now.
Got it in one.
Don't forget.
>Rise's anus would be tender and deep enough to accommodate your entire cock easily. She'd try to please you as much as possible by flexing her ass constantly. She'd be looser than Chie and Yukiko and would be able to take you without lube. (although it would hurt her)
That's because I assumed any heterosexual male would be aroused by said pic.
I also had that in mind but he beat me to the punch.
Anything else along those lines of Amagi Inn's heir?
Nah she would be just as tight.
Rise & Chie would experiment masturbating, using toys, etc. I don't see Naoto or Yukiko doing that just yet.
Woman's pussy snap back into their original size if they have gone a while without sex.
If Rise was with you long enough she would most likely stop doing anything for a couple of weeks or so before fucking you.
> I fucked a girl that was as tight as my first love (we both were virgins) because the girl went about 4 months without any sex (being single) she had a lot of BFs and was basically a slut but felt guilty so she wouldn't fuck someone without being in a relationship. I thought she would be loose, but no. I was actually quite shocked how tight she was.
Real best girl coming through
Her social link hit me the hardest.
>> Is an idol and beloved by people
And a slut who had to suck executive cock to get on there and to continue growing
>> Is earning significantly more money then the other girls
By sucking producer-san's cock.
>> Rise will stay young long enough to figure out what she would like to get into
She already knows, she likes go get into producer-san's cock.
>> Knows the industry and has many connections
You can bet on it.
>> Can most likely help secure you with a job
How do you think she would do that? Pro Tip: It involves a long, thick and phallic instrument.
>> Despite having the chance to fuck or be with anyone else she chose you and not someone who has her characteristics -- money, power, etc.
You only get her sloppy seconds.
>> Is actually sexually attracted to you
She just likes cocks in general, you are the most alpha male in town, so she goes for you.
I used Estoma for the last seven or so locations in IS to avoid encounters.
I really wish the EP PSP translation project would make some progress.
Naoto exists.
>But you're cucking Kanji!
No, he's closet gay. That's why he was so attracted to Naoto in the first place.
Yukiko being second place is the best I can do.
Naoto a shit, A SHIT.
Also, Kainji isn't gay, but what you said makes me think you are
Half her art makes her a 12/10 while the other makes her look extremely ugly. Why?
Requesting the moving version of this image
I never finished Naoto's social link, what happens with it?
I remember her getting a random letter and her room getting broken into.
Here let me explain.
Kanji is gay for liking Naoto because he genuinely believes she's a boy up until the reveal.
I'm not gay for liking Naoto because as the player you aren't fucking retarded and know she's a girl the whole time.
Also you can explain away that whole story with suspension of disbelief and the fact that fuck I forget his name now the main bad guy is on the investigation team and probably sabotaged their efforts every step of the way.
>Yukiko will never suffocate you by sitting on your face
> (You)
>And a slut who had to suck executive cock to get on there and to continue growing
Nope, she's with you. She would mention it if the dude was starting to act sketchy, his job is reliant on her. He would not fuck that up. Especially since he came back to her pleading to take her job back since it's obviously impacting his pay. If he wanted another chick he could stay with canamin who has a better body anyway and 100% virgin.
>How do you think she would do that? Pro Tip: It involves a long, thick and phallic instrument.
Guess you want to get into trade school and get a shitty job for the rest of your life.
>She just likes cocks in general, you are the most alpha male in town, so she goes for you.
Literally only one wants your dick in the entire game.
I'm conflicted. Naoto is best p4 girl.
But her and Kanji are rather cute.
She's okay mechanically, and is broken as fuck in Persona Q Where her character serves as the way retards beat the game who don't into puzzles, which also means her character is nothing more than dumping long-winded walls of text relating to how you clear this puzzle
Counterpoint. Kanji isn't gay because he subconsciously sniffs out that Naoto is a girl, while every other character is convinced she's a dude.
Counterpoint: Kanji's desires manifest as a gay sauna in the TV world.
>Kanji is gay for liking Naoto because he genuinely believes she's a boy up until the reveal.
He's confused though, that's pretty much the point.
Actually, the point is that Kanji is a big and strong heterosexual boy with a really feminine side and that makes him confused, because he knows people on society see that as a homo behavior/personality, or so he thinks, and their thoughts, or better saying, the thoughts that Kanji think they have are reflected on his mind and makes him believe that he could be in fact, gay. That's the whole point of shadows in the game, they are reflections of what you believe people think about you, not your actual self.
You all sayin he likes dudes?
It seems you didn't understood what Shadows actually are in persona, Ameno Sagiri and Izanami pretty much explain a big part of it at the end.
Do you really believe that Rise is just a idol slut on the inside? That's actually what she subconsciously believe that people see her as.
While I didn't play Phantasy Star, I can assure you this "Yukiko" isn't best girl
Life is truly suffering. We will never experience the joy of having our faces used as personal chairs for Yukiko Amagi's butt.
She isn't because I'm posting the real best girl
>The gay guy is the best at detecting whether a girl is actually a guy or not
makes sense to me?
Yukiko is the second Persona girl I want to fuck the most.
Who is #1?
Pic related.
fuck kanji
he lost at intrasexual mating competition
How does this make you feel?
We all get cucked by death eventually, user. It's just a matter of time
Thanks, user. It was stupid of me to imply that our queen would seat on anything but a throne.
the same way you fucked up just now.
Thanks, user. It was stupid of me to imply that our queen would sit on anything but a throne.
I probably need some sleep
Prove to me that Yukiko isn't a shit, you literally can't
Yukiko's ass will never put you to sleep.
It's sad because it's true. I can't sleep while knowing that the queen's ass will never be be used by me, or rather saying, that she will never use her ass on me.
top tier tastes
Are we posting Yukikos?
If you want more images of your mistress you have to ask properly, user.
And at least Marie had an alright design.
May I please see more of Queen Amagi?
Yukiko is wife material
>All of these Personafags
Don't you know SMT has the best boy.
Her design was retarded.
Would still tap her hard though
>Have to select "No" to a completely inconspicuous textbox at the end of the game
>Pressing "No" to similar textboxes throughout the rest of the game does absolutely nothing
>Nothing else in the games makes you think you should select "No" to this specific textbook.
Why is getting the True Ending fucking retarded?
>Not SJ protagonist
Your design was retarded. The only bad thing about Marie's clothes was the clashing blue hat.
Got Nocturne earlier today but haven't played yet
Any good waifus?
Thats not Nanashi