This game is absolute fucking trash and whoever memed me into buying it saying it's good is a piece of shit

This game is absolute fucking trash and whoever memed me into buying it saying it's good is a piece of shit.

The AI in this dogshit fucking turd perfectly knows the composition of your forces and the garrison strength of all the towns on the map. It NEVER attacks or even gets into range of being attacked by anything unless it 100% knows that it can win the battle through auto resolve. Now, this might not seem like a big problem as long as you try to intercept the AI's forces with your own, but it's literally impossible to do so because the AI leaders have RETARDED FUCKING MOVING RANGES THAT ARE SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER THAN THE MOVEMENT RANGE OF ANY OF YOUR FUCKING LEADERS WITH THE ROUTE MARCHER PERK AND MULTIPLE FOLLOWERS THAT GRANT BONUSES TO CAMPAIGN MOVEMENT RANGE, FUCK.


Once chaos and beastcucks invade, the grand campaign literally degenerates into running around ty e campaign map fruitlessly trying to catch up with these fucking faggots that avoid any confrontations with your main forces without fail due to their retarded movement range and just raze your non-castle cities to the fucking ground one after another.

Who the fuck even designed this shit? It's literally the definition of artificial difficulty and an utter fun killer.


Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not gonna read all that shit but warhammer's garbage and I've moved on from TW because CA will never remake the classic games with the old style campaign map.

Yep, the game is absolute trash, there's a reason why it's being sold on the Humble Bundle for $12 right after after having launched as a full price title and has an abysmal Steam rating as well as having sold like shit with only 1mil units sold.

The hilarious part is that this is literally the best PC exclusive out there at the moment, which makes PC gaming as an utter joke, LMAO.

you're really bad at TW.

>just le git gud ;)
Either show me your achievement of having completed the grand campaign on very hard or go choke on a dick, faggot.

But user is right, you're just shit. Stop making excuses.

>anything but skarsnik campaign

Where's YOUR achievement, bitch? Do you think I'm going to take advice from some dumbass who probably didn't even play this dogshit? No, fuck off.

Oh shit we have an angry baby

Calm the fuck down, this is an extraordinary level of butthurt

Not autistic OP, but how do you avoid the enemy army's superior movement range to kill them?

Medieval 2: Total War - Warhammer: Beginning of the End Times is the only good warhammer strategy game (technically mod) since mark of chaos.

Just slap some mods on OP. CA are retarded in their balancing so you have to find your own solutions.
There is a mod that gives you bonus movement in your own territories and another that disables marching entirely. You still end up in some annoying chases but it happens far less frequently.

CA are greedy and incompetent fucks but they have a monopoly on this genre so you pick up their games on sale and then use mods to make them sufferable. It's the same deal with Paradox games.

Just use heroes to block their movement if you can't catch up hothead

Also don't be a bitch and accept that some minor settlements get razed

Yes, I'm angry after having wasted my money on an unplayable piece of dogshit.

I can steamroll the CPU on very hard without problems even with the massive unit stat boost it gets, the difficulty is not a problem. It's the fact that the game is LITERALLY FUCKING BROKEN and is designed to torment the player with this AI leader movement range bullshit, which kills all the fun and the desire to even try and finish this pile of dog diarrhea.

You don't. The only way to catch those fuckers is wait for them to attack or siege something, then hit them while they're busy. Try anything else and they will outrun you without fail regardless of all those movement range bonuses you've been stacking through perks and followers.

OP, the thing is that developers get paid way more by working console games. So it creates a brain drain for PC-exclusive devs--why would anyone competent work for a PC-only company when they can literally make at least 1/3 more working for major companies that release console games?

The end result is that mod communities have to fix fuckups by PC companies. Bethesda, Paradox, Creative Assembly, etc. Console devs get it right the first time, so there's no need for mod communities, but PC companies aren't as competent so they need help.

Each faction has an agent that can block and army's movement, which reduces it by something like 80% if succesful. Using the ambush stance is also useful as the ai will often walk into it if it isn't out of their way. You can give your lords the skill that increases movement range by 10% and hope that you gain followers or traits that also buff it. You could also embed heroes that give small movement range buffs too.
A lot of the time it will not work though as the ai knows the limits of your movement and then sits right on the edge of that in a rather obnoxious manner.

>PC-exclusive devs
Once upon a time, Bethesda was a PC exclusive developer, but now they're console 1st, PC 2nd.

It's Warhammer related.

Of course it's trash. What did you expect?

Using agents normally, using the ambush stance, embedding heroes to your armies and actually being smart unlike OP so that they can block the enemy at the very edge of your range, and the last option you can use are mods
Some good bait like this will get you some fine (You)'s that's for sure

Another big complaint is that the game takes a massive difficulty spike once chaos rises. Even if you build a shrine of sigmar in all of your province capitals and have at least one warrior priest in each province, you will not reduce the chaos corruption buildup to zero, so it just grows and grows until your public order is fucking destroyed, which is very easy to do on very hard difficulty, since you suffer an inherent public order penalty on this difficulty.

It's like the devs thought of the most effective ways to infuriate the player and kill all the fun in the game in the most efficient manner possible.

Use agents blocking movement and Ambushes you triple nigger

Also Git Gud

>Use agents blocking movement and Ambushes you triple nigger
All of my provinces are fucked up due to chaos corruption build up (yes, I have a shrine of sigmar in EVERY province and it still doesn't help for shit) and all of my agents are too busy reducing the said corruption through their Influential perk and assassinating enemy agents who are running around the map like fucking flies, trying to spread even more corruption, so using agents is not an option.

These work only if the enemy is moving towards you. If the fucker is running away to some distant city on the map it magically knows of, ambushes are useless.

>Another big complaint is that the game takes a massive difficulty spike once chaos rises.
You can't be serious

Bait him with a small army while your good stack hides in ambush. Seriously, complaints like these are why the series has been dumbed down so much.

I meant the artificial type of difficulty, not the actual one. Army strength wise chaos cucks are pathetic (they like to waste many army slots on chaos warhounds that are literally the most pathetic unit in the game), it's the strategic part of running the empire that becomes borderline unbearable once chaos rises.

So, do they not bother attacking well defended castles and towns?

No. The ai will only initate battles it thinks it can win. Which is a shame as it means you never get to use those upgraded towers to cool defenses.

>So, do they not bother attacking well defended castles and towns?
Never ever. All they do is wait for you to move somewhere out of range then swoop in and raze cities they can take without fail. And f you don't move out of range, they never do anything either and you will never catch them if you try to attack them with an overwhelming force.

Good game, CA.

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say you haven't played the game long enough to grasp how to go around these mechanics. Just use mods if you're this angry at all the vanilla mechanics, like magic, chasing armies and fixing AI army compositions. The rise in corruption is SUPPOSED to happen, you can't play around it. It's tied to the rise in difficulty. Building shrines only mitigates the effect, so that your biggest cities take a smaller hit than your outer ones. Hide your agents in your towns, and when they come near, block their armies and kill them.
Not unless they have the specific traits associated with being aggressive

Not even with multiple armies?

nvm i was going to disagree but your mostly right

This is one of the best Total War games to date, fuck off cocksucker, your just shit

It would depend on that is in those armies and what is defending. If the auto calc wouldn't win the battle the ai will not initiate it. It's also quite rare for the ai to be in the situation to use two stacks against a town.

>Not even with multiple armies?
What do you mean by this? Trying to chase a single shitty AI leader with two of your own is a luxury you will never be able to afford due to supply lines penalties and the fact that you will need to defend your empire from multiple sides and if you mean several enemy leaders attacking a single target by combining their forces, then this has never happened to me.

Every games after Rome 2 have been shit.

Fuck off cuck, Warhammer is great

>Build walls in every settlement. Every single one
>Ambush just outside of a undefended settlement, AI won't be able to see you and attack it
>Use agents
>Abuse the special unit recruitment, since they can be recruited instantly
>Never take a town in a province you can't full conquer in a few turns

There, that's all you need to win in Legendary

Man, I hate that kind of shit. Sins of the Solar Empire has a similar mechanic that's just as enraging. If the AI suffer a serious loss, they'll just give up. Won't even try to build a new fleet.

Nice try, shill, but everyone and their dog already knows it's garbage.

>caring about the opinion of third worlders

The game is rated positively in civilized countries.

>unless it 100% knows that it can win the battle through auto resolve
Get fucking good. Just because the auto resolve is against you doenst mean you have to fight

Straight up false

Yes, and? You get equal movement to attack as well

You are really bad at TW and should stop playing and posting about it immediately

>home region movement bonus mod
There just fixed this apparently massive issue you've been having despite the mod being there since the game was released
>b-but you had to use mods to fix the problem!
So I did, and the problem is fixed. Stop being a faggot.

Your entire post is wrong, you haven't even played the game and don't know what you're talking about.

Is this in Attila too?

>It NEVER attacks or even gets into range of being attacked by anything unless it 100% knows that it can win the battle through auto resolve
on the contrary, the enemy often attacks me with ridiculously underpowered armies that have no chance of winning, even with auto-resolve. one example i remember is fighting against Chaos as Dwarfs. they had two 20-stacks, I had 1 and a garrison. the Chaos AI decided to attack me with one army and then the other rather than both at the same time and so was destroyed instead of destroying me. it really does sound like you just need to git gud.

Considering this was at overwhelming negative at release you did a good job undermining your argument

>I'm new to the game and even though it's a strategy game, I just want to hit the enemy with my big stick

There are features like movement slows, ambushes, movement buffs and more to help you catch the enemy armies. Also, enemy armies attack weak settlement since they can get away with it and know they will win.

You need to channel your inner Trump and BUILD WALLS. BUILD WALLS and the enemy army will be too scared to attack. This is probably a sign that you are expanding faster than you can defend your territory.

Get a new settlement. Stick around and upgrade it until it has walls.


Keep them out out out.

Yes. Rome 2 as well. It has been a major problem ever since CA thought it was a good idea to limit armies to stacks lead by generals and then giving them movement options.

>got memed into buying it
>dwarfs are fun
>got memed again into buying the """good""" DLCs (another $24)
>only $36 in total
>realize either none of the other factions or fun, or that the game is even shallower than I thought

Right, because I would come into a TWW thread and accurately disprove your shitposting when I haven't played the game. Sure thing shitposter.

How about instead of bitching you man the fuck up and play the campaign, learn its mechanics and get fucking good.

No, I'm just denying you the possibility to use the "b-but they've fixed it" argument. The game is still shit despite all the patches and implementations of free DLC.

Isn't that just cheesing the AI? (not that guy) Doesn't seem like thats very good.

Fuck, at least I got it on sale.

>people complaining the AI won't engage in a battle it cant win

so the AI isn't fucking retarded? how is this a negative

for example. this was a siege battle in which they attacked me. i find this happens frequently.

You're really bad at this

CA didnt 'fix' the core issue, which was the fact Chaos was cut content. Which is why it was at overwhelming negative.

But you did prove though is that people realized the core game was good enough to justify giving it better reviews anyway, so well done on that.

CA are also making so much money from their content that they've expanded the whole thing, its one of the most successful TW games of all time now.

Isn't it just cheesing people's brains when similar tactics work in real life?

It's not that the AI won't attack the walls, it's just that it takes at least 6-7 turns to build siege weapons.

They attack just before you start taking attrition damage

It's not cheesing the AI, it's a real war time tactic.

>how is this a negative
Because OP refuses to learn the game mechanics and play by them or download a mod to change the game.

Its funny because this game does have a metric fuckton of problems, but he didnt even raise a single one of them.

That's because people whine about DLC. The game is exemplary.

You just suck.

>Also, enemy armies attack weak settlement since they can get away with it and know they will win.
This isn't a problem in and of itself, it becomes a problem only when coupled with retarded enemy movement range and its precise knowledge of garrison strength of every city on the map.

Also, building walls in non-castle cities is useless once chaos rises, since they have multiple full armies that can take any non-castle city on the map without a leader and additional troops in it.

Where's your achievement for completing the game on very hard or are you also a bitch to be ignored?

more examples. it happens all the time. OP is just making things up because he's shit at the game.

>Where's your achievement for completing the game on very hard or are you also a bitch to be ignored?
If you have any intelligence you would stop playing the moment you start steamrolling. Spending an extra 50 hours just to paint the map and get a pointless achievement is idiotic, the game completely drops off after about turn 120 even on legendary and no AI can challenge you.

Because sieges are usually not in your favour according to the auto calc. FotS was the last one I played and the auto calc gave me bad odds even with superior troops and 5-6 cannons

How are you getting such good battle results? Normally I just get decisive victories.

What are you trying to prove here, retard? I have also caught some enemy leaders by using ambush mode and attacking them while they were too busy laying siege to shit. The problem with retarded AI leader movement range only begins to truly manifest once chaos and beastcucks start invading en masse and avoiding any confrontations while homing in on cities they can take without fail.

So you're just another shitter who's talking out of his ass and giving "advice" without actually "getting good"? Gotcha.

I'm not interested in playing on shitty difficulties like normal. I only play on very hard even if this is my first time playing this specific TW title.

>Also, building walls in non-castle cities is useless once chaos rises, since they have multiple full armies that can take any non-castle city on the map without a leader and additional troops in it.

No, it isn't. You are getting corruption because you are letting their agents spread it. You can kill them with your own hero agents and if enough corruption builds, an army stack spawns, but this army stack starts out very weak and builds up in strength. Even when this spawn starts attacking, it will take 3+ turns laying siege on a walled settlement, buying you enough time to get to them and kill them. So all in all, you're looking at 6-8turns when an army spawns to when it can destroy your settlements, for you to react to it.

I don't blame you for not knowing this, since you are new to the game but there are important core mechanics and ai behaviors you need to learn. Start out on easy before you get to where the big boys, like me, play.

you made the claim the enemy "NEVER" attacks. my pictures are showing several times the enemy attacked me. this is an incredibly frequent occurrence. here's another example.
i took these screenshots because i did pretty well in those particular battles. usually i get decisive victories too.

Look at this building tree. Total meme hammer is nothing but a battle simulator.

>I play on legendary
>Im better than you i play on very hard!
Are you actually retarded, can you read?

user there is no general. That's a garrison

>I play on legendary
Then where's your achievement, bitch?

I periodically wound chaos agents (killing them for good is ridiculously hard as they have only like 5% chance to die even with during a successful assassination) and keep corruption in check as hard as I can and none of the chaos armies spawn on my territory. You're most likely confusing chaos armies with spawning rebel armies that spawn only when public order goes well into the negative values, which has yet to happen in any of my provinces.

I'm not that retarded, I know how the game works more or less.

You are beyond retarded, kill yourself

What difficulty are you playing on? The enemy NEVER even tries to attack any of my castles even with full armies consisting of 20 unit stacks. They ONLY go for regular cities where walls are fucking useless.

He is jumping the gun and getting butt blasted cause the AI is sacking his settlements while his armies are off trying to take new territory. I'm not mad at him, I was the same way too when I first played at launch. He just needs to learn to take full provinces first, and build defenses instead of going for the lone easy targets.

I got anally annihilated once too like that, when I was playing on very hard and made enemies of everyone when I kept taking nearby single settlements.

So you're another shitter playing on kiddy difficulties to be ignored? Gotcha, just don't pretend you're actually good at the game.

>one assblasted shitbag can't git gud

I finished a Dwarven campaign, long victory conditions in 137 and I've only got 48hrs in the game so far.

The game isn't hard if you're not a complete incompetent. Some battlefield finesse and city management skill goes a long way.

>Then where's your achievement, bitch?

Here. I've Completed in Legendary the Empire, Vampire Counts, Wood Elves, Chaos, Beastmen.

Still working on Dwarves and Greenskins.

220 hours on the game

So how do I deal with the enemy AI movement range superiority or are you using some shitty mods?

The butthurt is real...

No shit it's real. The game has some of the most FUCKING HORRIBLE design decisions in vidya EVER.

I hope you're talking about S1/M1s and not Rome's trash map.

you sound mad

I thimk you misspelled cuck countries

>abysmal Steam rating
Its 67% overall. That isn't good but it sure as shit isn't "abysmal", and 90% of the negative reviews are about their shitty dlc marketing while at the same time either praising or saying nothing about the actual game mechanics.

Anything below 80% is a huge red flag that the game is shit.

AI can move as much as you do, unless they are a general / race with some kind of unique massive movement boost, just like the Vampire Counts (+10% movement instead of +5%).

First fucking skill you want to pick as a general at level 2 is the movement boost skill, the first blue skill.

Build walls asap in every single town. Give village growth the priority, upgrade them to level 3 and build walls. Don't conquer towns in provinces you can't fully conquer in a few turns.

Use agents, lots. Block enemy movement. Scout ahead, waste money just to make them level up.

Don't give too much of a shit about corruption, build shrines but that's it. Agents should be used for other stuff and not cleansing corruption passively. Always assassinate enemy agents, do not let a single one pass through.

Always build +happiness building. Always use +happiness commandments unless you're absolutely sure there's never gonna be a rebellion.


This and I also got memed into playing for 10 insufferable hours of this shit with my friend. Never again.

i usually play on Hard although that campaign iirc was Very Hard. not sure what i'm doing differently to you but having walled settlements being attacked isn't particularly uncommon for me, although it does seem to increase in frequency the longer the campaign continues.

What are some of them?

Not posting my steam profile for you faggots, but i've completed very hard with 3 factions. No cheat mods.

Enemy settlements can't run away, attack those. They eventually have to defend it.

Or you could just use the ambush stance rather than trying to chase them around with a single army across the map like a fucking retard..

Or you could use agents to slow them down

Or you could not run around with a deathblob.

The only time running away constantly is a serious problem is against the massive amount of stacks norsca send down on high difficulty empire campaigns, and even then all you need is walls around vulnerable locations.

SO WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL Sup Forums HYPE THREADS THEN? Everyone LOVED the game. Or were they just paid shills?

I don't understand this, first month when any fucking game releases everyone here loves some fucking game and after 3 weeks it's shit. What the fuck is going on? Is it because of marketers or just... stupidity?

Go for enemy towns and not for enemy armies. If the enemy has no towns left it will start taking huge attrition losses.

Enemy will snipe your undefended towns, that's why you build walls anywhere. Do not think that a town is safe because deep in your territory. Build walls there too.

If the AI starts siegeing a walled town they will keep siegeing for 7-8 turns until they have built 3-4 attack towers. Then they will assault, but you can very well defend a town with the garrison of a village against 2-3 full enemy stacks.

Oh, build better walls in already walled cities too. Not really because of the better towers but because of the increased garrison. A level 1 wall in a walled city makes a huge difference. Next levels not so much.

Abuse the special units since they can be recruited instantly. If you feel you are gonna lose a siege, recruit a general and come renown units right away.

To fuck up a horde or an army you really want to kill use Ambushes. Cont

Ambush over a bridge, a strait or any other passage the enemies absolutely have to take to get into your territory. There are tons.

If there is none, ambush just outside of a city. The AI won't be able to see that army and try to attack the seemingly undefended city. Then again, agents, block movement, kill generals, assault. Or let them siege a walled city and then fuck them up.

Sometime the enemy will retreat just around a mountain and move HUGE FUCKING DISTANCES during a retreat, and that's indeed bullshit, but it can't be helped. It may happen the same to you next time.


why the fuck would an enemy willingly fight a battle that they aren't supposed to win?

OK, I'm going to go and unfuck my empire now. If you lied to me, I'm going to make another shitty thread and call all of you cucks.

>complaints about the dlc and not the actual game
That's why you should actually attempt to not be illiterate and read the fine print instead of just looking at the big numbers.