>This is an official piece of concept art for a Mario game
Jesus Christ.
This is an official piece of concept art for a Mario game
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Still no 3rd Strikers game
Peach looking hott!
Say what you will about Mario Odyssey, the humans don't look as jarring in that game.
Also didn't that game have Black Mage and White Mage in it for some goddamn reason, or was that a different Basketball game?
Man, Mario Sports games are weird, especially the older ones.
Mario looks stylin' and Peach looks hot as fuck.
Whats the probbo?
this is official art
haha I wonder what those fart clouds smell like
Mario is for the most part, a family friendly series and Mario and Peach look fucking weird in that clothing. It reminds me of those stupid t-shirts with Ghetto Spongebob on them.
But yeah porn of Peach with that outfit when?
this is official art
>It reminds me of those stupid t-shirts with Ghetto Spongebob on them.
Ah, the days of Myspace. Memories.
His left leg looks fucking disjointed, poor Yoshi.
Strikers had some animations that were uh... interesting?
concept art
shut the fuck up onsokumaru
>bitching about concept art that never went past the concept stage
>instead of bitching about the lack of a new Nintendo World Cup.
That game was the motherfucking tits, you assholes. Fuck fair play, this was a Kunio-kun Game.
>Waluigi almost wore this
Different game.
>We live in the universe where Nintendo stayed pure 4Kids instead of "general audience of all ages to have our IPs enjoyed in".
Feels bad paisanos.
>Unironically asking for 3rd strike
>Mario lovehandles
This bothers me
>we want the Sonic Adventure audience
It's weird that considering all the sports games he's been in, it's soccer that makes Mario edgy.
Read somewhere recently that Mario's actually a 20 something and the mustache makes him seem older.
Aside from the scowl and flames he could actually pull off that look with imo.
No comment on Peach.
But we have le soccer minigames in Mario Sport pack games :^)
"Make Mario angry."
Sakurai heard the call already then.
"American Boxart Mario"
I'm more upset Tecmo had to kill the Tecmo Bowl franchise because Madden has exclusive rights to the NFL roster.
xD (but not even ironically xD [that one was xD])
Strikers was still pretty damn hardore
peach looks nice but yea they both look like some latino myspace bullshit. this coming from an actual spic
>>they look like they are from the bronx
>Tfw you'r3 a waifutrash casual so the only thing you see is Peach being hot as fuck and the actual terrible design elements don't bother you
Feels great.
kind of bothered with myself about how little I dislike this
>we want the Sonic Adventure audience
They can rebrand Mario as much as they like, nobody is ever going to actually give a fuck about him.
Peach is fucking hot in that, though. Damn.
This would have been a better art style for GTA Mario, rather than the jarring shit we got that looks like Sonic 06. Would play/10.
This "Mario Odyssey looks like Sonic Adventure/Sonic 06" meme annoys the hell out of me, especially as someone who's actually a Sonic fan.
Literally nobody,but I got your point
I'd play that game
Haha that game was actually fun too
Id Wear That On A shirt
Brooklyn is always better
>Somethin buggin you?
>No one will give a fuck about him
Who's next? Megaman?
As the poster that posted the Mario Odyssey pic and a Sonic fan myself, I agree, and I'm sorry if I made it look like it was to be taken seriously, it was meant as a joke.
People who actually like Mario games."Literally who xD"
Normally Mario isn't very cute, but edgy Mario is adorable with his chubby cheeks and angry face and hoodie
By the canadian devs also responsible for Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Punch Out Wii, and Metroid Prime Federation Force, bear that in mind.
hey now
we might tell onsokumaru to shut up
but, back in the day, tripfags were somewhat respected
onsokumaru fucked that up by being a faggot for too many years
People like the games, but Mario as a character? Nobody cares about that bland fuck cardboard cutout.
That's what happens when you put a cartoon character next to realistic humans.
Not New York would have been a great location to fill with a bunch of toads, all going about their lives, wearing suits, etc...
It's not a "meme" it's what it looks like, and I instantly reminds people of. 06 was a buggy game, yes, but it was also a very jarring game with poor art direction.
The mushroom kingdom is very unique and imaginative, why squander that in favor of a city which has been portrayed 100s time in vidya already? Why not make a mushroom kingdom version of the city? Like mother 3 did?
Why have Mario travel to the real world and fight browser (AGAIN) when you could have him travel across the many worlds in his universe and face the various villains in his rouges gallery? Fawfull, Wario, Wart, etc...
Oddysey LOOKS like shit. Totally devoid of imagination. That's why people compare it to Sonic 06, another game without imagination. Because the "X goes to the real world" meme isn't new or creative, Roger Rabbit did it ages ago.
>but, back some* days, some* tripfags were somewhat respected, sometimes*
>Not New York would have been a great location to fill with a bunch of toads, all going about their lives, wearing suits, etc...
>Don't use a setting Mario's never been in, just make another Toad Town
Literal cancer
Don't put real people in it. That's my point dumbass.
New Pork City 2.0 would have been WAAYYYYY better than a city with regular people walking about.
The only outright terrible one of those games was Federation Force, but of course Sup Forums and everyone else pretends that they've made nothing but shit because of that one game.
1 out of 3 ain't bad.
Modern city look sounds good, but cartoony Mario running around normal looking humans is just unsettling and strange.
Im not gay but Mario looks hot.
Toadstool is okay.
>Que paso ese,
>stay away from mi hermana, you got that, gringo?
Pic related> real humans> literal shit> toads
New residents exploring the lore (think Pianta for Delfino) > your pic > toads > shit > real humans
>Not New York would have been a great location to fill with a bunch of toads, all going about their lives, wearing suits, etc...
Well the game is supposed to be set outside of the Mushroom Kingdom, and one of the more consistent Mario game traits is that Toads only show up in Mushroom Kingdom areas. Look at Super Mario Sunshine, Super Paper Mario, Super Mario Galaxy, etc. and the only toads that show up are usually the ones that tag along.
That's, of course, ignoring the fact that the realistic humans are, so far, only in New Donk City and not in the Mexico or Food stages.
>06 was a buggy game, yes, but it was also a very jarring game with poor art direction.
The visual bugs disregarded. I'd say no.
>That's what happens when you put a cartoon character next to realistic humans.
I really don't see how. Sonic 06 ended up being dogshit. But that had almost nothing at all with how it mixed characters of different levels and different styles of stylization.
Real human beans fit your top choice
Reminder that Mario is, canonically, 21 years old.
Hope you like Thicc
Unleashed had the best humans
i cant believe i like this
i miss the MJ hammer bros in strikers
I do, but that art is terrible.
anyone else suddenly feels the urge to be a motorbike
>No rule 34 of the little girl from Unleashed
>No porn/art of any of the npc's of unleashed
Furries need to be gassed
>No comment on Peach
You seem like an uptight lame wad.
I bet you aren't very fun to hang out with.
That's a pretty hot edit
I agree
>Mario tiddies
>Totally devoid of imagination
You can't be any less imaginative than New Super Mario Bros. Nothing will EVER be as stale as that subseries.
You also have to understand: The entire game DOESN'T TAKE PLACE IN THAT AREA. You're judging a book by its cover for fuck's sake. You're ignoring all these new NPC species and instead focus on the realistic humans and whine and doomsay. Pic related
I have seen nothing but praise for Punch out.
I unironically like this.