Looking for a discord where people actually play games?
Looking for a discord where people actually play games?
probably only plays flavor of the month garbage.
You are the wittiest cunt in the particular basement you inhabit, no doubt littered with dorito bags and empty mountain dew code red bottles. You have a crush on your own mother and were caught lookin at furry porn in the library of the middle school you attend...
Probly nailed it.
>8ch discord
your website is so dead that you have to shill it here
your website is so dead that you have to shill it here
Go back to discord you fucking subhuman chink.
you know the drill
in that order
Nobody here actually goes on 8chn, the board link is a fucking old as meme.
>shilling cripplechan
Im so sorry that Sup Forums is the only thing left of you guys
Global Rule 7. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
Hey guys I found a picture of OP.
She's my little princess
Global Rule 11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
Holy shit that's thick. Source?
It's from the head admin and someone else's mother.
This thread is now a PVC meme thread.
best pvc girl
Is she a girl(male)?
ofc not