What should I upgrade next Sup Forums? My budget is $300

What should I upgrade next Sup Forums? My budget is $300

I was thinking of getting another RX480 or should I get a new CPU?

And no, these aren't idle temps.

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I would get a new CPU and a SSD. Wait for Ryzen tho, even if you are going to get an Intel, with Ryzen Intel can drop their processor prices.

SLI/Crossfire is garbage, and would probably be bottlenecked by your CPU. AMD is coming out with their new line of CPUs in a month, it might be worth seeing what they offer.

Why a new SSD? How would that improve performance?

That CPU is probably already a bottleneck on some games. Seriously get after burner and watch it. If you want something else, go for an SSD

>getting another 480 when the one you've got is already cucked by the current cpu

sure it will help more than anything else but you need to get a 8xxx cpu in their to make it worth your while.

or just sell mobo/cpu and buy used intel Z97 series chipset and haslel.


I want to build a PC but I have no idea where to start, I want it for elite dangerous. Can some anons point me in a direction, starting from noting


Let me spoon feed you

"I hear a lot about SSDs, but how much of a performance difference do they really make for gaming?
It depends what you mean by 'performance.' If you're having framerate issues, a solid state drive isn't what you need. Your GPU is is the key component there, and upgrading to an SSD will not make a difference. The point of installing games on an SSD is the drastic reduction in load times, which occurs because the data transfer speed of SSDs (over 400 MB/s) is significantly higher than that of HDDs, which generally deliver under 170 MB/s."

This guy has a load of bloatware but it proves the point more. You won't get more FPS in games or anything it just makes general usage far more pleasant.

Well shit, that would probably help a lot with the long ass load times I experience in Rust.

I know a CPU would be better, but I also like a second GPU for the additional mining power.

What's the best CPU for around $250 that's out right now? I need to get it by the 28th, can't wait until next month.

its still shit i have ur rig basically but on SSD. Rust is poorly constructed

>mining power

you wot m8? what year do you think this is???

You're running your shit off of a faggot-tier 1TB HDD and you're seriously asking what you should upgrade/considering fucking crossfiring before getting at the very least a small SSD to load your OS and a few choice games onto? You fucking suck at this dude.

Got a new job so I'll probably upgrade my gpu next gen. Other than that, I'm set for a long time.

The i5 7600k is currently $240

mining ether on my single GPU nets me about $50 a month from mined Ether. with maybe a $10 increase in electricity.

Really good stuff, especially if you're NEET and don't pay bills.

Ryzen is a month away, just wait and see what they offer. RX 480 is fine for what you play currently I am assuming. What resolution do you play at? I own a custom PC business so I know what I am talking about.

mostly everything at 1080p. Would like to play at 4k one day though so I figured dual RX 480s would be enough.

New laptop, runs everything really well.

>inb4 Dell

It was a great price for what I got. The RAM is actually 2400mhz.

what are your temps when pushing your gpu

Not QUITE sure, but they don't go too high I'm assuming because laptop doesn't heat up a lot.

>a gpu that is barely ideal for 1080p
>4k screen on laptop

well at least your screen is small enough you can play in 1080p and just run 2x/4x msaa or something. i'm sure the screen looks amazing.

then again it cost you well over a grand with those specs.

desktop 1050 Ti rarely goes over 65c and the laptop version is supposed to be just as powerful, you guys do the math.

I got it because the 1080p version was trash and I like having 4k for when I'm doing work for school and design stuff.

tfw fell for the 1060 3gb meme

SLI/Crossfire are on their way out; very few people are supporting it at game releases now and those who do give minor increases and sometimes minor decreases in performance.

Do not fall for this meme, I did and I've found my self having to disable SLI more than enable these days.

this is bullshit lies that Sup Forums spreads all the time because hivemind and nobody ever actually backs it up.

I've got a laptop with 1060 3gb. It maxes most games at 1080p with the exception of Witcher 3 and ark which I have to go down to high.

It's still a great budget card u imagine the desktop evenmoreso

I was under the impression that laptops got extremely hot regardless just based off the form factor.

I have an acer nitro with intel 4720HQ and 960m and trying to play the For Honor beta, my cpu hits 80-85 and gpu 85-90+ even though my laptop can play it at 60+fps on medium. Even when I turned it to the lowest settings it was that hot. Some other new AAA games have manageable temps so I don't know what it is. I've seen a lot of people say it was normal for laptops.

I'm not from Sup Forums retard; I'm someone with SLI who regrets the purchase for a legitimate reason. No one fucking utilizes it properly outside of tech demos and for the same price I could have just bought a single powerful GPU.

My bad, I thought you were talking about 65c on laptop.

Try playing your most intensive game and pushing it but to the point you still hit 60fps at least and check your temps.

some of us run multi gpu's because there are no more powerful single gpu's, or it's not cost effective to buy a single gpu that has less performance than the two you've already got.

so you gonna tell me what games you play that you get no performance gain with two gpu's?

you probably play in 1080p don't you?

>1060 3gb meme

why is it a meme? got myself a gtx 1050ti, for 1080p @60fps it's very good

Your CPU is overall fine for 60hz gaming

but ya you'll want an RX 480 for now, then upgrade to ryzen , driver optimization has put it on par with the 1060, and then you save money with free-sync, get a bit more VRAM, and get better DX12/Vulkan scaling



Cheapest decent 8GB 480

Probably the best RX 480 to buy, get this one if you want to play with overclocking, it's really easy to do so with Sapphire Trixx


You were supposed to buy a 4gb 480, the 3gb card will most likely start hitting VRAM limitations in the next year or so, can always turn down textures of course

You were supposed to buy a 4gb 470 for sure, anywhere from 20-40% faster for not much more money

eh i wish i'd waited a year to buy mine

>some of us run multi gpu's because there are no more powerful single gpu's
So, what, you're SLIing 1080's for 4k 144fps on skyrim?
>resolution having anything to do with developers barely utilizing SLI and often times not bothering with it so players have to niggerrig up their own profiles
Next you're going to tell me SLI doubles your vram shitboy. And try playing some modern games with a program for monitoring GPU usage, SLI is becoming redundant and for every one game it works in 5~ it wont or causes more problems than it's worth.

Yeah, I barely get above 62/63 it seems.

same mothafuckin boat buddy What're your temps on AAA "current gen" games?

got a friend who knows about computers to help me with this build, did I get scammed? it was kind of expensive

I'm getting barely above 62.

I just got the newest version of the Inspiron 15 7000 if that's what you got. It looks like it.

Retards the lot of you

1070 SLI, poor scaling in most games, not much faster than a 1080 overall

480 crossfire, same deal, bit easier to recommend though due to cost, since 2 480s are less than a single 1070, and if you get 2 of them to 1400mhz you got a pretty good set up

is that even real?

You lie

what game and what settings?

Steady 90ºC under load, but it is overclocked.

Yes, it is a Inspiron. I bought it mainly for college but being able to play games on it is nice.

Doom on Ultra at 1080p.


I forgot to mention, I replaced the factory thermal paste with arctic silver.

What for? Nioh isn't coming to PC, neither is Yakuza or Project Diva. Literally the only three games that matter SO FAR.

I'd buy a fire extinguisher

>tempuratures over 70C


Damn. You're okay with that? I read in some places that laptops are supposedly built with parts to withstand it but I don't buy it. I feel like I can't fully utilize my components because of the temps.

Did you check temps under load before that? I might have to do that as well. If you have the same laptop as the other guy and have that drastically different temps then that's crazy.

what am i looking at here?
6fans attached to a heat sink?
and still getting 90C ?

where the fuck do you live? inside a furnace?


is the 1060 (6gb) a meme?

Yes, most laptops are designed to throttle when it reaches the magic 100ºC temperature. If it is under 100ºC you're golden. Nothing to worry about.



To add to this, some laptops have custom drivers for their CPU/GPU/iGPU to minimize heat and battery usage and they do this by raping performance. Get official drivers if you're still using the original installation of Windows your laptop came wtih.


Wait for Ryzen and get the 480.

still waiting for those games you play that don't work with sli.

you'll run into the power limit long before you overheat a 1050 ti. if it had an optional 6 pin it would be an overclocking beast, but that would infringe on the 1060 Limited Cores Edition.

Sell 480 and CPU, buy i5 + 1060.

I'm not the most computer saavy guy but doesn't it say he is only hitting 73c at 100%? I can hit mid 80s at 30%.




When will they learn?

>1070 sli
how can you be so dense?

>i5 poorfag
>le tiny SSD + slow HD combo poorfag
0/10 (You)

it doesn't matter since he was using a stress test and not a real life application. Also keep in mind the CPU and GPU share cooling, making the CPU in the test throttle.

but i think its pretty good pc

right guys?

No. i7 7700k, 1 TB SSD, and SeaSonic Platinum PSU or GTFO

lol no thanks
im just playing runescape and DOOM

So playing games at 85-90+ on cpu and gpu isn't a problem at all? It won't kill components faster either?

>falling for the i7 meme

why does Sup Forums like this literal who brand?

>being poor

whats wrong with evga PSUs?
serious question
what PSU brands would you suggest?

In less than 30 days AMD will have a 6 core 12 Thread chip for the same price as that i5

look up reviews, but nothing wrong with evga. personally I have an RM850i and it's great.

> t. Tech illiterate newfag

You're retarded user, your i5 isn't enough for 144hz gaming in most games, gotta have an i7 minimum

you also don't need 2 1070s for either of your monitors, further retardation, you clearly have more money than sense.

I still have an old laptop (2012 i think) with a gtx 655m that's running games in 97ºC temp since the day I took it out of the box and it is still running strong. So no, it is not a problem.

I doubt your laptop will die anytime soon due to high temperatures, maybe in 2020 if you are unlucky

>your i5 isn't enough for 144hz

You are a fucking idiot.

Well shit, how can it withstand so much? People freak out over 65+ on desktop PCs.

Look at the i7 7700K HT 0 results, since that is where an i5 would be

BF1 is about the only game here where it hits near 144fps


I can assure you, I get more than 144 fps in all my games.

Your minimum/1% & .1% fps will be worse with an i5 compared to an i7, RAM speed also matters in some games, and you have fairly slow DDR4 RAM

are you trying to sell this guy on an i7 for gaming? if so you're an idiot, gamers don't need i7s.

Massdrop has sapphire nitro+ 8gb 480s for dirt cheap if youre looking to crossfire your 480

This is something I don't have an answer for but I think in laptops you trade performance for higher operating temperatures

144hz gaming is better with an i7, or better yet True 8 core

for 60hz gaming in most games a pentium G4560 is enough

I really hope you're right. I basically said forget about new games because of the issue. I could actually get Forza 6 Apex on ultra at 60fps somehow even though a 970ti is recommended. But yea, temp is really high.

I stopped playing For Honor Beta because of it too. R6 Siege and Division ran really fucking well though.

Memes are the best guys