Who is your favorite traitor in video game history?

Who is your favorite traitor in video game history?

The lady president in Vanquish that's a 1 to 1 of Hillary Clinton

Solo-Wing Pixy.

This thread's about to be deleted and off topic but here's my unironic answer

Shareblue please...


>wrong flag

He's not a traitor, he's a patriot. He's just old and has frontal lobe dementia so he can't control what he says and has a low attention span so his understanding of world affairs is very basic and rudimentary. He's not a bad person, he's just for a lack of a better word, unintelligent, and it's like putting a child with the best of intentions in charge of the country.




>"Trump is a Russian plant!"
>tells russia to fuck off and that he wont lift sanctions until they stop being so aggressive
>"Trump is a jewish cocksucker!"
>tells israel to stop fucking antagonizing palestine

Detractors never get tired of losing, do they?

the free world is in the hands of a nazi! literally hitler 2.0!

The people are still clinging to their ridiculous american values when the soviet reds already developed a perfect society. Sad!

>sells $300 mil weaponry to Saudis
>bans only Saudis enemies from travel
>agrees to Saudi controlled safe zones for rebels in Syria

He's a Saudi puppet, just like Hillary. Murica got played hard.

Better be friends with Russia than the saudis or china.

Jowy did nothing wrong.

Not really, they're at best equal

>tells israel to stop fucking antagonizing palestine
>things that never happened

What are some games where I can hack everything?

You're a fucking fool.

Russia was one of the first to fight off the globalist shackles. Finally other countries are starting to follow suite.

Except it literally did.

Moot when he betrayed us to SJW

Fuck off Sup Forums, Russia is a gas station mafiocracy

>the country that has open borders with several countries and bans nationalism is anti-globalist

wew lad

>Posts like a redditor
>Is actually a redditor
Big surprise

>cali is an incestuous pool of trust fund kiddos

There is literally nothing wrong with wanting better US-Russia relations.


The "Deleter" from Other M solely because of how fucking retarded it is.

>Hillary was ready to go to war with Russia
>Trump stops WWIII from happening
>get called a traitor

Okay, what happened now?

I saw you delete the porn thread, mod. Clean this shit up too.

Slavs are nigger tier.

I wouldn't know what reddit posts look like.
Why would you?

I don't get it why Americans think friendship with Russia is a bad thing, is cold war still a thing or what?

Then why is he trying to start a war with Russian ally Iran?

>Sup Forums
>calling other people a redditor

Oh please Russia has an economy smaller than Italy, they couldn't fight Poland much less WWIII

>no u
Not an argument, refutation or justification.
Kill yourself

These are the same people who think Russia will destroy Islam when people have gone to jail there for decades for islamophobia. Why waste the energy?

>if you don't let the russians annex any country they want you'll start another cold war, just make friends with them lmao

Uh, thousands of ICBMs?

you would have a point if they didnt just take part of ukraine


>Oh please North Korea has an economy smaller than Rhode Island, they couldn't fight Liberia much less WWIII

this, not sure why people like are such cowardly pussies

And that's a bad thing because...?

Google missile defence wall. What's with the new right and bending over to Russia over everything?

because their globalist GOP and Democratic party overlords have brainwashed them to, in order to give themselves the political capital necessary to continue their campaign of American/NATO/Israel economic and military hegemony

>muh Crimea
>please ignore the referendum where 97% of Crimeans voted to be incorporated into Russia, pls

Back to 8gag, legionfag. You said you weren't coming back.

And they haven't for 60 years, what's your point

A place of zero political, trade or security use or relationship with the US
Wow, nice points to justify a baseless argument there guys!

>dude national sovereignty is paramount
>except when Russia violates it


>We will be very very upset with you. And we will write you a letter telling you how upser we are!

Big different between outright invading/annexing another country and citizens of your nation assisting rebels establish their independence. If Russia actually attacked Ukraine like you MSM shills said they did there wouldn't be anyone left alive in that region.

What you said was hardly an argument either

but when you can't argue back may as well resort to calling everyone a redditor, cuck and a CTR shill since that's all you guys can come up with

you need to go back to the donald

ISIS =/= Islam

Crimea and the Donbass both want to be annexed. the controversy is 100% pure politics and purposeful digging in of the heels on both sides to justify sanctions and proxy war.

btw, you have it wrong. it's not that I want to avoid STARTING a cold war, I want to bring and end to the cold war that is currently in progress already between the USA and Russia

Oh, I see. When I googled it, it said Russia's thousands of ICBMs were of no threat to the world.

Errr. This is exactly right. NK could not ever sustain a WW3. Are you special needs?

Countries take countries all the time. Vae victis, right? I mean I think Ukraine should be independent from Russia if they want to be, but I'm not going to be outraged over Russia doing what every nation has done since the dawning of time.

i wish hiro would sell me control of Sup Forums for $50k




Sup Forums SHIT

Or maybe Russia isn't as powerful as you RT shills believe

See: ISIS kicking ass despite Russia directly assisting Assad

Turn the clock back to 2008. Russia always uses muh persecuted Russian minority to springboard their land grabs.

And "ur reddit" is?

white supremacists =/= Nationalism

Once again, an actual no u that elaborates on nothing.
You're fucking pathetic

>falseflag Sup Forumsshit thread

I agree, but what is your point?

That ISIS = Islam.

Oh wow I guess we should just capitulate every time Russia wants something huh? Antagonizing China or Pakistan is cool though.

And how is calling other people a ledditor a proper argument?

What? No, nuke Russia. We have a missile defense wall. Obama was shit not to have.

>not CIA trained and funded guerilla fighters disguised as religious fundamentals

Ebin absolutely ebin. No cold war in Syria, no siree.

Who's the biggest threat to America presently? Russia, China, N. Korea, or other?

>tells russia to fuck off
Is that why he does literally everything they want

desu senpai modern day politics have much more interesting stories than any video game ever could hope to have. There's a reason why every discussion these days turns to geopolitical matters. People would rather talk about the things that matter rather than burying their head in the sand with video games.

>ISIS kicking ass
Isis have lost 2/3 of their territory already

White Nationalists.

Nice try but those 'le saviour of the white race' memes speak for themselves. They also speak to how little people now about Russia and their demographics.

Donald Drumpf.

The rich.

Russia because they currently control the executive branch

otherwise China because they have a real economy and military

>There are people that are actually this fucking retarded

>does literally everything they want
>except lifting sanctions

wut? not all Muslims sympathize with ISIS.

I'm just saying, Putin doesn't want to end Islam, but he does want to end ISIS

Like continuing to block their drilling projects? I'm sure they love that.

Fuck off Sup Forums.



We do have a missile defence wall you dunce. We don't have one with either Pakistan or China but apparently it's more preferable to attack them then our old pal Putin according to Trump.

So, rich Russian white nationalist leftists?

>can't come up with an excuse
>better call them retarded

Nice argument friendo, you sure got me :^)

>i get my news from facebook and keith olbermann

>"""""real""""" military
Their air force and navy are complete dog shit. You can't win a modern war without a good airforce. Yeah they've got a lot of troops but that doesn't mean jack shit if they don't have the intel and logistics to move them around.


If Obama had nuked Russia, Trump wouldn't have won thanks to their hacking, shit face.

Like letting them do whatever they want in the Ukraine.

>he gets his news from Breitbart, Infowars, and Sup Forums

>Donbass citizens wanted it
>Crimean citizens wanted it
>your only argument against itself is that Russia ALSO wanted it, and that therefore recognizing the right of the people of the Donbass and the Crimean peninsula to national self-determination is "capitulation"

I see these issues only in the terms of the tangible benefits that they provide me as an American citizen. sanctions against Russia and diplomatic gridlock in the Syrian conflict benefit me zero and actually make it so that my tax dollars go to resettling refugees from the Middle East and towards arming head chopping wahhabi psychopaths fighting against Assad. that's actively hurting me. can you name a reason why I shouldn't want to recognize the referendum in Crimea? or do you only run on anti Russia memes?