How accurate is this?

How accurate is this?

I enjoyed Pirate's Curse, but everything else is spot on.

who the hell took 1 hour of his life to to this false flag

Gravity Rush 2 should be on there

You just had this discussion.

Actually someone made an even bigger and more autistic bait version of this image and I just shortened it to do the issue of "waifufaggotry is more important than anything else in a videogame" more accurately.

You can't tell me you actually like any of the games on the list for any reason other than the waifus, right?

>Odin's Sphere

You underestimate how genuinely autistic the "ironic anti-anime" crowd is on Sup Forums. Most of them are underage and desperate for attention.

>Atelier Totori
>bad game

most of this shit can be blamed on /jp/ leaking

Are some people really that butthurt over Bombergirl?

I like Atelier for the alchemy. I can't deny that I also like the cute girls, but I would still be interested in the game if you played as a old wizard doing alchemy and shit in his mighty wizard tower.

all 14 year olds with inflated egos and non-stop hardons

thanks OP for helping mods get these underage b&

i could probably make something similar in 15 20 minutes user.

Probably anons that don't have anything to do on weekend


Senran isn't great, but it it is by no means bad.
Atelier is a solid and unique JRPG series.
I'm assuming the Shantae image is referring to one of the news ones specifically. I've only played the first but it was definitely a good game.
Neptunia is... actually kinda bad. It should be on that list.

Haven't played the rest, but I can't imagine they're all that bad if they're on this list considering what I've played so far.

Bombergirl is fine inherently because Bomberman is still a good game at its core.

None of these games are good games at their core.

I'm being 100% serious when I say that I had more fun with Shantae than I did with Shovel Knight. I've been yearning for a classic Mega Man-esque game and I would say Pirate's Curse scratched that itch better than Shovel Knight did.

The only reason people like these games is because they are normies that want to look like they have non-mainstream interests.

" I hate call of duty.. im not a normie i swear...look im playing atelier"

You forgot VA-11-HA11-A

To be fair who doesn't want to bully lewd hometown in the stinky?

Aside from the obvious eye-candy I genuinely like the DoAX3 volley-ball.

Thanks for the excuse to post Totori.

I wish this level of desperate, pathetic attention seeking was met with an automatic ban. You aren't even trying.

Shadowverse is a lot less shit than Hearthstone and there are male characters too.

Only played Pirate's Curse but it was pretty it had great music and it played well

Wakfu has a lot more to offer than waifus...

The Atelier series offer a pretty original concept but once you've played one you've played them all.

The other 4 are pure garbage and I agree, but making this picture was pretty autistic of you.

I find it more flattering that people think Shantae is popular enough to be included in b8 like this than anything else.

You have no idea.
There are people on Sup Forums who get immensely triggered by anime aesthetics.

shut the fuck up you pathetic faggot

True for these awful Nep games

But I like Shantae but she is nowhere close to my top 10 hottest vidya game girls, maybe not even 25. And yeah Metroid is better obviously.

The Atelier series are legitimately good turn based JRPGs with a challenging crafting and time management system.

OP picture creator has never played it.

Shantae is alright if you're a big metroidvania fag. I mean its nothing special but its above average.

I like to think those people are being "lol ironic XD" There is no way people are triggered by anime.

no u

weebs are the weakest race

>x is cute! CUTE!

Odin's Sphere and Shadowverse are actually good games but I agree that the rest of those games are shit.

It's completely on par with many indie metroidvanias, if not worse.

>There is no way people are triggered by anime.

Sadly, you are wrong.

I played the Arland series and certainly some of my favorite RPGs, I heard they took the time limit out for the later games though.

Shadowverse, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, and Odin Sphere Leifthreser are genuinely great games

>time management system
>good game


>Odin Sphere
The fuck?

Oh my. You've convinced me to stop enjoying what I enjoy with your thoughtful and well-articulated argument.

Kill yourself.

Odin Sphere is a legit great game, eat shit.

Weebverse's nice too I guess

>There is no way people are triggered by anime.
You'd be surprised. I've actually met people like this in real life.

I don't need your ass to reply to bait for me.

My opinion with Shantae is the same opinion I have with Skullgirls. Came for the waifus, stayed for a pretty entertaining game.

>Odin's Sphere
Holy shit, end yourself right now. No, seriously, fucking die.

Post the original not your nerd edit.

How mad do you have to be to make something like this?

every one who play those games acknowledge they are bad but they have their charm
shantae is not bad fuck you

Skullgirls gameplay is fucking trash tho.

how do i bypass this on my iphone?

Shantae is not a metroidvania, it's just an platformer.
They pretend to be one with a wierd "backtracking to make the story progress" system; it doesn't really serve any purpose and could just disappear.

this desu. game is nothing but yurifag bait. they are pretty much twice as insufferable as waifufags that make up the bases for all the other games on the list.

Fucking retarded phoneposter.

It's honestly the only fighting game I've played aside from maybe Marvel vs Capcom. I've never really had any interest in playing them until recently.

Depends on which one you're playing. Latest ones are purely level-based with backtracking, the original was a full looping overworld with you gaining access to new areas after you get new powers.

See this one is the better bait. I love the inclusion of Skullgirls, va-11 hall-a, and Danganronpa since those have super autistic cult followings who will get easily triggered.

seriously how did this not get put on there. its fucking obnoxious waste of a post as well.

>danganronpa GR ragnarok FF Catherine witcher persona nier FE
holy shit i never seen an image that was so much cancer and so untrue holy crap thanks for the laugh user

please user. i just want to shitpost from my phone. can you help me?

Why was Overwatch removed from that list? It's the poster child of that argument.

Move away from Canada?

None of those match Atelier.

I'm not saying it doesn't apply to some of those trash games but literally every game ever on this board has at least one person saying that about a character.

try using opera vpn when shitposting


I think OP is actually serious with his version and is actually posting his shit taste.

>It's the poster child of that argument.

No it isn't. Just because people on Sup Forums spam SFM garbage doesn't mean the x00,000 people playing the game right now are.

Something like DoAX on the other hand..

More blatant anti-witcher shilling on behalf of bloodbornefags. The "You probably didn't even play on Death March" is a dead giveaway.

Get over it, Dark Souls 2k15 is just an inferior product that non-autists will never care about.

From the ones I've played, pretty accurate, only seen Wakfu anime though, but that was shit too.

Play Ys Origin instead

>majora's mask
>Dead Rising 1
>Bad games

original was more accurate, op just cant face the music

Nobody cares about the Wakfu MMO, the cartoon is the good part of the franchise.

I love how much Sup Forums goes up an arms about waifu bait being bad but then hates when SJWs talk about women being objectified in video games.

People don't like Overwatch because waifus, they like it because they have genuinely bad taste.

I'd say SG's is fine and Shantae's is trash personally.

Yes for everything other than Odin Sphere and Pirate's Curse those are legit great games.

>this thread
Helllooooooo reddit!

Nep rebirth is pretty good.
Original Nep was awful though.

>Senran Kagura
The main games for the 3DS is actually good, but fuck the versus games. Also SK threads are shit and should be ban.

how do you reach a state where you become paranoid that a group of people are out to get you by saying bad things about a video game you like

>Tfw you won't even main any of the girls in Skullgirls and think Big Band and Beowulf are more interesting characters aside from Peacock


I can kinda see it. VII was a legitimately good game, though.


The original was a good relaxing game to turn your brain off to. The second fucked up controlling the partner with a delay. Haven't played the third.

>Senran Kagura

They're okay games. Not amazing, but not buyer's remorse material.

>Atelier Totori, and the rest of the Arland Trilogy

These are really good games. The combat system leaves something to be desired, but the preparation for combat is pretty unique. Also, they're good at building a general feeling of progress.

>Odin Sphere.

God tier game. Great combat (just watch a gameplay video), great setting, great characters, great story. I've actually decided that I'm not so much a Vanillaware fanboy as I am an Odin Sphere fanboy.

I'm personally a big fan of Big Band, Beowulf, Squigly, and Cerebella. Ms. Fortune and Peacock are pretty fun, though.

>list of bad games
>puts a game that's not even out yet

Ok, that bait got me, you win.

I want to have a full time job playing devils advocate on Sup Forums

Not him but actually in a free market, one thing failing and another thing succeeding means more of that thing is made and less of the other thing gets made.

It's in a bloodborne fans best interest to shit on anything that isn't bloodborne and praising anything that is in exchange for more bloodborne, assuming what they're doing leads to less people buying other things and more people buying bloodborne.

But even then it's a sociopathic, egotistical, and extremely awful thing to do because the strength of any entertainment medium is the variety of different things within the medium. Still, because we're ruled by publishers who are ruled by consumers, it's the way things are.

It's not unrealistic in any way and the only reason you may be unaware of this phenomena is because the thing you like is the top-dog in a market. For example: Waifuism in anime.