This pisses me off...

This pisses me off. Infinite Warfare is an absolutely incredible multiplayer game and I so wish that COD continues to make games like that!

I do not want them to just do another WW2 game. WaW got boring online. The only thing that made me continue fully playing that back in the day was the Nazi Zombies. So I guess the Nazi Zombies will be one thing I will appreciate but still: I wish that they would not do a WW2 game and just continue with their path of Infinite Warfare which is truly incredible.

You telling me exploring multiple planets in COD style wasn't brilliant?

Other urls found in this thread:

FPS games are slowly dying, they just want to keep milking CoD for as long as possible.

>they just want to keep milking CoD for as long as possible.
I see, so what is the next step after they return to WW2 if that is their plan? Please don't tell me they are going to copy BF1 and do a WW1 game...

btw, Battlefield Hardline is one of my favorite online games. I loved the cops and robbers like setting, but of course: pleb gamers didn't appreciate it because it was "different".

It's ironic when people say COD does the same thing each year when that is not the case at all.

black ops
black ops 2
advanced warfare

are all visually identical

yes back to killing trumps nazis!

>historical setting meme

No, for the love of god no.

Fuck you I'm sick of this "future" setting which is just the modern setting with energy weapons, slightly different movement system and SO EPIK character weapons. A past setting would be great which you can't even deny considering that the best CoDs were the early ones, WaW, and BO1

>battlefield cops and robbers
out of all the worlds conflicts they choose the stupidest premise that goes completely against what fans buying a battlefield game would want

I'd like to see some new WW2 shooters, its been pretty stagnant and there has been very few noteworthy ones besides maybe RO2 after they were done to death back in the 6th gen.

do the spanish american war
or the 6 day war

Good. The last decent game in the franchise was BO1.

Fuck you Battlefield Hardline was nostalgic. Reminded me of Counter Strike with rescuing hostages

all cod games are shit and people who get nostalgic from the """old""" titles like mw2 are underagefags

>Trump becomes President
>Next COD game is set in WW2
It's like pottery

I will be looking forward to the Nazi Zombies and wonder if they will do some special feature to relate it to Trump.

You know what I'd love? A Nazi Zombie mode set in either modern day or in the 1980's (when the skinhead movement was strong).

>You against lots of Zombie skinheads as Neo Nazi rock music plays in the background
Would be fucking great

why would you want a ww2 game in this day and age
they'd make germans niggers and have you play a female soldier

no you're a fucking faggot

A different setting doesn't mean a different game. You relaize if they go back to WWII it's just going to be IW except no wallrunning? So basically a generic FPS game with the same 1 second ttk, killstreaks, mcirotransactions, zombie mode (Guys you can kill Nazi Zombies! Don't you kids miss WaW!) and all the other bullshit. "Old" CoD is dead because the series was ran into the ground. Anyone excited for this is absolutely fucking retarded.

>all cod games are shit

>people actually want more futureshit

Neck yourselves, I wanna shoot fucking nazis again without them being undead

The new style CoD has too much complex movements for a controller and more importantly for casuals. Where are WWII and Modern Warfare style CoD's are much easier to get into no matter who you are.

It only makes sense for them to admit that the sci-fi shit was a mistake and go back to what made people like the series in the first place. Besides, that shit is ridiculous on a controller.


day of infamy is okay, though i'd wait a while until it's out of beta

A real WW1 That only has weapons that got used.

I know a guy working on the new one.

Apparently they are really pushing for vehicle combat.

He says the way the game is done makes it almost impossible to make vehicle combat that's actually good though.

We'll see how that goes.

I think a campaign playing as the Wehrmacht or even Japan or Italy would be pretty cool.

Otherwise I'm not very interested in another Allies focused campaign. Maybe on the African front.

I just want Battlefield 1942 again. No, not fucking 1943.


Yes please, remove the mechanics and mobility that made CoD not shit. we don't need those because reasons.

>Infinite Warfare is an absolutely incredible multiplayer game

Pic related had the best campaigns and it still is THE BEST CoD game
You can't prove me wrong

Call of Duty shouldn't be trying to compete with Titanfall. It was a neat gimmick in one game but they don't have fluid enough movement like titanfall to have wall running and the double jump. It feels tacked on in Call of Duty. Because it is tacked on.

>I do not want them to just do another WW2 game.

The AAA WW2 market switched to the Modern/Future. I miss WW2 games. I always liked them. I LOVED World at War. I didn't want everyone to attempt to re create the success of Modern Warfare. But thats what happened. This did lead to me discovering more indie gems and low budget World War 2 games that I loved. But I miss big budget World War II AAA FPS.

With the relatively positive reaction from critics with Battlefield 1 I think Activision will do the safe business thing (like they always do) and switch to a less modern setting.

I predict Vietnam. But I want World War 2.

>Infinite Warfare is an absolutely incredible multiplayer game and I so wish that COD continues to make games like that!
What the fuck are you talking about, this game was a massive peace of shit.

>You telling me exploring multiple planets in COD style wasn't brilliant?
Oh yeah, linear levels with different skyboxes, so fucking genius, I mean, this is a fucking revolution.

And let's not even begin with all the monetized parts because it's a fucking scam that NO ONE can defend, they even poluted the Modern Warfare Remaster.

Infinite Warfare was a massive piece of shit and it completely deserved to flop, kill yourself, autismo.

>Infinite Warfare is an absolutely incredible multiplayer game and I so wish that COD continues to make games like that!
Time to pack your stuff IW employee. Last good game you made was MW2, didn't want to be laid off? well then your team should've made good games.

are there any good games that are based on pre-WW1 american wars?

it gonna be the Korean war isn't it?

>The new style CoD has too much complex movements for a controller and more importantly for casuals
Oh yeah, wallrunning and a weak was fuck jetpack, wow, so complex.
I mean, everyone loved Titanfall 2, which is actually hard to master, but yeah, people find future CODs very hard, right?
Even though Black Ops 3 was praised and it was a less clunky IW, right?

Finest Hour was the best. It was my first Call of Duty. It blew me away. And it still does.

>not making a Korean War game

I just wanna mow down waves of commies.

t. fired Infinity Ward employee
You did a shitty job and made a completely generic and personality-less games about space F-35s and AK-47s that shoot lasers.
Get fucked.

>made CoD not shit
It didn't do anything at all.
It was still the same slow ass, low TTK, killstreak filled turd with one specific loadout that was clearly superior to all the others.

The only reasons people like WWII are
>it has fairly clear cut "good guys" and "bad guys," most wars are started for complex reasons like economy, land, food etc. so it's more difficult to moralize.
>America came off looking like heroes and had a booming post-war economy. Similar reasons for Russia since it obviously played a huge part in their history.
Because of this we'll never see any games in other wars unless it's a gimmick like Battlefield 1. The only exception is of course Vietnam which is the universal "morally ambiguous" war, so it ends up being as generic as WWII, just ofr different reasons.

Wrong Video

People didn't "appreciate it" because it's the equivalent of a game mode in other games packaged as a 60 dollar title.

We will never have a Vietnam theme CoD game, Vietnamese team would win every round, them farmers are way too OP.

>WW2 shooters used to be incredibly popular
>everyone wanted developers to move on to different time periods
>now modern/future shooters are incredibly popular
>everyone wants developers to go back to WW2

Gee I wonder what will happen next.

>We will never have a Vietnam theme CoD game
I mean, Black Ops had some levels set in Vietnam.

whats an expansion pack

>What is Rising Storm 2

That's not World at War mate

I played Modern Warfare 1 and 2 a lot but I can't see myself ever going back unless they get a new engine. The games just so feel so static and boring. If you played one, you played them all.

>Developers try space
>Everyone shows an autistic shit fit because space is lame or something stupid

Goddamn cod kiddies.

>Vietnam theme CoD game
>CoD game

What is reading?

yeah just what I want, another goddamn space marines game

I never wanted them to leave. It used to be that there were so many great WW2 shooters on the market that I didn't know what to get next.

I remember getting Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood and Call of Duty: Big Red One the same year.

Good fucking times.

>still no WWII vidya where you play as a member of the Wehrmacht or Imperial Japan.

>What is reading

You made the claim that the farmers would win every time. I'm pointing out that Rising Storm 2 exists, and the farmers don't win every time.

ww2 pretty much balances itself. you get bolt actions, semi-autos, smgs and mgs.

>American reading comprehension

That's because RS2 is fiction and not Canon.

You mean just like COD ;^)

vietnam war cod when? (not like blops duh)
korean war cod when?
ww2 cod when?
ww1 cod when?
civil war cod when?

>The only reasons people like WWII

I've always appreciated WW2 games for the sense of scale they try to impart.

Thousands of soldiers and tanks, naval battles, cities getting bombed to shit, all taking place on multiple continents.

When I play a modern shooter set in some Middle Eastern country, where I'm a U.S. soldier backed up by the entire navy and air force, and I'm shooting at some dude with an AK, I tend to stop giving a shit.

I don't get why there's so much CoD discussion on Sup Forums in the first place. It still has a low ttk and boring campaigns. I don't see the appeal at all beyond the first and maybe the 2nd games. And those haven't aged well. there's a million better shooters on the market and Sup Forums is stuck discussing the next CoD setting, for fuck's sake.

Kinda like Battlefield 1.kek

ITT: Underage and cancer

>all swastikas will be replaced with Iron Crosses so eurocucks dont get triggered

yes. there is a reason it resembles a ww2 game.


You mean this cross? Looks like templar shit desu.

You'd think someone would grow some balls. I know the media would shit on it for being alt right but they do that anyway. Might as well tell a new story in an interesting and tasteful way if you can't win in their eyes.. My favorite War related movie ever is Downfall. LFIJ is right up there too.

I'm personally convinced a big reason for futuristic CoDs being less popular is that since it's primarily played by casual players on consoles they can't hit a target with more mobility and their response was "FUTURE SHIT SUCKS GO BACK TO THE OLD SHIT WE WERE COMPLAINING ABOUT"

careful with that edge there guy


>I mean, everyone loved Titanfall 2

No they did not. The game got abandoned shortly after release.


Make future shooters with fun, arena shooter style weaponry. Everybody's played five FPSes, just make something fun.

That only happens in Germany.
I'm in Spain and Swastikas have never been censored.

>yfw it's Modern Warfare 4

Can we please have a German campaign this time where we can kill yanks and judeobolshevists?

Actually, WW2 is the most popular war for gaming because of the following:

>It's had a bunch of good movies made about it.
>There were a load of cool battles and units that everyone knows about.
>The technology and tactics can be easily slotted into shooter gameplay.

Americans consider themselves the good guys in Korea and Gulf War 1 too, but neither of those wars have the cultural recognition that WW2 does.

no lmao, you fucking lost
Losers get no awards.


>shooters move to the prehistoric period

Can anyone explain to me why Spark unlimited went from making a solid first person shooter to some of the worst games ever made?

but the only people here triggered are the american developers who will switch it

so not vietnam game then?

I'm sure it's going to be like that.

>not a Finnish campaign with dynamic snow drifts and skiing.

user we all lost, the only ones who truly won were the Jews

I can't prove you wrong. 4 is tied with it for my favorite though.

I know Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare were heavily marketed here, but is Activision already shilling their new game even though it hasn't been announced? Are we really going to be dealing with CoD marketing threads for the next 10 months?


Gas yourself kike

How do people like Nazi Zombies? It has to be the worst zombie game ever. The animations are stiff as fuck, shooting them is not satisfying at all either.

I had more fun playing Zombies in Halo 2 than CoD's own specially tailored mode for it. I've hated Nazi Zombies since the first fucking one.

If you want a decent zombie game go play Dead Island, Left 4 Dead series, State of Decay, Dying Light, zombies in CS literally any other horde shooter is better than CoD zombies. Fucking trash.

>Deus vult

This was the battle cry of the crusaders, right?

Are the knights in For Honor actually 11th century European crusaders, or is this writer just trying to stir shit?

America won the culture victory tho.

this this this

And the same ones who said that
will now say