For honor already confirmed a hit, even soulsfags like oroboro,lobosjr and peeve prefer for honor over nioh

For honor already confirmed a hit, even soulsfags like oroboro,lobosjr and peeve prefer for honor over nioh

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>oroboro,lobosjr and peeve
kys anytime

heard peacemaker got nerfed, how hard is it?

>A free event got lots of people!
No. Shit.


as of now she is still one of the strongest

Some user said the nerf isn't live now.

I love this game.

How long until people know to always be ready to guard on the left while fighting Wardens?

For what reason?

Too bad millions of those players are going to leave once the beta is over

They can fire off a super quick attack at anytime from that side regardless of guard position.

It's not very good

>mfw bought and enjoying nioh, love every soulsborne game, and have for honor preordered
feels good enjoying things

They can do that from either side as far as I know.

>own every souls game
>buying a PS4 soon (already got Bloodborne dirt cheap and I picked up the Old Hunters)
>Probs gonna buy Nioh ASAP
>pre-ordered For Honor too

its a good idea and good attempt but its just not fun imo

Yep, it's fucking dogshit.

It really isn't that good.

I've put in like 2 hours between the three betas and haven't came away impressed/convinced to buy it in any of them.

Am I the only one who was hyped up at the beginning but lost interest after playing the beta?

how do I join the open beta?

Fuck off, Micolash

I played the beta. Helped me reach the conclusion that it's a neat game not worth $60 and that it won't have anyone playing after two months so I won't buy it. Im pretty sure a lot of those 3m felt the same.

>future microtransactions will happen for sure and you all know it
>enviromental kills
>60 dollars

Game's trash.

>preordering games
I assume you are enjoying your premium accounts, cucks?

Go to store of choice.
Download free beta.

I enjoy it, but I'm bad at it. Normally that wouldn't stop me from buying a game I like, but that coupled with the iffy netcode (p2p on a game like this?) and the fact that I don't trust Ubisoft not to screw it up somehow is keeping me from pulling the trigger for now.

>For honor already confirmed a hit, even soulsfags like oroboro,lobosjr and peeve prefer for honor over nioh

No shit, boring streamers reliant on a single franchise like the game with pvp more?

Bleed isn't that bad in the modes that have powers that'll let you heal it off. The Conquest-clone mode will let you heal it off if they're doing hit and run.

But in Duels, it's completely bullshit. Yes.

Haven't preordered FoH nor do I plan to buy it ever, but I wish I had a Blacked account. Why is porn so fucking expensive?

>literally harder than any fighting game
>people fucking love it
>these same people complain that fighting games are too hard and that's why they are niche
I don't get it, someone explain this to me

>paying for porn

I actually kind of enjoy the game. Knowing nothing about it before this open beta, I am actually down for buying it, but it seems like EVERYONE ELSE hates it for some reason.

Besides the Peer2Peer stuff which I don't like, am I retarded for enjoying the game? It's kind of like a fighting game, where people constantly complain about "OP" stuff instead of getting good and getting around it.

>For Honor only needs Left-Stick, Right-Stick, X/Square and RT/RB, LT/R2,R1,L2
>Fighting games need Stick movement contortions along with L-HP/L-HK button combinations.

GEE, I DUNNO. Maybe the execution barrier and combo learning is what kills fighting games with folks?

>harder than any fighting game
Yeah maybe if you're playing divekick you goddamn mongoloid.
For Honor is piss easy if you aren't brain-dead.

4v4s need to be reworked. Other than that, it's pretty lit

But that's the easy part. The hard part is neutral game/footsies and that is 100% of For Honor

>3 million players
>all closed beta and open beta accounts
>used and unused
>probably includes forum accounts too
>hell all uplay accounts

these stupid advertisement only fool the stupidest of people

most people would rather say the game is shit than git gud, this why most competitive games (not mobas) are lower playerbase, even if they have high viewership - shitters cant hang

3 million for an open beta that's on every platform is kinda shit and just cause 3 million played the beta doesn't mean they are going to buy it.

> The hard part is neutral game/footsies

Smash L-HP/L-HK at a distance. Hard. Okay.

It's when you're playing other players and they're on the "LOL -1 FRAME ADVANTAGE TIME TO INFINITE YOU!" combo-level, that kills fighting games for folks.

For Honor doesn't have that. It doesn't have the execution barrier. Your "footsies" comment is about the only thing the two have in regards to being the same. And even that is loose because For Honor's "footsies" is the parry/defend mechanic.

Orochi may "go infinite" but that's harder to do in FH than traditional fighters.

The point I'm making is that people are meming themselves into thinking fighting games are harder than they really are, and then eat this shit up

Post emblem

How good are the PC controls for this shit? Really indecisive whether to use a controller or mouse+keyboard.

Very original user

You are definitely not alone.

It's being shilled hard here, man

The game will live for 4-5 months max

ive been playing the open beta. its fun as fuck. the only prob is the shitters rage quitting and connectivity issues

i ordered it for my ps4 pro. it looks fantastic


I'm glad they did a beta because I know not to buy it now.

What's wrong with Lobos? He seems pretty chill

I seriously can't see it doing well past a month or two.

to add, it would be better with a latin soundtrack like bloodborne, but oh well. i wonder whose idea that was, from's or japan studio's

How do you make this exact emblem? I just hit random. I want an emblem to trigger snowflakes.

it's only expensive if you buy it

i give it a month maximum till no one gives a shit anymore
It's just flavor of the moment


I'd use it but that one will probably get reported and banned by pussy faggots. The SS one is just two lightning bolts I doubt it'd get you banned.

Is there a way I can taunt other players?

I read you can hear your hero talk, how do I do this?

Isn't that pretty much every modern video game though?

>See one of his "_ Souls X only run" videos on youtube
>Click it
>Hes using a shield because "lol shields dont count ;))))"
Yeah nah

can someone try to make an isis one

well yes, I mean it won't retain any large audience such as csgo/assfaggots/etc

Use this one then

I mean it's good for a free beta, I can see how it might get boring but I'm enjoying it so far

>game is called for honor
>nobody has any honor and just gangs up on you then run away if their health gets low

goddamit, this game could've been good if it wasn't for the playerbase

git gud

Game will be dead after two months

Just play duel mode then.

The entire point of dominion is knowing when to move on a different point and when to hold your ground. In elimination you fail if you let a team member get ganked by your fleeing enemy or fail to kill your enemy in a 1v1, every class has an attack to catch someone who attempts to turn and flee. If you let them get away, it's your fault.

>The cancer that is 4v4
>p2p multiplayer
>Unbalanced Faction wars
>Bullshit ringouts
I too like to suck dick

>Come here and lose to me like a man!

Usually most honor codes don't factor backstabs. Usually it's unsaid that getting your pale ass poked is your own fault.

Besides, players have to give each other a wide birth unless they want to hit each other.

This guy from Sup Forums?

i played it, its unresponsive and clunky as fuck

they focused so much around the animations they made the game play like shit

i dueled a good peacemaker today, she wasnt one of those bitches that tries to stab you and run away that is in every server

A good peacemaker is hell, the mixups, the dodges, the speed, it was impossible to touch her, she fought like dancing around it was sincerely the best player i've seen in the beta i wasnt even mad of being destroyed because he was so good

Unless he has a nazi emblem, then no.

Best game out

What does it mean when a weapon glows blue? I get that orange means it's unblockable, but blue attacks don't seem to be any different from regular ones.

its a chain attack, it comes out faster than openers

>Harder then any fighting game
>What is Guilty Gear Xrd

People buy senran

>Game is called for honor
>Most viable way to win is to abuse every gimmick and thus fight without honor

I think I'm officially too old for videogames, or at least too casual. I was getting real fucking frustrated just playing with some friends who'd been on for a couple hours before me and knew some stuff. THEN we did a dominion match, and I ragequit.

It's definitely got a lot of depth but that's an issue for me, because I don't care enough to put the time and effort in to git gud like I did when I was a kid. A lot of really cool shit in the game, but oh well.

Do you remember his name? I might have dueled the same dude, got my shit kicked in so hard.

i dont, i noticed the skill of most people leveled up today, friday and thursday i was kicking ass all around, today i saw people using feints, moving in groups, etc

Were fighting "for honor" not with it fag


This is literally what I'm talking about.
In this game, you just pick whatever gimmick your class has (except if it's Warden since they don't have any abusive shit) and you win.

"For honor".

More like cunt's honor.

>except if it's Warden since they don't have any abusive shit

that guy was dumb, he put himself in that position and he could actually escape if the second guy didnt finish him

what are you abusing there? that raider was retarded spamming heavies

That shield bash can be escaped with a single dodge, that person is just a retard.

>(except if it's Warden since they don't have any abusive shit)
haha ok man

Fuck me, that looks like shit. I know it's a beta but it looks like just button mashing. Why should I play this over Chivalry DW? I mean both are shit don't get me wrong but what does this have over that?

Post more WEBMS

You shouldn't make impressions from watching a retard get trashed.

Nah, people are just retarded. I do literally the same thing as Warden against retards and they're stuck forever like that because they don't know how to doge.

You wanna do some 1v1s? There's a lot of bullshit in the game, it's easier to figure it out with a partner.

ID: Detapoint

you can only use that unblockable bash after connecting a heavy, the person in the webm could have dodged at any time, also its not very effective anyway peacekeeper in one of the classes with the lowest hp and conqueror run out of stamina before she died to another player

>That cheeky "Good Fight" at the end
Thats not nice user

I don't get why you're trying to force a flamewar between Souls, Nioh and For Honor fans when none of them play anything remotely like each other.

Feinting isn't strong enough to break parry meta.

Does buffing Attack modify damage or attack speed?

Alsom I want to hate the weebs, but Kensei is obscenely good

Need to master Warden next.

Worst shill I've seen here in a while, hope it dies out shortly after release. It's fucking atrociously bad. Go to