How to Spot a Fag Who Hasn't Played Resident Evil 7: The Official Sup Forums Guide

How to Spot a Fag Who Hasn't Played Resident Evil 7: The Official Sup Forums Guide

>claims it's an Outlast or Amnesia clone
>claims it plays like Condemned
>claims it ripped off Silent Hill 2's story
>claims it has "nothing at all" to do with the Resident Evil series
>claims it's "full" of "cheap jumpscares"
>claims it's a walking sim
>claims it is "completely linear"
>claims it has "zero replayability"
>claims that the VR doesn't change anything

What would you contribute to the guide?

low energy

RE7 is rather poor with replayability, but only because of unskippable cutscenes. Madhouse should have also been the default difficulty, at least in terms of content, not how much HP/strength everything has.

How to Spot an REVII Shill

>they make a thread about it
>they claim it's basically RE1/REmake in first-person
>they praise VR
>they change the subject to shit on previous games

Does madhouse add anything?

Remember to sage shill and bait threads.

Makes you need cassette tapes in order to save, and also switches up the location of items and enemies.

When he says he hasn't played it.


How to spot an meme-spouting retard who parrots words he doesn't understand.

All of that is unsubstantiated/opinions, meanwhile the claims in the OP are all factually incorrect about the game.

It makes it feel like a Resident Evil game instead of a spin-off.
There's a metric shiton of unlocks. What do you mean?

Yeah I picked Zoe because she is better looking

>an meme-spouting

How ironic.

>grammitical error
>post invalidated


Ah right the cassette thing. That is a nice touch. IMO the item thing should have been built into the game. Is it random every playthru or just moved for that difficulty?

It's ironic that you'd call me a parrot when that's all REVII fags do - parrot shills and make asses of themselves.

Ethan Must Die from the DLC is a smaller campaign where items in crates are random. Easy/Normal have preset locations of things, and Madhouse has its own preset.

And it's hilarious how you group everybody who likes a game, be they old or new fans, into a corporate boogeyman.
You should try playing it, user. It's nothing like Outlast like you seem to think.

>Ethan Must Die from the DLC is a smaller campaign where items in crates are random.
That might be neat.

I've played it. Not a fan.

>might be neat

DLC is fine if I dont plan on paying for it.

So because it's DLC it's just bad? What a bizarrely black and white world you live in.

>zero argument
>entirely ad hominem or tu quoque
Abhorrent shitpost cancer

You missed one
>still under the assumption its Uroboros

So what happens on second playthrough when you know the password to the LOSER door in the birthday room video/flashback/whatever?

Does the game let you solve it in the flashback if you know the word already or is the game trash and forces you to lose every time?

Well, Clancy is canonically dead, so I don't see what it would accomplish

So is the ending where you save Mia really the good ending?
I kind of wanted to pick Zoe since she is cuter, but Mia is his wife and all that.

I think it just doesn't accept it in the tape until you've seen the code. It was kind of a sloppy part overall.

Ah, so the game doesn't account for it and is trash.

Got it.

It's obviously cut content. The main game is short and has no bonus mode. People are so desperate to justify their purchase that they're claiming replays aren't a chore, despite the non-skippable cutscenes, lackluster enemies, dull opening, and absolutely terrible final boss.

Zoe calcifies right after you save her, so it's all for nothing except an additional boss battle with Mia

Oh that's lame.

Madhouse is a bonus mode in a sense.

All RE games are short, with the exception of that shitfest RE6.

you can just not watch the tape though, right
the actual puzzle you can just skip if you already know the password

I wanted to know if the game had a backup plan for knowing the password or if it's a trash game and just makes you go through the process anyway even though you are in control of the tape thing technically.

Not the first time a game has done that. It would be bad if the oversight existed on the first playthrough.

Yeah, you can skip the tape altogether.

Well technically Clancy isn't supposed to know so when the message comes up "It would be difficult without knowing the password" it kind of makes sense. Clancy just knows not to bother until he has the password.

Items are always random in crates.

Not really, no. It's a difficulty/arranged mode. That's fucking nothing compared to Battle Mode/Mercs/Raid Mode.

it doesn't make you go through the process, you can just exit the tape, the only point of it is to learn the password

see the last line of

Madhouse is RE1's Mountain Hiking. And while it's unfortunate it has to be DLC due to Capcom's jewry, it does have additional content aside from the main story.

No I mean, I wanted to know if the game has a plan for you to go to the LOSER door already knowing the password in the tape or if it was just trash and forced you to solve the tape normally, IF you decide to do the tape that is.

Was curious to know if they had a backup plan for it.

I haven't played any Resident Evil and I've never claimed any of that. Refine your list, fag.

RE1 didn't even have the arranged mode, you had to buy a new game for it (Director's Cut). There was only 4th Survivor in RE2 which is less of a bonus than Madhouse is for this game. I think it's fine, but that's just me.

>actually defending the most hated game in the series next to dead aim

these contrarian levels are radical

resident evil 7 was really fun to play. can't wait for the DLC with redfield.

grow the fuck up and quit being a conspiracy theorist.

Are they? Somehow I never noticed.

yeah, i still dont understand what you mean
if you accidentally enter the tape on your second playthrough you can just exit it whenever you want, so they did think of that
you aren't forced to solve the tape normally

I tried to skip with the password in the tape but you literally just cant interact with the Loser lock.

Well you don't die often in normal mode.

Settle down, autist.

I think I died like 12 times on Normal but still didn't notice.

>these two games from many years ago
Fuck off.

RE6 launched with Mercs and Agent Hunt, and Revelations 2 had Raid Mode, Little Miss, that Moira one, and various campaign modes.

it is pretty liner though, once you get out of the main building

To this day, I still do not understand why people chose to pick Mia.

Under all logic, Zoe was the only real choice.

lol, i bet you chose kenny faggot

Ethan wanted to protect his wife from the getgo, it was his only reason to even be at the plantation

>claims it's "full" of "cheap jumpscares"
>claims it has "zero replayability"
>claims that the VR doesn't change anything
But these are true and I have beat the game

man i'm playing it but I dunno if i'm just bad or If I'm just starting out and slowly getting used to the curve. I just keep dying to the monsters in the beginning.

While Ethan barely knew Zoe she had proven herself to at least be reliable enough to trust her information.

Meanwhile Mia:
>Lied to you about pretty much everything about her life.
>Obviously has moral ambiguity at best and at worst is outright malevolent in her own right since she is clearly working for an organization that is bent on making biological mass-death machines.
>Arguably the whole fucking reason why this even started as she could have provoked Eve herself and if not then the fact remains that she still did not do a good job as a parental guardian which was her job to begin with.
>Is infected to the point where she has shown desire to kill you.
>Despite the fact that it is literally life-dependant information still refuses to tell you what the fuck is going on.

says the person that thinks that everyone that likes a videogame is a corporate boogeyman LMAO

Not everyone, just a lot of them.

grand total of 14 jumpscares throughout the entire game. bravo.

Claim it's good.

Just saying, it's not anything new for the series. If you want more content then get the DLC or save your pennies.

>grand total of 14 jumpscares throughout the entire game
14 is a lot for a 4 hour game.

Obviously not in VR you haven't.

>not anything new
There's no excuse for this shit, Goldberg.

i beat it in 12 hours, so more like around 1 every hour if you average it out

first run took me 8 hours.
speedrun on easy mode took me 2 and a half hours.

4 hours is the speedrun time, you idiot. There's even a weapon you unlock.
You know, like the old games you haven't played.

VR isn't gonna make a shallow game have depth

The OP said VR changes the game, not make it deep. It does improve the game though, so thanks for confirming you didn't play in VR

Only beat it once and it was about 6 hours and that was with me leaving the game on for a while.

>You know, like the old games you haven't played.
I feel everyone that says that never played the older games themselves and only say that to fit in.

It took me 14 hours on my first playthrough.

You're right I didn't play it in VR and have no plan on ever playing it in VR, but I doubt VR is going to remove some flaws and make it better.

no shit, that's what Clancy did and your just doing what he did if you played the tape.
you can't change things that already happened

You know how noise-canceling surround sound headphones make horror games better? Well, headtracking also makes horror games better, and certainly this one. It's an aesthetic improvement, and the significance of that improvement depends on how important aesthetics are to you.

so how are the puzzles

Oh shit wow man I forgot its totally not a fucking video game or anything. What would I do without you?

i hate ladders in horror games ever since FEAR

Spot on

>I feel everyone that says that never played the older games themselves and only say that to fit in.
Not that guy, but RE1-3 are all the same length as this game. Hell, RE5 isn't that far off either.

people who know how to get through RE1-3 can beat it in a couple hours or less
they are honestly short games

Same. I kept expecting some shit to lunge at me as soon as I got to the top of a ladder.

nuh uh
ur re7 shill

I'm alt tabbed trying to distract myself because I'm too spooked to go up after reading about a dead kid being up there

Yeah, but even just going by first/blind playthroughs, their lengths are all pretty close.

I think the people complaining about not getting enough hours out of it just didn't care for the setting. If you got into it, it might just be an 8 hour or so game, but those 8 hours are really good.

RE 1-3 can be done within 2 hours or less if you know what you're doing, but my main issues was even when I didn't know what was I doing, and I was still able to beat 7 fairly quick.

going through blindly can be a bit difficult especially with all the puzzles and riddles within the game
granted they arent exactly hard but theres always those couple that can fuck someone over
I also hear there are more in the old games then in re7

What does steam mean by this?

Accept her gift, faggot

You just have to play the demo to understand that it IS actually like condemned.
There are a lot of creepy moments and jumpscares that look out of place from a RE game, ever.
like the mannequin: they face the wall, then you face away, and when you look at them again...BOOO,L SCARE! THEY LOOK AT YOU!
How does that fit into "biological hazard" of resident evil?
genuinely intersted. Not getting the game until it drops to 15 bucks, so that may take a while.

RE7 has:

>Item boxes
>Item management
>An entire arsenal of weapons
>A viral outbreak
>Heavy Umbrella involvement
>Rival company to Umbrella
>B-movie camp and quips
>The fine/caution/danger health system on the watch
>Classic Ithaca shotgun with classic obtaining method
>Simple yet satisfying puzzles, a mainstay
>Collectible door pieces/card keys
>Save rooms
>Dedicated save devices
>Hearty NG+ items

I have yet to see anybody tell me how any of this is NOT Resident Evil. Meanwhile, here are the flaws in the game:

>Too many unskippable cutscenes or scripted sequences that make subsequent playthroughs drag a bit
>Too many shitty jumpscares that become eye-rolling after the first time through
>Areas after the manor should have been a little bigger, with more nuance to them

And that's it. All in all, a solid 8/10. Certainly no lower than a 7, but with enough flaws to keep it from being a 9 or higher I feel. Hopefully Capcom learns from the mistakes they DID make here and they tweak the formula in RE8.

>Simple yet satisfying puzzles, a mainstay
how come no one mentions them?

The demo is really nothing like the rest of the game, so you can't go by that. For example, there is never another mannequin in the whole game than in the attic of the guest house that I can remember. The guest house itself feels very separate from all the other areas.

You should be very afraid.