What the hell Nintendo?

What the hell Nintendo?

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What the fuck is that

A picture of your average Sup Forumstard

A new game for Switch




That's genuinely fucking horrifying.



Does nintendo not realize that the average western woman has been indoctrinated to hate kids?

A picture of Nintendos new stillborn

Only the ones that came from their husband.


>Nintendo fans: "God, I wish that were me!"

Looks like a fleshlight


Is this how they try to increase birth rate in Japan?

Is Abe behind this shit or what?

Not as good as the physical version desu

it's hilarious how they have a white-ass woman in the ad n not some other race. what r they saying about this caucasian mix? maybe this white woman jus doesnt give a shit about her reputation
ever seen the movie called "the island" where a scientist creates humans to harvest their organs n the humans dont know it
this ad reminds me of that
the color in this ad contrasts all the white color in "the island"
they're pandering to ppl who want babies?
i feel like its part of a diabolical plot

Death Stranding port for Switch will have crying babies.

then why are children still being born?

i bet the director of the scene was like "common girl! gimme a smile! YEAH! that's it baby! smile baby! smile!"

what the fuck are you talking about? are you drunk?

i think u got it man
u hit the nail right on the head

no i was just wondering what mind control, "grab ur attention n make u do it" type of shit was going on in this ad n i think this user got it, he hit the fucking bullseye:
u dont think marketers try to research what ppl like n dont like to try to manipulate them with their ads with shit like color scheme, music, sound, dynamics, attitude, etc? its fucking mind control man

looks like nintendo beat the shit out of god, just to get a game that has a baby on it

This is what dystopia looks like.

[your head]

Abortion is considered "wrong"
People can't use a fucking a condom
People won't use the pill
Some dumb couples seem to think a kid will make their marriage better
Some women use a kid to lock a man down

I think I'm still missing one or two things, but you get the point, take your pick

why are white babies ugly and retarded looking?

my fist = mm >> uu

All babies are ugly

Go take care of your wife's son, at least he's not white.

ROFL another $50 system seller for the Nintendo """"gaming"""" system

seriously though, i am angry that there are Nintendies who defend this shit. This is the type of cancer that ruins industries and MUST be fought against.

Digital kids are different story. That's like having a cat.

It looks fun though


Holy fuck.

the baby is white

Are you having a seizure or something? Why are you typing like that? And what are you even talking about?

yeah i didnt comment on the baby tho. what if the baby was asian?

typing like what? cus i type shorthand? i type like that bcus its faster n easier. i'm talking about the attempts n possibly even successful attempts at mind manipulation by this ad

Is this a jojo reference?


Alessa had a hard life.

No wonder Jap men are just sticking to 2D. their women are so plain and featureless.

Not even Nintendrones would find this fun. This is completely stupid and I'd even argue that 1-2 switch is ruining the console's reputation.