When was the last time a game made you say "whoa"?

When was the last time a game made you say "whoa"?

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How a game so bad is so well received is beyond me.

Baldur's Gate
How could the backgrounds looks so solid yet the sprites looks like absolutely dog shit?
Then I tried other Infinity Engine games. Damn that's impressive contrast.

F-Zero X, 15 years ago


I was poorfag so Witcher 3 running for the first time in ultra did.
Videos really don't make games justice.

Call of duty
Advance warfare
Xbox One

I recently played BF1 and even on lowest settings that game looks amazing. DICE always made the best looking games, it's such a shame they only know how to make one single type of a game.



BF1, watching the rain wash all of the mud and grime off my gun. I don't think I've ever seen that happen in any game. Too bad that the game is utter trash.

>I am 12 the post
Just because it is the only thing you know, doesn't mean it s the best.

copy that

hate all u want


System Shock 1.

And I played it only like 5-6 months ago for my first time.

It might be XV-kun

The timetravel mechanic in Dishonored 2 threw me off. Great twist to 10/10 gameplay.

Crash Bandicoot

Mass Effect
Grand Theft Auto

How these mediocre games pass as "amazing" is beyond me.


Last Guardian.
The game was one big extended "whoa"

Kirby Planet Robobot.

It wasn't anything special gameplay-wise, but goddamn the overall presentation is fucking nice.

Mad Max is the best looking game out there right now still, period.

uncharted looks fucking god-like

FFXIV last month when I finally got into the Heavensward areas that allow for flight.

Underrated post.

Today, reinstalled Oblivion with the most advanced graphics mods there are today and god damn

October, Titanfall 2

NV with rebalance mods.

Half life 2


Metroplex punch Megatron


Did you say whoa because of how unfinished it is?

Space Engine. When the full VR support for this is finished and released to the public I'm not going to leave my room for a week.

as far as what released recently? Furi
one I played way too far after release? Eternal Darkness: SR.

What was there to woah at?

he realized how shit his taste was.

WoW way back when I was playing it around ~12.years of age.

It was my first real "game". I was impressed by the scale.