1st game is a masterpiece that may even sit in your top 5

>1st game is a masterpiece that may even sit in your top 5
>2nd is hot trash

What's her name Sup Forums?

Max Payne.

pic unrelated?

HM2 is the better game with the better soundtrack

Wrong Number isn't hot trash.

Never played these before and was thinking of fixing that; are you memeing or is this generally accepted as the truth?

viewtiful joe, black & white
maybe not hot trash, but they weren't as good as their predecessors for me

Killing Floor

It is definitely not accepted as the truth. Most people consider the 2nd Max Payne to be about as good as the first. If anything, the 3rd Max Payne is the meme game.

its pretty shit and graphics improvement is its only redeeming factor

i thought b&w2 was better in every way but the lack of a free play mode ruined it

I loved 2, asshole. Climax is the best level in the franchise by far.

dark souls
chrono trigger if you count cross as a squeal

The Sims

>2nd is hot trash
Holy shit nigger you're trash quit video games faggot cause you clearly don't know what's good

I'll admit 2 is not as good as 1, but no way is it "hot trash".

The cheap as fuck level design ruined the whole game, what are you talking about?

>better soundtrack
>soundtrack includes carpenter brut
>roller mobster is just fucking noise
>Dust is nowhere near as good as Miami

I fail to see how anyone could say HM2's soundtrack is better unless they're 12 and listen to wub wub garbage.

Climax is the third act, not a level you mongoloid.



how does that bulge even work?
where is the balls? where is the tip?

don't forget getting shot by enemies not even on screen

KF2 is good though. I am not a cuck who pays for early access so I bought it when it was actually released and the game is great.


I've never seen so much shit opinion in all my years here congratulations

>hot trash

haha nice bait


faggot pig

>people actually defending HM2
wew lads.

>i think game is shit
>here's why
>y-your opinion is just shit hahaha bait!

Just to be clear Reddit fucking loved HM2, so I don't know what is on about. Explain to me why HM2 is better than 1, and don't give me the dark souls "i-it's hard so that means it's good!"

It's always interesting to watch developers make a sequel but have no idea what made the first one so good so they just completely fuck it up.
You'd think they'd have SOME kind of idea why people liked it but apparently not.

haha nice bait

HM2 is really shit. The first one is amazing.

muh detective manny pardo XD GET A GRIPPPP

just ignore these newshits OP.
we already agreed HM2 was shit when it released.

half life

>1 was amazing when it came out (a little dated now but worth playing for its story)
>2 more of the same and a bit boribg for it.
>3 for some reason people here shit all over it. I loved it though the story and gameplay. I'm sad I can never play the last level for the first time again. Also the sound track is outstanding.

the balls are at the bottom, the dick is flaccid and pointed to her left

put me in the epic screenshot for this guys :)

I haven't played the second one yet but I have a hard time believing it's this bad. You're bullshitting

am I right reddit?

Death wish, not climax. my bad.

Also you're a mad faggot and should reevaluate your opinion identity

I'm sorry your standards are so low.

I'll bite.

What's wrong with CB? Roller Mobster is a pretty good track, and Le Perv is an even better one.

3 was fun, don't get me wrong. People wouldn't shit on it if Rockstar had just made it a new IP. It was called Max Payne 3 but it was just a Man on Fire rip-off that had nothing to do with the previous 2 games.

>>here's why
And you're wrong you fucking jackass.
The reality is the opposite of what you believe.

Devil May Cry

he's right.
>shitty jungle levels
>those rooms filled with giga niggers,windows and dogs that were just annoying instead of hard
>that fucked up camera and getting shot from enemies you can't even see
>2deep4me story that ends in shit
>no level editor in literally years if you bought on release

the only good thing that came out of it was the memes.

The game was so shit that the threads were just filled with
>Best Detective in the world Manny Pardo!
>Hey, are we gonna do it Sup Forums?
>Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds
>Gotta Get a Grip!!
>Show some fucking respect!
>I was born with thick skin.
and so on until they died and then a general was made and it died.

only good things about HM2 were the soundtrack and that it was longer.

Hmm. I'm still gonna buy it but I'll take this into consideration

>shitty jungle levels
Assault and Casualties are alright, Stronghold is shit though.

>these rooms filled with giga niggers, windows and dogs that were just annoying instead of hard
Dogs were pretty annoying, I didn't find windows annoying except in Takeover, niggers are alright.

>that fucked up camera and getting shot from enemies you can't even see
I agree on getting killed offscreen, but what do you mean by fucked up camera?

>2deep4me story that ends in shit
What was so deep about it? I agree though the ending is shit

>no level editor in literally years if you bought on release
Agreed on that.

Alright, faggots.

To be fair there's nothing wrong with the story almost, the graphics are better, they gave us a few more weapons to work with, and Evan and Richter were easily the best characters. However, Hotline Miami's main source of fun comes from the level design, and HM1's level design is fucking great, windows kept to a fair minimum, close quarters and cutthroat, and they almost always took place in small drug houses and apartments. It was great, but HM2's main and only problem is it's goddamn level design, glass houses, fucking annoying amount of fats, not to mentioned that they can be used as bullet sponges for the normal enemies who now have way more firearms than they did in the first game, stupid ass glass houses seriously what place just has glass an entire hallway of fucking glass windows? What office complex has a hallway with two rooms beside it covered with glass walls and furnished with nothing? Oh yeah, they tend to put enemies under trees where you can't fucking see them so they almost always get a cheap shot off of you if it's your first time, enemies with guns are almost exclusively assigned to the back of long hallways where you can't see them only until your ass gets filled with lead, not to mention the ones guarding the glass windows so they snipe you form across the level with out warning in an instant, dogs every fucking where, Beard won't just pick up a different gun, why? There is no fucking why just roll with it, he really likes his guns and the US army are on serious budget cuts, and GIANT FUCK YOU AND YOUR ATTACHMENT TO CHARACTERS NUKE.

>Roller Mobster is a pretty good track

That pile of dogshit in the form of vibrations? It has a quiet long ass fucking build-up that you'll hear a lot because Climax is easily the worst and cheapest level of them all, and then all of a sudden I just hear borderline harsh noise with some synth thrown in.

>1st game is decent
>2nd game is a masterpiece
>3rd game is made by a different dev and is garbage

>games are made by the same dev and they get progressively more and more shit

Surprised nobody mentioned alundra 2 yet


>Timeless graphics and artstyle
>Pacing is perfect, great level design
>Memorable OST, fit perfectly with the game
>Infinity replayable just on it's gameplay and levels alone


So boring I can't remember a single thing about it except that the music was p good, put it down after 3 missions

The only thing wrong with HM is the lack of masks and most of the soundtracks being shit.

I guess we'll have to disagree on Roller Mobster, personally I think it sounds great and can't understand how'd you think it's a pile of dogshit, but to each their own.

I agree with the issues you presented about the level design, though I prefer it to the one in first game simply because I feel like the first game's levels are really easy and short, Don't get me wrong, it is pretty bullshit in some parts, but I feel like the longer you play a level in the second game, it gets more fun. This come mostly from the fact that the levels in 2 require a lot of replays to learn the layout, as I see it. I feel like the levels in 1 get more boring with each repeated playthrough, while when I first played 2 I felt the same as you did, but with each playthrough I began to skew more towards playing 2. This isn't an excuse for most of flaws in the level design, though, this is just my own experience with the game, and I understand where you're coming through.

Which other tracks from the first game do you prefer to the second?

There are some songs from the first one I really like, for example Miami Disco and some of MOON and Scattle's songs, but there are far more songs from 2 I prefer, like Le Perv, Technoir, Future Club, Run, Acid Spit, Fahket and some others.


Final Fantasy I

mirror's edge is pretty good but i have to agree that catalyst was a mistake. the open world structure was a shit gimmick with story-specific upgrades barring exploration, and side-missions are rinse-and-repeat time trials without any real variety.

i don't even think some of the optional missions were tested. i played the same one upwards of thirty times and was absolutely positive i'd found the intended path but i was always one or two seconds too late.

also the story might have not been the focus of the first game, but rebooting a series with the second installment feels really cheap.

The biggest thing I really like about 2 is it's complex level editor and the WadExplorer that came out shortly after, people could make their own characters with the help of existing sprites, replace the soundtrack, and really make their own unique stories with nearly limitless results. However...

>people doing shit with the wadexplorer
>when the level editor gets it's full release people also start releasing the projects they've been working on
>oh boy, I wonder what people will come up with
>99.99% of them are about their snowflake OCs battling the 50 blessings
>they also use HM2's level design as gospel

Mass Effect


The Walking Dead

>people keep claiming 2 is better than 1

Where does this come from? 2 is certainly not as bad as 3 or 4, but I can't imagine it ever being better than 1 or even NV for that matter. The writing was honestly reaching gearbox levels of annoying pop culture references.

>had nothing to do with the previous 2 games

So you didn't play it? Or are you just parroting what other anons said during the launch of this game way back.

There was literal playable flashbacks to Original Max back in NYC that led up him being in Brazil

Maybe, the second one was more popular than the first one.

Drake Souls

Oh christ, this.

>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls 2

wrong, just because the first was superior doesn't make the sequel shit. stop being a faggot.


Holy shit yes. The only difference being everyting after just keeps getting worse.

I'm surprised that no one mentioned Xenosaga 2.

I could have skipped the game entirely because of how atrocious combat was.

Finished ME for the first time a few weeks ago and hot damn I loved it. Just finished Horizon in ME2 and everything about it is wrong.

What a terrible opinion.

holy shit do you not even have a dick?

When will people realize that Hotline Miami 1 is too easy of a game

When will people realize that Hotline Miami 2 is too poorly designed of a game

>>Dust is nowhere near as good as Miami

>le half life 2 is bad maymay

Mass Effect
inb4 nubioware apologists

I keep hearing this meme, but I never had this problem.

I think it`s because you guys forgot you can use shift to look down a long hallway.

This is like people complaining about Dark Souls artificial difficulty all over again.

Look before you run in carelessly, plebs.

>ywn get another jade empire

>The first game's levels are short
I hate to be that guy, but that's the fucking point. It's a blood rage. A coke binge. A rampage. It's short, frenetic, often clumsy. You have moments of extreme high energy and it all dies down immediately after you murder the last enemy. That energy level does not improve or increase the longer it takes to complete a level, it only festers and turns into frustration.

Say what you will about Hotline Miami 2, but anyone who says that the level design was better is out of their minds or being contrarian memesters

Hotline Miami 3 would be an entire game of mirrors and giant black dudes because Hotline Miami 2 was already meant as a fuck you to fans who asked for another game