What is your biggest fear about Breath of the Wild?

What is your biggest fear about Breath of the Wild?

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That Sup Forums will like it.

That the towns and dungeons suck. If those suck the game will be a complete failure. The big open world Nintendo has kept showing off is nice and all, but it must be secondary to more pertinent things for a Zelda title.

Repetitiveness due to open world design.

Kinda weird that I just said that despite Skyward Sword being THE most repetitive game of the franchise and being linear as fuck

that it'll be shit just like skyward sword and twilight princess

That the fucking Nintendrones will shit up the board for weeks with threads about this overhyped garbage.

Except there will be a much bigger number of threads shitting on it, like they are right now, from people that just want to stir shit up, but you won't be bothered because you agree.

It will be Phantom Pain 2.0

Empty world. I know, Zelda's always had an empty world, but it's the one thing they haven't tried to improve upon for the last 2 decades.

That with the "go anywhere in any order" design, dungeon design and puzzle design will be drained bone dry. Its going to be 90% slate physics puzzles, but that is also the entirety of fucking shrines.

Wii U version being the superior version

I don't mind the threads saying the game looks like shit because they're right.

Other than being boring by itself, if it's not very good AND the Zelda fans are in denial and won't allow you to discuss reasons why one can't enjoy it.

They tried with Skyward Sword but went full retard with the linearity.

Gamexplain spoiling as much as they can and shilling their videos everywhere before it releases.

*when emulated with cemu

You don't know Zelda fans then. They're never happy since 2002.

Any game that is not on Nintendo systems
"I don't like this"
"Woah what the fuck, fuck you for disliking it, it is literally perfect"
"Fuck you"

Nintendo game
"I don't like this"
"Woah what the fuck, fuck you for disliking it, it is literally perfect"


No hookshot

that it will sell well


I have the opposite fear to this.
I'm afraid the childish sonyponies will "invade" and shit up every Nintendo thread even more than usual.

this, especially because its the first time zelda is trying open-world

Zelda has areas more densely packed with unique shit than practically any other series.

There wont be a barefoot cutie like Ilia

Worst girl.

That it's the only game of worth on it for a while. I honestly don't care much about mario anymore, neither for splatoon, especially not with paid online. I guess something like monster hunter would make me feel like getting my money's worth. Hopefully MH5 will be on it, along side the 3ds

That it'll look like shit compared to the 2014 reveal and 2012 tech demo.

Oh wait.

Who is best?

By on it i mean on the switch of course

That it'll be too good. What will they do for the next Zelda if this one ends up being perfect?

No, they have collectables. I'm talking more about unique side quests and events scattered in between the cities and towns.

Someone will get the game early by some circumstance and then they'll rush straight to Ganon and take pictures and spread them to spoil the game for everyone else.

>That it'll look like shit compared to the 2014 reveal

fear theyve already shown off everything and im going to go in expecting more, never to see it

That it will be a long time before it runs fine on CEMU.

t. nintenyearold

Do we still get a map on the gamepad? I heard they stripped all gamepad features because of the Switch and it's just gonna be a cloned screen or something.

Just wanna know if I can let it stay dead and keep using the pro controller. The map and item select down there would be cool though.

It WILL be a long time before it runs well on Cemu.

no graphic sex scenes

“We realized that having something on the GamePad and looking back and forth between the TV screen and the GamePad actually disrupts the gameplay, and the concentration that the game player may be experiencing. You have your car’s GPS system on your dash. If you had it down in your lap, you’re going to get into an accident! Still, you can play the game entirely on the GamePad screen, if you like. Considering how vast the world is, it would keep you from monopolizing the TV.” — Eiji Aonuma

Pretty funny when you consider the reveal of the game mentions Star Fox Zero.

sounds like Bloodborne to me

Better Phantom Pain than Phantom Hourglass.

It's a false flag.

No tunic.

Yeah, but that was because you needed to fucking perform combat by looking at a different screen. I still have nothing against maps and menus on the pad. I would never charge the gamepad again if not for Mario Maker.

"I don't like Bloodborne"

this actually happened to me

>magic meter is shown to exist
>It's absent once again for the final build

I mean cool down timers are efficient enough but sometimes I wanna go full ham on something

That it will get repetitive like every other Zelda game.

But based on what we've seen that's really only a minor fear at this point.

I'm still in doubt whatever the black cloak will ever appear

that may have been the energy bar

You mean the invisibility cloak from ALTTP?

See, you are part of the shitposters lying about a game you never played.

This is also possible, I hadn't considered that.
But it didn't drain when he was paragliding.

The one he uses on look at 2:08

>“We realized that having something on the GamePad and looking back and forth between the TV screen and the GamePad actually disrupts the gameplay
>We realized the console gimmick's biggest problem and stopped trying to force it into games only when it became crucial to make two versions of a game exactly the same functionally when we pushed it to our ill-conceived console as well

It'll be gud.

Im worried that it might be more like Skyrim than it will be like Morrowind

no challenge
traversing the world not being interesting enough

Gotcha, given the emphasis of loot, I'd be surprised if it isn't in the game. Bonus points if it aid's in stealth where appropriate

what indication has there ever been that it would be anything like Morrowind

Is this bait or do you have a reason for saying something so stupid?

My biggest fear is no replay value. The whole "anything in any order" thing means yeah you'll want to replay it and maybe do a different route or change the weapons you used to beat certain parts. But what if it get's so stale (running around a huge open world even I know I'll get bored/annoyed of EVERY bokoblin camp) I just feel like I'll lose all interest. Like even if I replay it and do shit in a different order it's still the same stale world.
Hopefully, it's not too boring. I really want this Zelda to be amazing.

well it's not gonna be like morrowind because that is all based on the rpg systems
BoTW is an action game with extremely lite rpg elements
the comparison is idiotic

>no challenge

That's what I was afriad of, but seeing how a common enemy can deal 7 hearts has temporarily put that fear to rest

Name one game that does this.
seriously I need good games before I end it all

That it's not worth $400

Open world syndrome

I have a ton of fears but I would guess my biggest is that the open world will get really boring and samey.

Breath of the Wild is, in theory, what I've wanted from a 3D Zelda for years. However, if the world is empty and repetitive and the dungeons are too few and far between (seriously, only four?), then I don't see the point.

4 dungeons and over a hundred shrines. Shrines can be used for fast travel, as well as containing enemies and high value loot. Basically "mini-dungeons".

I don't like the sound of it, but hey, it's something.

>are you sure it'll come out next year?
>>of course!
5 years later...

Great mathematics, dude.


I have no fears. My expectations are as low as could be. I assume it's going to be complete ass. It's removed everything I like in a zelda game in favor of getting the skyrim audience and honestly it doesn't even feel like it got that right. Feels more like they took a sharp turn during production and thought going the survival/crafting genre route would be a better idea and ended up with this abomination.

That its going to be too easy. I hate that you can just open up the menu and spam heal/stamina items without repercussions. There's going to be zero tension during combat.