Thoughts on this masterpiece?

Thoughts on this masterpiece?

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l liked it a lot.
Second was ok.
Third was shit

Dino Crisis 2 still GOAT

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

I stopped playing because I didn't want to grind for junk.

my first fap



N I G G A .


It's a masterpiece.

PEII was garbage.
3B was an abortion but still pretty fun

If you ask me, there is only one Parasite Eve game.

So what happens if you get caught in the boat chase?

The game itself is pretty game, but fuck that final boss. Like 20 fucking phases ok maybe like 5 or something. Then the motherfucker is gonna chase your ass for an instakill, hope you didn't take the wrong turn or try to use the phone to save, or your ass is grass and you have to fight all those phases over, watching a multitude of unskippable cutscenes along the way.

It's got a nice soundtrack, but I didn't like the gameplay that much, also, Aya was slow as fuck.

Seeing her barefoot in the shower was amazing

>Be qt Aryan girl in murrika
>Have the gookiest name in the world

really made me think

Why did they throw away this game's combat system after it? It was wonderful

There was no shower scene in the first game you degenerate.

From the series itself? It was kinda recycled for Vagrant Story.

Post yfw the ultimate being starts flying in the last hallway

Because Resident Evil was popular

Played it for 3 hours. Got bored of it real quick

>turn based attacks but with real time movement

Doesn't this describe some of their Final Fantasy games?

I had fun with it, but my biggest issue with it was the enemy design being lackluster. Needed more enemies who shot shit for you to dodge.

Not really. The only one with free movement is 12 (not including the mmos), and since it doesn't work on a turn order (everyone can act in the same instant), the ATB-ish bar doesn't really make it turn based.

XII to a degree, but where you are located on the battlefield didn't really have an effect on the accuracy of your attacks in it

>mfw it caught me a few steps away from the exit

Our MITOCHONDRIA will have the last laugh!

Anyone else felt like Aya was a completely different character in PE2? I guess it makes sense in the ending of PE1 with her getting closure etc. but it still felt a little weird.

First was great (one of my regrets was not buying a copy)
Second game side steps from Thing style body horror to body modification. The plot also kinda falls flat
Third abandons everything to become a darker World Ends With You

Well, her mother WAS a Japanese immigrant so it checks out

Needs more mitochlorians

>take a weird scientific fact out of a high school biology text book
>make an entire game out of it

How does Japan come up with this shit?

You just described how they come up with it.

That's the folly of all horror series. You bring in the same character and put them in the same kind of situation, they are a veteran.

Unless they suffered permanent physical/psychological damage in the first one, there's little reason why they wouldn't go from meek survivor to hardcore badass. It's how just about anybody would develop to cope with facing the same shit again, what used to be frightening, serious shit is now routine that you can make light of.

Leon isn't shoot psychokinetic fireballs or magically enchanting his bullets, but yeah, it's really hard to ignore the parallels.
It's pretty obvious that it's "inspired" from RE2, at the best, or more likely, totally ripped off.

desu I played it a few years ago and remember liking it more than I did the first time I played it a long time ago, but it constantly leaves you with the question in the back of your mind.
"Why don't I just play RE2 instead?"

You mean the ending of the first game? You die. Not much fanfare to it.

Yeah. It really doesn't feel like a PE game at all.

got boring

but nice idea

Because PE1 and VS didn't sell.

>or more likely, totally ripped off
Well they gut the cast of anyone from PE1 that wasn't Aya
Set it in a middle-of-nowhere ghost town
Which happens to be on top of a secret underground lab
The monsters are creations of a secret organization messing with biology
Tank controls and fixed camera angles

They basically did just knock-off RE, and at the last minute sprinkled a few mentions of mitochondria so they could call it PE.

>that feel when transformed Aya gave you a weird boner

I kind of wished she'd change into more forms.

Liked the first game. Still liked the second. Pretty indifferent to the third.

You call it a folly, I call it great.

It actually started as an adaptation of a garbage Japanese novel.

Just like Megaten!

The author of the novel, Hideaki Sena, is a pharmacologist. He was inspired to write Parasite Eve after running drug tests on mitochondria.

I like all 3 of the games honestly. 2nd one is my favorite though. 3rd Birthday has its flaws but its an interesting enough game honestly, plus Aya is still fuckable as hell.

Hey kid

You wanna make a phone call, don'tcha

More like weird ass japanese novel turned weird ass japanese movie which spawned Parasite Eve 1.

I haven't played the game in years. Does the monster just keep moving or is picking up the phone simply an instant game over?

Squaresoft was such an amazing company, too bad enix ruined them.

It keeps moving. In the time it takes for the game to tell you the line is dead, it's already right behind you and leaps
Pat and Woolie learned that one the hard way

For someone who is half Japanese, Aya sure did have a lot of Junk in her Trunk.

Sequel was better.

Which way? It left so many questions unanswered. Although the use of PE as game mechanics was neat, even if it felt a bit like Resident Evil.

Not that 3rd Birthday was any better.

Little known fact is that the game is actually a sequel to a shitty Japanese movie by the same name.

>They basically did just knock-off RE

That's because the director of PE2 is the writer of RE1. He is the guy who created Umbrella and Wesker, in PE2 he just decided to go with an even more mysterious company. Many guys who worked on RE1 and RE2 like the lead background designer from RE2 also worked on PE2, which is why the lab design is so similar.

PE2 is basically Resident Evil with Aya as the protagonist.

Forgot pic.

Shame, this thing turned out pretty fucking great after I got the super tool kit.

Yeah it was pretty fucking stupid, but at least the Chrysler building had some great boss fights. It kinda shared the same fault of if you die while climbing you lose all your progress because you can't save in the Chrysler building. Adds to the difficulty if you ask me though.

The last boss was bullshit though. She healed herself to full at any moment and you had to start over.

See this dog? This is the most important character in Parasite Eve 2.

Don't shoot her when the little girl's shadow appears. If you do shoot her she starts healing faster and faster every time the girl shows up to the point where you need a +300 damage weapon to stand a chance to kill her before the heals get out of control.

The fucking zoo in the beginning was almost dwemer puzzle box tier for me at the time.
Spent around 5 hours looking for the fucking key.

>Which way?

The plot was much better. Instead of some creature mutating nonstop the entire game, PE2 has a plot that progresses slowly and it's filled with mysteries.

The gameplay is more straight to the point and it feels like you're actually exploring a place instead of simply going into battle arenas that have different backgrounds and themes.

>It left so many questions unanswered.

This is true but it's because Kenichi Iwao(wrote RE1's scenario as well) made the plot to be open for sequels, which sadly didn't happen, but maybe Iwao is happy it ended this way nonetheless, he probably looks at the Resident Evil sequels and weeps while looking at how Capcom milked his ideas.

My only problem with PE2 is the lack of a strong villain, No.9 is more a henchman kind of guy, but then again RE1 only had Wesker as the villain and it all went well. PE2 has No.9 and Baldwin and still feels lacking for some reason.

>The plot was much better.
It was a blatant Resi copycat and it wasn't even a good one.

PE1 was an original story populated by great characters.

>progresses slowly
This isn't a good thing. Generally a slow narrative is considered a failure of pacing. When the first half of the game is fucking nothing, that's a problem.

Should I play the third birthday? If not, what's the story and what's wrong with it?

>Should I play the third birthday?
Sure. I think it's fun. Not without problems, but a pretty enjoyable TPS.
Feels like a proper sequel to PE1 in terms of gameplay.

The story is batshit, and literally does not make sense. Things happen that have absolutely no explanation. The ending is just a big "what?"

It's completely disconnected from the previous games so feel free to consider it non-canon.

>It was a blatant Resi copycat and it wasn't even a good one.

Same writer, so not a copycat, just a guy doing what he loves.

>PE1 was an original story populated by great characters.

This is a matter of preference, i particularly found them to be boring, they're very anime-like.

>This isn't a good thing. Generally a slow narrative is considered a failure of pacing. When the first half of the game is fucking nothing, that's a problem.

Actually PE2 is one of the few games ever made that have proper pacing. In act 1, you're introduced to No.9, Madigan and plot device(implant) that brings Aya to the Mojave desert, act 2 the plot unfolds with Aya finding out that the conspiracy goes much deeper and in act 3 there is the climax and the plot conclusion. PE1 commits the classic mistake of surrounding the entire game around the villain and his minions just to give the main character an excuse to fight against the villain's minions for 10 hours, classic "the princess is in another castle" situation.

>just a guy doing what he loves.
More like being a hack who can only write one story.

Pretty boring, shit series

I used the phone to save and somehow still made it.

More like it was the novel itself. It's in the credits.

So what exactly is this game? What's its game genre? Is it entertaining? What makes it stand out?

Strong female lead, could have been pretty iconic if her franchise didn't die earlier than Samus'

>More like it was the novel itself. It's in the credits.

I believe PE1 was written like a sequel to the novel. Aya's mom is supposed to be the protagonist of the novel. Hideaki Sena wasn't involved in any shape or form, but Square made it like a sequel or continuation.

My only vidya waifu. Gun to my head, I choose Aya every time.

It's some sort of RPG and survival horror mishmash, it's unique in a way. The sequel is Resident Evil with elemental powers.

the book is fine. are the games after the book or during the book?


A classic. Shame the franchise died and the corpse was raped.

See also: Dino Crisis.

>what is this game
An RPG/loot/survival horror hybrid from mid-PSX era. Serves as a sequel to a Japanese novel. Game does a medicore job of explaining the finer intricacies of the titular mutation. Had some awe-inducing cutscenes for it's day.

>is it entertaining?
I didn't care for it then or when I replayed it last year on emu. A lot of the core ideas are neat and it's fairly unique but it just didn't click with me.

>what makes it stand out?
unique mix of RPG and survival horror elements. Hard sci-fi horror story/themes. Christmas setting. Female lead---was a novelty in the 90s.

>The story is batshit, and literally does not make sense. Things happen that have absolutely no explanation. The ending is just a big "what?"

After but it's not a 1:1 sequel, there are just some implications here and there. Can't blame the writers though, the novel was pretty small scale, no way to make a game out of the novel's plot or ending.

>awe-inducing cutscenes

Hell yeah. I'll never forget everyone spontaneously combusting at the theater or everyone spontaneously goo-ifying at the zoo.

There's a whole leg of the game where you have to get into a locked sperm bank in a hospital because the biological-horror eldritch villain is going to hijack the semen reserves to impregnate herself and give birth to a killing machine that could destroy New York and the world. I'm not making this up.

If you can push past how dated it is, it really is a fun game. It can be pretty challenging at times but rewards exploration and strategy, has some of Yoko Shimomura's most unique music and was overall really memorable; was fortunate enough to have a black label copy when it came out. It takes some time to really get fun, but when it does, it's a unique experience.

Aside from the secret hidden laboratory where failed experiments manage to escape, there isn't much similarities at all.

>aside from everything related to the antagonists and conflict

I tought we didn't like Nomura.

there's no we, pleb

Why are you fighting a guy in like, an ice skating rink? Why do you keep jumping around into other people's bodies and shit? Why do you fight a tentacle monster in a land full of baby back ribs?

>Kenichi Iwao(wrote RE1's scenario as well)

>I joined the project in mid-development. Originally, there were no humans in the game, just cyborgs! It was supposed to be a horror game, still, but by having these Terminator-style characters, it just wasn’t very scary at all. I decided to change up the characters. The initial draft had a mad scientist-like doctor who was doing freakish experiments. I ended up redesigning the characters who would wind up having defining roles in the game, like Chris, Jill, and Wesker, as well as creating the Umbrella Corporation as an enemy, and concepts like the T-virus. I also wrote all of the diary entries and files you find throughout the game.

Wow, this guy saved Resident Evil.

Let's not forget the beautiful main theme.

The Third Birthday is like one bad trip that you never wished to experience. The entire game is one big WTF.

No it wasnt why do people keep repeating this meme. Its only similar visually, gameplay wise they are opposites. PE lets you dodge all attacks if youre good enough, Vagrant Story hardly takes positioning into consideration. If its an enemys turn you are going to get hit.

Parasite Eve 2 was my favorite. 1 was OK, and T3B was also OK.

I like video games.

Time had its toll and some mechanics are way too fucking simplistic.
But the concept is very unique.

Who wrote PE2? It had the most garbage story ever that probably set a new low until, well, The Third Birthday.

Because the RE writers coming onboard would certainly explain that.

I agree but still end up replaying every few years. Get bored of the combat part way in but stay for the characters and story. The final fight against Eve when the solders piloting the choppers use themselves as human shields to protect Aya is so good. She hates having them die for her and then when she'd told to retreat she says fuck it and parachutes in to 1v1 Eve with no fear. Heroic.

Kenichi Iwao directed and wrote Parasite Eve 2, he also wrote the first Resident Evil and the whole scenario including creating Umbrella, Wesker, Barry etc. Also according to this he even wrote the lore files and notes in the game.

It's no wonder Parasite Eve 2 had such a detailed dialog with Aya making comments on every single thing while examining stuff around the level and each time you examine something she says something different.

PE2's antagonist being a mysterious unknown (and I think unnamed) organization building a zoo from hell was stupid, but the de facto antagonist was Kyle, and that was even worse.

The events in PE2 are kind of set up like a whodunit mystery except there's no payoff and it's obvious from the start that it's all Kyle being a fucking asshole. He blows shit up in LA, does dirty work for the company in the Mojave the whole time, tries to or does shoot Aya more than once, and the big reveal at the end is that he has no motivation because he's the worst character ever. Not only is his entire character stupid, he makes everyone else stupid by proxy. Especially Aya, who does not put 2 and 2 together for the entire game when it's blatantly obvious.

And then he's the love interest.

Soundtrack is done by a master of creating really emotional pieces.

Although I don't believe this is her best work her best work is pic related god some of the comfy music in that game.

Overall a really good PSX era horror game, but seeing it really just makes me want to play Legend of Mana for the soundtrack.