Hey, I got the blue dye
Hey, I got the blue dye
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God I wish the Creatures never went to shit, I feel so bad for Jordan now, you can almost see the pain in his eyes.
Give me the rundown. I haven't followed the creatures in a long ass time. I think around the time kootra got married I think
>somebody reported cow chop and got them evicted
Everybody says it was Kootra or a Creature's fan because they lost the office a few weeks ago.
At least they were joking about their editors losing their jobs
I haven't been following them recently but not too long ago they just started adding whoever to the Creatures until it became a hassle and it blew up from the inside
I haven't followed them in a few years but last i checked almost all of the og creatures left and it was a bunch of csgo "lets players" or some shit
The thought of Kootra doing something like that makes me laugh audibly
I haven't watched them in like half a decade, literally the same time I stopped watching all my youtube subscriptions.
Nova and Alex's Battlebox playthrough was the only worthwhile thing from his channel
No we're not allowed to use dye, that's against the rules
fuck off
I'm doing it
pure kino
Seamus best boy
no exceptions
Minecraft finished 1.0.0 is the best video
That's a weird way of spelling treetopia
no no NO NO
>two of the most unpopular creatures now on their own
How is Dan and Kootra anyway?
I would cum if he did something with Cow Chop
so I was INFORMED today by my loyal fans
too bad he hasn't uploaded in a month
So i just checked in for the first time in ages.
What happened to James? Did he quit the creatures or something, hes not in any of these new videos.
Pretty sure he has mega aids
As awful as you would expect
Him and Alex went on to do Cow Chop
he went and started(?) a group called cowchop with a few other people
cowchop is far better than the creatures now imo
*muffled yelling*
Obviously, Dans only job was filming the good creatures and Kootra has to resort to case openings to survive...
>they'll never spend 80 episodes trying to bake a cake
Minecraft really ran it's course but I still miss it
They moved from the creature house to an office, Jordan got divorced, they did a couple entertaining things, but Aleks was sick of it and was planning with James to start a new channel, then they joined the let's play family and dexter manning exposed how restrictive it was just being a guest visiting them was, and a lot of their viewers got mad at them for not adressing any of their comments or questions about it, then cow chop started. Since then, they've been really unfunny and annoying, especially one intern, spencer. Apparently one if the main reasons James left was because of Jordan dating one of the interns.
ah well rip the only couple people i still liked in the creatures
At least i'll have good memories, like when seamus had to weasel his way out of singing his Kurt Cobain song when a donor asked for it during a charity stream with some brit youtubers. Either TB or yogscast I think.
I love you.
>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who unironically watched minecraft let's plays
>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who were preteens when minecraft became popular
holy shit you just reminded me of the charity stream with yogscast and the creatures. the dick chappy rants that nova went on were amazing
I miss these videos and all the people who thought he was being serious
The live streams were the best - not premeditated, off the script, just the guys having fun.
Cow Chop started out well and the fact they referenced those streams gave me hope, but then it devolved into "hurr dude let's throw food at each other" and the stupid kid viewers just ate it up.
Cow Chop is gonna turn into what the Best Friends Zaibatsu is now. Enjoy the best age for now.
shit why didn't we have the foresight to be born in a less cringy era?
is that a cookie monster skin
haha epiiic ecelebs yeaaaah duude LOL
stefani is a slam piggy
They went to shit when they formed. Nova and Seamus never should have gotten together in the first place.
-Seamus' content was always shit unless he was playing Mario hacks.
-Nova was the only funny one (and only funny during minecraft and happy wheels)
-Gassy has zero personaily
-That one fat fuck is a boring fat fuck
-Kootra also has zero personality and is nothing more than a "me too" yes-man.
>Making your business based on video games
>A video game you don't own any of the rights to
Full retard.
>Seamus' content was always shit unless he was playing Mario hacks.
Team Silverback
They got kicked out cause they kept breaking doors and lighting fireworks in the house
>46 posts of unironic minecraft LP nostalgia
i'm officially too old for this place. time to leave
Then it was probably one of the neighbours.
No it was a viewer, they sent a video to their landlord
I feel the fucking same. Holy shit has this place went down the dump. Think I'll stick to my cliques from now on.
Oh okay
t. people that cant accept Sup Forums has changed
Three years ago there would be threads about how Sup Forums would change in the upcoming years and most said it would hit rock bottom if Minecraft LP threads became the norm
I guess the times are changing
i think this is just punishment for making all of those halo 3 threads back in its hayday
To be fair Creature threads have been a thing since the 2010's
They were just a lot more subtle
People born in 1998 are 18 now, friend.
>2012 was five years ago
And yet we're still here
How is this one thread "the norm"?
>tfw you remember all the 2009 youtube classics
That's not the dilemma. The dilemma is why are you here when you don't obviously belong.
I doubt we will see another Minecraft LP thread in the next month, let alone the next week or two
Here's all the important bits of what happened to the creatures:
Creatures moved into the house
Dan and Jordan basically got Gassy kicked out (they put it up to a vote, James didn't want to vote and they counted it as a vote against Gassy). Funniest part is that Gassy is doing better than both Kootra and Dan since leaving.
Sly joined and left.
Kevin (goldenblackhawk) joined and left.
Kootra got divorced.
The creatures moved into an office and basically became a business, something that OG creature Chilled warned them not to do.
Many people added, biggest one was Dex who fought a lot with Dan and Kootra. He ended up leaving.
Creatures hire a bunch of literal whos.
Seamus gets sick (literally ill, not sick of the creatures) and leaves.
James and Aleks leave.
Dan and Kootra are the only OG creatures left, they basically ruined the creatures.
James said the main reason for him and Aleks leaving was that they couldn't do the content they wanted. Also he mentioned that Steph and Kootra were the main reason he left when they started dating.
Creatures go to shit with only 2 OG creatures left and a bunch of literally whos because they wanted it to be a business which they never should have even attempted to do.
Sorry gramps.
>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>soros bow to the bogs
>rockefellers bow to the bogs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Controls the British crown
>keeps the metric system down
>keeps Atlantis off the maps
>keeps the martians under wraps
>holds back the electric car
>keeps Steve Gutenberg a star
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies.
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are the Bogdanoff twins
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
People speculate that he's the one that got Cow Chop evicted. Apparently he's a vindictive little shit.
Also according to Cow Chop it was the stink bomb video that made the landlord decide to kick them out.
I never even watch the creatures but I love to go and look at their channel. They went from being able to break half a million views per video easily to being lucky to break 50,000, It's like watching something die in real time. When they upload new videos it's like them trying to salvage a dead dog. It must be crushing each time they upload a video hoping for a slight upward trend just for more disappointment.
I've only ever heard of The Creatures and Cow Chop through Achievement Hunter but what I'm getting from this thread is that they're immature man-children that always have middle school-level drama going on.
How long ago was the kootra swatting? It feels like forever now
You know people made a big deal about Kootra not swearing when there was a video where he swore a lot and even called somebody a faggot.
It was a griefing video on Dan's channel, called Fire of night a faggot at some point,
3, maybe 4 years? Something like that
Super Hostile was a pretty fun map series.
Sup Forums does minecraft threads?
Once in a while, year.
Sup Forums is arguably responsible for creating minecraft
It was pretty fucking good (at least up to Spellbound Caves or whatever, which was as long as I followed it), but the creator is a literal brony as it turns out.
So is basically Sup Forums is reddit now and not in a meme way.
>his mom actually fucking comes over and puts him in his place
Nova is the best.
They should've never became a business... they were an actually comfy group to watch. I remember their Minecraft multiplayer shenanigans and streams.
At least Seamus is doing alright now.
Any game that Sup Forums hates that is discussed is deemed 'reddit material' so by your definition, yes
What the fuck does that even mean?
Ironically enough everyone at Cow Chop is cool with the exception of Aleks.
Talking about minecraft here, kiddo. Shit should wordfiltered.
>Caring about interests as long as content is good
There were only 2 after Spellbound anyway, so it's not a big deal.
Sucked major balls.
>Inferno Mines
Pretty fucking good.
Then there was a huge drawl, years, of nothing.
His current major Minecraft project is actually a "Super Hostile Online."
SAO-inspired MMO type server featuring a bunch of his custom-built dungeons in a persistent world.
It's also exclusive to those who pay for his Patreon, so I stopped giving a shit seconds after hearing about it after all these years.
Why's that?
A lot of cancer arose from Minecraft. Doesn't mean there weren't good times, you're just ignorant if you deny that.
Nah man, Aleks is a natural born meme master aka meemster. We as Anonymous should be hailing to him like we do to Kek the frog.
one could argue that, but they'd be retarded
I remember watching when it was like 5 bros living in a house together.
The fuck happened? How could they possibly fuck that up?
Lost cause. place is going down the dumps/
>Aleks is a natural born meme master
That's what makes him bad.
Thanks for outing yourself as a massive faggot.
I don't care, the person who makes them doesn't affect how I enjoyed his maps.
That said, that MMO garbage sounds like the worst possible cash grab, especially considering he's been too lazy to put out a single SH in fucking years.
fuck you
You didn't get Gook's memo that we must meme more? Go to reddit.
When business gets in the way, if you don't trust each other and are competent enough within your small group, it's gonna get fucked. The creatures were the opposite of that, especially when people started going in and out of the group willy-nilly.
His justification was "I'm tired of making maps."
There was actually gonna be another more recent one, Canopy Carnage 2 featuring a not actually super-flat, quality Jungle, but it got canned for SHO.
Thankfully, I've not gotten that itch for a good survival adventure map in a long while, so I don't gotta look at all the sadness.
>OG creature Chilled
Speaking of him, he's got his own group now (the Derp Crew, with TheGaLmHD/Sondoman, TomFawkes, ZeRoyalViking, and Smarticus/tehsmarty) and they're all doing alright.