They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics

They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics.
I said I had a New Vegas Thread.
They said welcome aboard.


that is a good video game


What was his name again

>Sup Forums loves New Vegas
>Hates FO3 and FO4 which have the same gameplay and in the case of FO4 better gameplay
>Muh writing, muh dialogs
>Countless threads about gameplay being all that matters

Well what is it?

Is 4 worth a quick run?
Is the DLC worth playing through too?

its worth at least one playthrough

Well user, NV isn't made by Bethesda, but 3 and 4 are.

Watching NL's playthrough right now. Does he also cover the DLC?

Some of you profligates are alright, don't go to Nipton tomorrow.

Sup Forums likes NV because they can talk about political views while pretending it's vidya related. also

Left goodsprings, started doing quests for Eddie, just cleared out Bison Steve.

After two hours and fourty five minutes, my over encumbered playthrough has gotten dull and I'm off to start a more exciting character

>I don't know what RPG gameplay is

Fallout 4 has shit gameplay.

Because NV has better gameplay than both. Gameplay doesn't just mean the point and shooty mechanics btw.

Haven't played 4, but for me NV has way more memorable quests than 3.

Not as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be not as good as reddit thinks. It's an average to above average game, if I were to give it a number I'd give it a solid 7 to a low 8.

Lots of people say that Far Harbor was great and it has cool stuff but it has (at least with my choices) zero climax. The thing ends and you don't even realize it. Also I would turn down the difficulty here, enemies in Far Harbor are Destiny level bullets sponges.

Haven't played Nuka World yet but I don't hear good stuff.

Talking about the internal politics in a video game/=/real politics
>P-Please stop talking about video games
How about fuck off autist.

>Clicking on a menu is now gameplay

It's ok If you treat it as a loot and shoot.

Pirate it.


I think you mean picking dialogue options

I'm not going to lie and say 4 doesn't have anything memorable, but I was still bored as fuck the entire time I played it

Sure it has a bunch of interesting things to do and see, but the writing is dull and there's little to no RPG elements in it, and I've tried multiple ways of playing in order to make it fun, but nothing worked.

I know every inch of New Vegas but I still have fun every time I come back


Ok it's time. Give (You)s to best gun

Which is done by clicking on a menu

Excellent, he's a fuckin' dope sometimes, but so far I'm enjoying it.



They changed the gameplay and made it better than 3 (perks for example now work).

>muh writing, muh dialog
Different people like different things. Fallout was about the story, and 3' story wasn't great compared to NV.

Would you want a super refined game with excellent gameplay, but with a mediocre story that doesn't hook you into said gameplay?

I will say it's hard to go back to NV after playing 4.

>rumors New Vegas 2 being in the works start floating around the Internet
>Sup Forums actually thinks bethesda will ever hire obsidian to write a game after all the whip cracking they had to do to get a buggy mess out the door
Bethesda will write and produce NV2

>bitch about fallout general being full of waifu fags showing off huge tit mods for fallout 4
>finally get their own general on /vg/
>never use it

isn't vulpes' hair supposed to be brown?

Want some straight up FUN?


Well, they have already ruined NV by saying the city is sinking due to aliens, so they obviously don't care.


>people still spread this misinformation
Everything wrong with NV is 100% Obsidian's fault

>Never use it
It was, but no one wanted to use it. And besides there's usually only one or two a day.

Having multiple options to undertake a task, a wide variety of tools at your disposal that serve different purposes, and build variety all constitues as gameplay, and New Vegas does all that better than 3/4.

His character is so fucking pale I thought Boone was black for a second.

I get you, I honestly prefer FO3 more to NV and FO4, for reasons I can quite explain.

What really fucked FO4 is that you can see that devs placed way too much emphasis on settlement building and instead of making cool and interesting stuff. I mean even fucking Tenpenny Tower was cooler than Diamond City.

Please stop trying to derail this thread faggot

Definitely that, especially if you use JSawyer so it properly gets the damage boost from the Grunt perk so it doesn't get underpowered in the endgame.

Sure there's always the sniper rifle and the AMR but they weight like twenty pounds, the ammo weighs just as much, and they don't go PING.

There's a reason Sup Forums continues to talk about New Vegas specifically. Since New Vegas was released I have failed college two times, survived 2 years in a hostel for homeless teenagers and gone back to college. And its still talked about, so Obsidian did something very right.

>fully auto weapon
>with weighted ammo
How did you manage?

People enjoy New Vegas for the writing, quest design, world layout, and RPG mechanics. Fallout 4 is basically Borderlands with a fallout skin.

How do I make NV's combat more like 4's?
Also how do I mkae it not ugly?


There won't be a NV2, this is a certainty. Whatever Beth releases next it won't be a TES or a FO game.

NV's music is also better, I only remember about 2 or 3 tracks from 3.

I was hoping someone would spoonfeed me on what mods to get

The cards are likely how they're "supposed" to look. Obsidian didn't have time to bother meticulously going over every NPC face.

Not that you can do much with the faces in FO3/NV/Oblivion anyway. House is by far the best-looking NPC just because he's a static image.

Hell yeah my man

if you're playing with weighted ammo all automatic weapons basically become vendor fodder because every pound counts, doubly so if you plan on actually looting what you explore/want to wear something more than leather armor and carry two bottles of water

I hardly remember listening to either.
They needed a bigger track list to actually do a radio station that didn't get boring after 2-3 hours.
Also the set the world on fire was probably the only good song from 3. I think we can all agree on that.

>Obsidian didn't have time to bother meticulously going over every NPC face
I thought it was more the cards were drawn based on concept art/old screenshots/etc?

Either way most of them are still recognizable, even if furfag's hair is white and Cass's is blonde instead of brown and red.

Okay Sup Forums, say something nice about the faction you hate the most
I'll start. The khans aren't the most useless faction in fallout.

I don't see why not. Give me a good reason why games that use menu based commands are not capable of being gameplay.

Mah fuckin nigga

>world design

If you mean world as in the map I'll have to stop you right there. It's pure fucking shit.

The Powder Gangers have a fun little niche about them


Yes, that's one of the 2 or 3


Khan girls have nice tits. I want to lick their armpits.

For all of 3's faults I really enjoyed blowing the heads off mutants to Let's Go Sunin'

>maximum crit punch build


>Big Iron

>Hide one shitpost
>Half the thread disappears

Fiends are the most fun to kill


Just finished New Vegas and all the DLC's for the first time. I completely broke Honest Hearts by accident which was disappointing, Old World Blues dragged on for too long, Dead Money was fucking trash despite the promising start however Lonesome Road was pretty good!

Finished the game with House because fuck Old World Democracy and Caesar's Legion are just slavers that have done well really. Didn't explore everywhere and do every quest that's for sure but I hit level 35 and by that point max sneak/guns with the Rifle and Explosive Rounds is too OP. Insta killed Lanius with a sneak critical, it's too much. Made me feel like the biggest badass in the Wasteland though.

Overall a pretty fun game, I enjoyed my time with it. Gonna move on to Fallout 4 next and make up my own mind about it.

I wish people noticed your power armor like they do in the originals.

With all the evidence how has the NCR not collapsed under the crushing weight of their retardation?

What is Traditional Turn-based RPGS Alex?

fallout 4 as a game is pretty fun. not Amazing by any means but you can easily get 50 hours of exploran an shootan

as a Fallout game it's very poor. it's more like fallout fanfiction.

He does and as usual his banter and gameplay is spot on. I'm at part 60 now

>rumors New Vegas 2 being in the works start floating around the Internet
Literally and entirely just fags jumping the gun while the PoE2 Kickstarter was gearing up.

One fucking teaser image with a pipe and a strand of wheat, and everyone starts screaming

>Implying I was shitposting

I called out Sup Forums on its double standards. And before you refute it with "Sup Forums is one person" you know that I mean widely accepted opinions. Everyone shits in FO3 for no reason other than Bethesda made it and praise NV despite all its flaws (which they attribute to Bethesda) only because it's made by Obsidian.

>This Machine
>Desert Ranger armor
Fucking great, m8

Part 18 here, sounds like I've got a long road ahead of me.

>Fallout 3: An entire town of unkillable children make you do fetch quests
>Fallout 4: A ghoul kid is stuck in a fridge for 200 years somehow

>meanwhile in New Vegas

>Every single one of these threads has anons explaining why they think fo4 and 3 are shit
>It's because of bethesda isn't it
How new?

Johnny Guitar

>Get hand picked by Vulpes to purge the profligates from the cesspool Nipton
>Have a pretty good time with my bros
>Vulpes wants do do this "lottery" thing, whatever
>The guy who "won" was pretty fucking annoying
>So all is good, we left a witness, time to go right?
>All of a sudden Vulpes just goes silent and stands there
>WTF right?
>Turns out he wants to wait for the next passer by to scare the shit out of them for a laugh
>Okay this might be good
>Two days
>Two days is how long we waited for the first passer by, some faggot who just ran everywhere
>Fucking profligates man
>This dude just runs by, not even blinking at the havoc around him
>Okay what? We waited two days for that!?
>Vulpes is not pleased, but hey we get to go home right?
>Two more weeks.
>He gives zero fucks when Vulpes goes off on this well rehearsed speech
>We leave
>Vulpes has been a sour bitch all the way home
>Fucking profligates. Fucking Vulpes.

Worst song

Long road but it's a good one. Only downside is that he's such a Fallout noob, it hurts to watch sometimes

Post more Joshua

Most of those reasons being muh writing, muh dialog. Which again is a double standard because Sup Forums claims gameplay is the only metric that matters (see: Dragons Dogma) yet they shit on FO4 which has objectively better gameplay while FO3 has the exact same gameplay.

That's NL in every game.


>tfw no classic OP gauss rifle

>Downscaled adult skeleton



It's almost like...Sup Forums isn't one person...whoa...

>arms the ARCHIMEDES
>visit Fantastic later in the game
>now wearing Legion armor
>says "When in Rome" when activated

it's the little things

It looks the same. The real tragedy is the power fist

If I wanted to play a shitty FPS, there are literally hundreds of choices better than that shitpile FO4. And that's the only thing anyone praises FO4 for, being a subpar FPS that isn't as subpar as FO3 was.