Come home from school

>come home from school
>put schoolbag away
>forget whatever early teen drama you had at the time
>drop down on your couch
>turn on xbox 360, launch halo 3
>plug in headset and position it perfectly on your head
>get notifications of other friends coming online
>party up with your bros to play online multiplayer
>team slayer, 4 v. 4 ranked
>your favorite map, the pitt
>dominate the game with your bros
>switch between slick ar/br kills and power weapons for fun
>teabag the opposite team and trash talk them as you rape them with little effort
>enjoy battling the dude who actually puts up a good fight
>have fun and laugh with all your friends
>win game 50-34
>switch to rumble pit lobby, 12 man ffa
>argue with the other players you're paired with and threaten them
>have a blast fighting the other spartans and raping retarded elites
>sometimes funny shit happens like traffic cones or fusion coils
>customize your armor and colors
>proud of how awesome you customized your spartan to look like
>repeat games for a few hours on different modes
>have to leave for an hour for dinner and occasional dishes
>continue playing until its time for bed
>your parents tell you its getting late and ask you if there isnt any homework you should be getting to
>play a few more games
>say goodnight to your bros
>some you'd see as school tomorrow, some you'd never meet
>watch some machinima in your room
>arby 'n the chief, matchmaking, phil, pre-game lobby and divinethrone videos were funny as hell
>go to bed with a clear head
>rinse and repeat the next day
>looking back it, gaming today just isn't the same
>those days are long gone like the old pokemon games on your gameboy

Who else knows this feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

Dumb tards like you bought Halo 4 and an Xbone because you were too retarded to think a DIFFERENT studio could recreate this.

Microfags are so dumb, there's a reason why you finished the fight at 3.


>early teen drama you had at the time
>ywn experience teenage love
At least i had halo 3

I know this feel OP
games don't feel that way anymore because we all got older
but yeah that magic probably will never return
at least not for us

>Teen when Halo 3 was out
Wake me up inside

Basically me besides the friends part and it was wow

>boot Halo Online
>first match I click on at random ends up being Team SWAT on The Pitt

I cried. So many good memories.

>come home from school
>Xbox 360

I hated those annoying kids.

>you will never go to your friends house after school to play halo 1 on xbox connect ever again

>ywn experience playing zombies, fat kid, and other custom games with friends of friends again

>ywn listen to that theme while going through the menus and waiting for a match

this one?

yes, that one
best fucking theme in any shooter

I was having a good day until you posted this OP, fuck you man.

I miss you Mike and Chris, we used to play this shit every day after school.

I had one friend and a GameCube
Our game was Melee
Before that was Smash 64

>Was poor when 360 was out
>I still rented one and had some people added
>Couldn't play anymore after my Father died
>Years later, finally have money to go back
>Nobody of those guys is there anymore

>fat kid
>the toilet
>mexican bull
>duck hunt

dont remind me about that filth

>People who were in school when halo 3 came out are old enough to post on Sup Forums

I want Halo 3 babies to leave

Halo 5's MP, core gameplay, and forge blows 3's out of the water

343 just completely fucked up the singleplayer and were retarded and didn't include local play

I was having a nice evening OP, now I want to cry. Where the fuck has the time gone. This literally described by early teenage years. Jesus christ..

Anybody used to play shark? That was my favorite custom game.