Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
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Ask Konami
>tfw they slaughtered all these qties Heart Events,dialogs and unique personalities and replaced it with the EXACT SAME generic descriptive text across them all just to save money on translating
in during jeff gerstmann believes there is no fault to the translation teams and you should all learn japanese rather than expect them to do their jobs properly
Why is this allowed?
>There's no way this is real
>Check the FE wiki
>Its fucking real
They couldn't even try to fill it in with a different conversation?
And this is exactly why I have no hopes for an FE4 remake, even if it got made NoA would gut the story with censorship.
It's Nintendo, so it's okay.
You would think actual FE fans dropped out over 10 years ago.
Why do they continue to eat shit?
I'm just glad that GameFreak and Hal don't have to deal with this shit and have their own translation teams.
It's surprising how NoA's censorship has somehow gotten WORSE over the years.
Because American FE fans didn't exist until Awakening was released.
Americans don't give a fuck about corny weeb dialogue we ain't pussies
Given how their second convo goes, it wouldnt surprise me if there was some sort of glitch or it was a last minute change.
It is pretty shit though.
Hal's translation team is on fucking point, but that's also because it's primarily made up of one of their level designers and one of their programmers, who generally just get around to the translations when they're bored or want a break. No extra motives or anything, just guys who are already working on the game trying to get it out to everyone.
People are just going to buy the game anyway.
Whether the slippery slope truly exists or not, people don't tend to think about the long run of supporting this lackluster effort.
>left side is two brutally efficient assassins discussing their jobs and coming to an alliance with one another, with Saizou confessing to being slightly haunted the memories of those he has killed
Boy Nintendo of America, really knocking this localization thing out of the part. Japanese Nintendo games are in good hands.
Right, that's why sjw are so strong in america that they can literally infect every localisation in the us.
Dream on. You are text book pussies.
Name a time when nintendo of america DIDN'T gut their localizations with stupid changes.
You are basically agreeing with me.
I'm saying this isn't a widespread problem.
Who gives a shit about nintendo held weeb franchises.
Are both characters super introverted edgelords? If so, the NA team tried to make a joke. Honestly, the translated shit was cliched as fuck and boring.
If I hack my 3ds can I play a properly translated version with none of the shit taken out, or do I have to go through the trouble of learning another language?
>Sup Forums complains about blatant waifu pandering
>then complains when companies try to be more tasteful
>more tasteful
>The middle girls tits look bigger in the shirt
Japan Sup Forums meetup when
Honestly, I see censorship as a grey area, and it honestly depends on the game and demographic.
I don't find giving characters less skimpy outfits a problem, especially when they're still skimpy to begin with. I find cutting dialog and actual gameplay retarded. I also find that cutting content from a Teen to Adult rating pretty fucking stupid. And this isn't just an Nintendo only opinion. I think the people that complained about the Skullgirls characters animations getting changed to have less retarded Pantyshots fine too.
>Pantyshots were pretty stupid too.*
Fuck me I'm tired.
Pantyshots ok
>tfw I think clothed characters are generally hotter
I fucking hate modern Nintendo so god damn much with this shit.
Yes, because comparing how shit is today when everyone and their brother has internet access and we can all see the stupid shit that's being done with the fucking 80's and 90's where only the hardest of hardcore nerds who knew the obscure forum was to bitch about this is TOTALLY fair.
And that shit with DBZ Fusions and the swords has to be the icing on the cake of just how fucking retarded they are getting with this shit.
I have a genuine fear that my wish of region free Nintendo games coming back is going to be monkey-pawed into either being censored worldwide or the uncensored Japanese versions being region locked.
I don't think Nintendo translates 3rd party games, user.
>And that shit with DBZ Fusions and the swords has to be the icing on the cake of just how fucking retarded they are getting with this shit.
The publishers can be at fault, but if all you do is bitch about MUH CENSORSHIP and MUH 1:1 SCRIPT, just fucking learn Japanese and stop fucking complaining.
Also, fuck the people who did a fan translation for Fire Emblem If and not a game like fucking Moon or ANY of the non-translated RPGs.
>Dragon Ball games have been coming out just fine for years
>All of a sudden the ONE Dragon Ball game that comes out on a Nintendo console has all swords replaced with sticks and future Gohan's arm stump always out of camera, but only in the English version
American version of that 3DS Dragon Ball game has all swords replaced with sticks.
In a T rated game.
>American version of that 3DS Dragon Ball game has all swords replaced with sticks.
The fuck. Why?
Yeah, I'm sure Nintendo totally censored DBZ when Zelda and Fire Emblem (among many others) focus entirely on swords.
>ONE Dragon Ball game that comes out on a Nintendo console
You mean all those GBA games? Or Budokai 2 and 3? Or the Tenkaichi games?
Meanwhile, the Dragon Quest games came to the US intact, ESPECIALLY VIII. Zelda is still a thing, and Namco has a history of weird edits to their games. Oh and we just got a DBZ fighter on the 3DS too, uncut.
>rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub!
Because fucking Nintendo.
>There was no given reason for this by either Nintendo or Bandai Namco. At least until Censored Gaming released a video detailing a reason. In the video down below, they explained that through private messages on Facebook, Bandai Namco revealed the decision to change the swords into sticks was made by both Nintendo of America and Bandai Namco.
>And Bandai Namco
Also SuperSonic Warriors series and the Legacy of Goku series never had these issues, why is it problem now?
Quit being facetious user, I'm talking about modern Nintendo and their intense desire to fucking cover up goddamn everything like the internet doesn't exist.
Also Legacy of Goku II was my shit.
Patrician taste.
Again, Dragon Quest VIII JUST CAME OUT on the 3DS, published by Nintendo and there's no censorship that wasn't already in the Japanese edition.
Fusions was Namco. Unless Nintendo of America censored the new Tales of game too.
What about Zelda? And Dragon Quest? And Fire Emblem? And Bayonetta? And Xenoblade? And Final Fantasy games? And literally all the many games that never had swords censored ever in the history of Nintendo?
Because the nintendo treehouse has risen in power
You know that putting tinfoil on your head is bad for your health, don't you user?
>We have MULTIPLE EXAMPLES at this point of English versions of games getting completely fucked over and just stripped of all kinds of content
>Hurrr tinfoil hat
You're a special kind of retarded
Treehouse has been the primary translation team for big name titles since the N64 days, friendo. You're just too stupid and uninformed to know that.
Well, in Gamefreak's case there's TPCi.
>just learn Japanese, then you don't have to worry about bad translations
>just cook the food yourself, it doesn't matter that the chicken you had gave you food poisoning, they don't need to sell a better product
Go fuck yourself, that is the most anti-consumer shit ever when it comes to localizations. They should do a better job at their job, there's no reason I should have to learn a second language, which is years of dedication to get to a point where you can reasonably understand what the fuck is happening without having a dictionary in front of your face for every line of dialogue, for a hobby just to not have to deal with games I want to play getting fucked.
Waifu pandering shouldn't exist, not in the degree it does to make a shitstain like Fates exist...
but if you're going to do it, why the fuck would you censor it?
Censorship in all forms is worse than Waifu Pandering, but Censorship does not necessarily include covering up titties.
It's a year and a half and you learn it by playing video games and fapping.
>not seeing two edgy ninja talk about their edgy ninja feats is the same as being poisoned
Only on Sup Forums
>food analogy
We also have tons of examples were they haven't.
I'm with you brother, I want to punch those people in the fucking mouth
>Work 40 hours a week
>Going to my University classes for another 20
>Starting Med School soon after getting my Bachelor's in Biology so add lab work and residency into that shit
>Just want to settle down with some anime titties at the end of the day
>My version of the game turns all pantyshots into black voids and puts tanktops on the girls
Fuck that shit and fuck them with a god damn molten-hot rake
The time that you retards waste bitching about it is more than enough to learn moon.
The /v card curse. everytime we send a card out to someone or something, something bad happens
>send a card to Nintendo Treehouse
>following year they become extremely lazy and refuse to do their jobs half the time
>send a card to Iwata
>he dies the follwing year
>send a card to Valve
>they become mega jews and want to charge people for mods
Now the question is, that since Sup Forums is a bad luck charm, how come we haven't sent a card to EA or something.
>cave story
Unless you don't actually care about the games and just want to whinge about SJWs.
Oh wait, that's exactly it.
Yep. As we all know 3/100 is enough to go in favor of the 3.
So? You're implying that the greater half of their current staff wouldn't be children back then
>he doesn't get the joke
Hard mode: Nintendo Directs and Iwata Asks don't count, games only
Kid Icarus.
None of characters personalities are same as Nip version.
Does Dream Team count? I don't know if they're not the one's that do that.
If the character personalities aren't kept intact to the original vision then how is it respectable?
Not entirely sure. Isn't that done by a western team to start?
I don't really know, but Kid Icarus probably has the best characters of any Nintendo game in a long time.
It honestly makes me sad that that series is now in Limbo again because Sakurai hates sequels.
Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze
Pikmin 3
>Also, fuck the people who did a fan translation for Fire Emblem If and not a game like fucking Moon or ANY of the non-translated RPGs.
Now THAT'S a stupid complaint. They have the means to do what they want. You are such a twat.
Because Sakurai told them to do whatever they want, to go nuts.
It's telling when someone gives more of a shit about a translation than the people who actually made the games, and then insinuate the developers are too fucking stupid to know what goes on.
is hilarious!
>Nintendo Europe
I lost my shit.
I'm pretty sure Treehouse localizes most mario games, and none have ever been censored recently except Mario party 8 when NoE censored a word form the NA version becuase said word's a swear word over in europe
Wrong about DKC
That's done by a western team.
So basically, the thesis here is: if the rating is T or higher, Treehouse will censor
Wouldn't that imply that Sakurai knows he has no say in the translation regardless
>Now the question is, that since Sup Forums is a bad luck charm, how come we haven't sent a card to EA or something
Voting them worst company in America doesn't count?
I prefer when games are tasteful, but I argue that games need to fail on their own merits. Deliver these games to the west as is, let them fail, let the Japanese devs feel the pressure to change or else go back to their shrinking home market and die.
Tsukuba huh
Mad memer
Sometimes I wonder if Nintendo Treehouse members actually posts here.
Its pretty much objective that any game T and up gets censored besides what, Bayonetta?
Feel like it's missing
>Says slippery slope for people that think not all censorship is bad.
>Square Enix is just full of curse words
I don't get it, I haven't played a single Square game like this.
You're a fucking retard, the series was huge on GBA due to Melee. I hate nu-Sup Forums so fucking much.
Just the perspective of 80's and 90's kids whose first game with cursing was square games
The first one needs to be updated so that everything says "Lord have mercy! Christ have mercy!"
has to be done in earnest, you can't just send cards to anything you want dead. the card has to be infused with meme mana
Question: What games besides Kirby have HAL developed in recent times?
Only tourists complain about pandering.
I like the bottom outfits but not in this context, it ruins the message of how terrible the idol industry is. It just ends up promoting it as this hip thing.
Pretty sure that's not the message of the top image
Holy shit that's terrible
>There are people who will insist on keeping honorifics and nonsensical nippon words
>There are people who think that's a good form of translation where there's a bunch of asterisks everywhere explaining every fucking word because the translators were too stupid to translate it properly
Honorifics are fine, there's no possible way to translate them and they give insight to the relationship between characters that would otherwise be lost.