*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

*bans u*
nothing personnel

>Target player sacrifices a creature
Nothing personnel

fucking eldrazi and it's situational OP

Mass polymorph

I like the idea of throwing Emrakul off an airship.


Before or after shooting him?

>playing anything but EDH

Most imbalanced and silly format. The Marvel vs Capcom 2 of Magic

>Playing casual shit
Of course, this is Sup Forums after all, home of the casuals

>playing a format casually

Playing a game made to literally drain your wallet dry.

How many modern or standard tournaments have you won?

I used to win most modern FNMs (haven't played standard since original Ravnica) and I even won some qualifiers but I didn't bother to travel for the proper events. Don't play modern anymore tho or go to my LGS (what's left of it) just cube sometimes with friends, dropped the game around BFZ.

>doesn't even play anymore
>still complains about casuals

>complains about casuals
>posts witcher

What does me playing have to do with how shit EDH (and those who play it) is? Keep eating up all those shit, overcosted cards that wizards puts out tho, you are playing a casual format after all ;)

>Wrath of God

wow that sure was hard

>giving it a turn to attack

Commander is:

>cheap ($100 gets you a good deck compared to $400+ for standard or modern)
>fun with friends
>faster paced
>so hilariously unbalanced you can't get mad when you lose
>easy to get into

Only "normal" Magic format that gets even close to the hijinx of Commander is pauper, and no one plays that.

>implying I care if it annhilates 6 of my goblin tokens

>faster paced
now that's just false

>>>faster paced

>target players sacrifices A creature
>sacrifice a spawn

You're legit a faggot if you play constructed.

Time per turn is lower in commander, since no one cares to lawyer the rules.

>letting your opponent cast spells

>fun with friends
Why would you want MtG players for friends?


so you're admitting that it's a casual format?
even then some retard going off with yidris is going to slow the entire game to a crawl, so outside of legacy storm/modern eggs commander is way slower

>faster paced
And what the fuck kind of "hijinx" do you think pauper has? It's just a pretty basic, semi fast but fun competitive format, not crazy at all especially that drake is banned.

More people need to take a turn and games always go into super later game and don't end in turn 5-6 like competitive formats. Not to mention shit like grouphug and chaos always take forever.
>Time per turn is lower in commander
False in complex boards and later in the game
>since no one cares to lawyer the rules.
Well I don't know what flies in your group but when we play, even if the format is casual, the game has to be played correctly.

Except it does have flying


Isn't Pauper literally just Commander under a different name?

>Protection from spells

No, that's EDH. Pauper is magic played with only commons.

Yes, I didn't read it close enough :(

*exiles you*

Pauper is modern with no rares.

Pauper is a competitive format but with only common cards allowed

That's a permanent at that point, not a spell.

Oblivion Ring isn't a spell, it's an enchantment. It can target just about anything, which is why it's one of the more broken white enchantments

Ah, right. There's so many different/renamed Magic formats it's hard to keep up.

>Not knowing how o ring works

>ever letting the game get far enough for someone to cast that
>being a moron who needs to end your games faster
>pick two

I believe that Oblivion Ring is a spell insofar as just about every card is a spell, but the exiling is a triggered ability so it doesn't count as a spell

But I'm not a dork so I don't know

Well no shit that every single card you cast is a spell. But it's ability takes place as it enters the battlefield, IE as it is an enchantment

It's a spell as it's being cast. Then in enters the battlefield which means it turns into a permanent, and its effect is being triggered.

So an effect like emrakul's own effect, which is triggered as you cast it is an effect from a spell, but an ETB effect like o-ring is an ability from a permanent.

Commander is the only constructed format that's radically different from any other.

Who even hardcasts Emrakul when stuff like Show and Tell, and Tooth and Nail exist.

>what is quicksilver amulet
>what is show and tell

People who want the extra turn, and abuse ramping and those tons of mana creatures the eldrazi cycle had. You get there surprisingly fast.

So you exclusively play MTGO or go to major events?

Also, that whole controversy in pic related would be way more funny if it wasn't a disgusting fatass himself making fun of the other disgusting fatasses. Where does he get off feigning superiority when he is literally a bearded troll? Reminds me of another disgusting neckbeard gigantor.

The extra turn is all fun and good, but if you can turn 4 drop a flying 15/15 with annihilator, than the game is pretty much decided at that point

Lmao games over 90% of the time when Emrakul hits the board don't need that extra turn. Enjoy ramping out an Emrakul for that extra turn while I cheated one in many turns ago.

Yea it's strong but it's a fat ass 15 drop that can be easily dealt with. I don't get why it's banned.



Well, a deck around ramping is probably more consistent than one focused around cheating in. Also depends on what cards are available. If you're playing modern, show and tell isn't an option, for example.

*teleports behind Emrakul*
Pssht. Nothin personnel kid.

Good luck surviving to your next main phase

Only retards care about cosmetics and retards don't deserve to have money.

>Not using proxies

Not really a good move. Yea it gets rid of Emrakul. But you now have a 15/15 with none of the abilities and are now target #1. Enjoy trying to survive until your next turn. Let alone keeping your Fakemrakul.

Nigger, what? Commander decks run in the thousands for a competitive deck.

>gets sealed in the moon for later sets
>sorin gets turned to stonevfor later sets
God i hate wizards

I can't speak for everyone but with the groups I play with; if you don't own the card you can't have it in the deck. Proxies are allowed if it's of a card you already own. We don't make each other buy multiples of the same card. That's just dumb. Especially when a lot of cards go for $30+. But you need to own at least 1.

>competative commander

there's your problem

Not really true. Kinda depends on what you're building. For example, my colorless deck cost me 1200 but that's a deck that requires a lot of shit to work because ramp doesn't really exist. But I have other good EDH decks that cost me around $100. But on the whole, standard and modern decks are FAR more expensive than EDH.

It would've made so much more sense for Emrakul to be behind the wackiness in Innistrad last year.

it was

>friend spends over three hundred dollars on an OP deck based on a tournament winner
>gets his shit pushed in by this card over and over

Why can't some people ever adjust?

It was. Were you under a rock?

That makes less sense to me than requiring you to own every copy of every card. If it's all friends, why put any kind of requirement at all? Seems like a rule that only serves to give an advantage to people who waste all their money buying cards.

I meant the other Eldrazi that wasn't the one the Jacetice League fought in Zendikar. Fuck.

Don't worry, getting caught was all part of my plan.

The Jacestice League fought and killed both Ulamog and Kozilek.

Because proxies shouldn't exist to begin with. Having at least 1 shows ownership. We don't make each other buy 4 Doubling Seasons. But if you want to use it you are expected to have at least 1 true card. We don't waste "all of our money buying cards." But we all have real jobs so having the money to buy 1 card that we need for a deck isn't an issue.

>to each player

enjoy your draw

>lilly breaks the helvault
>nahiri was inside
>super pissed cuz her ex sealed her in there intead of helping her fight the eldrazi
>well fuck you
>fucks up sorins only daughter forcing him to kill her
>kills his clan
>summons emrakul
>laughs as emma fucks innistrad up beyond recognition
>tells him to go fuck himself as she turns him to stone then fucks off.
Shadow over innistrad block was the real world equivalent of a bitch upset over a break up and lighting her exs house on fire
But yeah. Emma fucked up innistrad last year and nahiri din do nuthin


>9 mana
That's a really expensive play. Assuming in this magical christmas land you have both cards in hand and the free mana on the same turn. Because Fakemrakul (or you) won't survive to your next turn to play that.

>each player
You know that includes you, right?

Draft is my favourite format, too bad i'm poor and awful

2R = 9 CMC?

*teleports behind you*

>implying that isn't the best part.

The only one they didn't fight was Emma. Which was on Innistrad. Unless you want to include Marit Lage. But we don't know that's an Eldrazi and is only just a theory.

>Implying anyone pays full price for anything in EDH

My fault. I thought Rupture needed to target one of your creatures. Thus playing Duplicant first.

There are easier ways to force a draw



So when do we return to Theros and get our WB Undead Elspeth Planeswalkerfu

Hopefully never.


