All right?

All right?

>describe a video game in the manner of karl pilkington
>others try to guess which video game it is

I can't get into his head, man. It sounds like it would hurt.

So, you're a space pirate, right, going around pirating things, as you do.

But get this, you're also a monkey.

I'll start with several small ones

>Little French fella... goes around punching everything

>Masterpiece, innit? Russians know what they're doing.

>Can't be doin' with all these collectables. Way I see it, you beat a level and you're done.

>So yer on Mars, right?
>Diggin and what 'ave ye
>Brother. Dead.
>So now I'm runnin around blowin up buildings and stuff, yeah?
>Wait, sorry...what are you talking about Karl?
>Dunno, some folks kill me brother so now I'm blowing up their houses and that. Pffft.

feel like this should be obvious but I can't think of it

how many games do you play as a monkey pirate in space

memory of the games story is hazy but when I hear blowing up stuff on mars I think of red faction?

great game.

Absolutely none, I kinda made it up on the spot.

Gonna make the game now though, sounds like a fun concept.

Does Karl only exist in cartoon form for Americans?

>Karl: So I rang the bells and that, yeah?
>Steve: Sure.
>Karl: Headed back home... strange noises. Right? So I had a little check around.
>Ricky: Yeah go on.
>Karl: Little fella making the noise... turned out he weren't little and be weren't a fella.
>Steve: I'm sorry, is this monkey news?
>Ricky: Pffft!
>Karl: No. Not a monkey. It was like a really massive creature with huge eyes, and looked like he was grinning... Steve.

>you'll never play local co-op Mars Monkeys Mayhem with karl

i bought ESO on sale just because i was told i got a little monkey fella for playing in the beta years ago. gonna name it Pilkington or something

>Karl: Two lovers... dad gets kidnapped.
>Steve: Hillbillies, are they?
>Karl: Nah... just one of their dads. So they decide to go get 'im back, yeah? Nightmare.
>Ricky: Why?
>Karl: Fella who kidnapped the dad... he's got lots of friends. Sends 'em all after these two lovers.
>Ricky: Aw.
>Karl: But they keep searching, right? And I mean, they really search all around the shop. Check the circus. Check the swamp. Eventually... find 'im on an airship.
>Steve: Who? The father, or the kidnapper?
>Karl: Both. They have a bit of a scrap, and then they get their dad back... toss the kidnapper to some sharks.
>Ricky: Haahaa, what? Bit brutal, innit?
>Karl: Yeah. But the funny thing is... turns out these lovers, and their dad... all little monkey fellas.

>So it's like
>wif robots an' such
>they call you a man but you look more like a boy, yeah
>got like a pellet gun I guess
>everythin' has googly eyes, yeah


That woman's noggin has a bowl balancing on it. D

>So there's a... a space war going on.
"Of course, of course."
>And, you play as a super soldier person. Or, a robot maybe. Depends.
>And you get to be in a big robot. Which doesn't make sense if you think about it, yeah? Since you can be a little robot person, and also control the bigger robot.
"Karl... they're not originally robots, you dunce! They contain the people's consciousness!"
>But don't I contain my consciousness?

>so these people with guns roll into the place
>and shoot the little monkey fella
>right in the head, yeah
>so I put on some headphones an' now i'm in the past!

dark souls

don't know the game but like the post my man

bet it's desert something as in dessert

that's it you got it

>So you're this guy, right.
>And you're running around at your work doing things
>But then it all goes wrong, and it's like science run amok you know?
>There's like.. all these monsters that are showing up to kill the scientists and stuff.
>So you gotta stop em.
>But I mean... should they really have been messing with all that stuff in the first place?
>This is what happens when science tries to learn to much, you end up bringing in the aliens.
>They're a lot smarter than us you know.
>There's also some government guy, but I think he's working with them aliens.
>I mean, how else could we have learned how to do all that stuff, it's mental.
>So you manage to stop the aliens, I think, but then you're working for the government.
>So... did you stop them, or are you just working for them now?


Or some EVA game?

Xenoblade X


Naw fellas, this is Titanfall

>So, you go around all over the place, beating these creatures left 'n' right, right?
>Ricky: Doesn't sound very fun at all, but okay.
>You can even fight a man-monkey, right, 'n' it can shoot lightnin' from i'self.
>Ricky: [insert laughing here]




Half Life

We almost did, sort of.

"Doesn't sound very fun at all"

Yep, that's Monster Hunter alright.

Assassin's Creed?

It's Titanfall. They never talked much about that stuff in the game, though.

I must have lost all my edits, but have the template.

