Lot of people now a days rather have Naughty Dog focus on Uncharted and Last of Us as opposed to Crash and Jak & Daxter

>Lot of people now a days rather have Naughty Dog focus on Uncharted and Last of Us as opposed to Crash and Jak & Daxter
>Crash Trilogy footage comes out
>People start hating on Crash for being "corridor linear hallways," and it always sucking compared to other 3D platformers.

It's like everyone is ganging up on Crash. Non-enthusiasts and enthusiasts. That's genuinely disappointing.

Its a western ps4 exclusive. It was never going to get a fair chance here

They should be disappointed it's just another set of HD ports instead of actual new games. Same with Parappa the Rapper.

Fucking lol, worst anti shill thread I've ever seen by a Nintendo or PC fan. Crash hype is through the roof on here and even on FB, normies are eating the trilogy up. Stay mad.

But they're introducing new changes and content into them.

And they might make a fourth one like how Sly 4 happened because of the Sly HD Collcetion selling well.

I'm talking strictly on gaming sites and here from what I've seen. But yeah I get what you mean, that there is enthusiasm in general which is nice.


>hating on Crash for being "corridor linear hallways," and it always sucking
I wish. I will never understand why this series gets such high praise.

They're well made (Crash 1 is admittedly rough around the edges with some of the choices they made, but they did fix those choices in Crash 2), polished, easy to pick up and play, and are fun charming games. They're not bad at the very least.

I played Crash as a kid and I can personally say that I'm not excited for the new Crash games. Why? Because it's the SAME three games I've already played, both as a kid and later emulated as an adult. I'm finished with them. Why should I be excited to play them again? Because new "hot graphics"?

No, I'd much rather seen a new game in the series.

If there's anything to be carefully optimistic about, it's the increased potential for new installment if the remake goes well. But I for one am not investing in it.

>never played Crash
>play Uncharted 4
>they have a bit where you get to play the original Crash
>it's shit

Huh. Is the entire game like that? If yes, I have no idea why people like Crash so much.

I mean that's fair if you feel if it's not worth it. But they've already confirmed new stuff is happening for these games like Time Trials in 1 and 2 now like 3, and 1 getting 2 and 3's save system, and there's more stuff to come.

I just hope it does sell, cause a proper Crash 4 be really nice.


Define "entire game is like that". Because each game has some levels where you run towards the screen. But a majority of the levels normally have you moving forward and playing a platformer in general. Crash 3 introduces a lot of "variety," levels involving using vehicles in some way which play differently.

Crash 2 and 3 are good games though. People praising CTR as being anywhere close to as good as Mario Kart however are just wrong.

Sonybronies have no backbone, they'll praise anything coming out on their doorstop, even if it's knack. Of course they'll play down any classics that are mentioned, they need to focus on the newly released shovelware to justify their purchase. That's just how consolefriends operate.

Naughty Dog have no control over Crash at all, it was a Universal Studios property from day one. Now fully owned by Activision.

My bad. I could have worded that better. They could have focused on games that they used to do, that had a different style that appealed to different people as opposed to what they're doing now. You're right about the Universal thing. But they still do own Jak and Daxter.

>Lot of people now a days rather have Naughty Dog focus on Uncharted and Last of Us as opposed to Crash and Jak & Daxter

Have you seen the bullshit they're spitting out?

I rather not have them touching Crash

I don't hate their newer stuff as they're alright. I just prefer them making their older stuff and they're still very proficient in general.

Vicarious Visions is still a solid choice for the N-Sanity Trilogy considering both their Crash GBA games were alright, and what they've shown so far for the most part looks alright.

Hopefully the remasters won't disappoint.

You realize crash games are still being made right? I mean, they suck all the dick, but they're out there. Warped was by no means the last game in the series.

>You realize crash games are still being made right?
For you.

Let's be real here, do you think Naughty Dog even has it in them anymore to make a good Crash/Jak & Daxter sequel?

>People start hating on Crash for being "corridor linear hallways," and it always sucking compared to other 3D platformers.

Wow, not everybody is wearing the nostalgia goggles, that was some unforeseen shit right there.

I don't know. I think I wouldn't be opposed to them trying one more time, and seeing how it turn out. I'm sure they recognize that different series need different things.

I know it's ridiculous to say, but I honestly fear for Naughty Dog's future. If they'll only ever make the same third person shooters forever now, even though I know they'll sell millions no matter what. Naughty Dog was admittedly never that creative, only quite competent at developing already-established genres.

The Last of Us came about because they wanted to make a darker Jak and Daxter but were incapable of making it a kid's game.

let sleeping dogs die

crash has been dead ever since CTR

rehashes are cancer

the devs themselves turned on you and shit all over their past works in an interview.

>Hot graphics

It looks like fucking ass. The cartoony backgrounds fit way better then this shit we get now. I agree with your reasoning on why i should buy them again. I mean, I have played the first 3 so many times, i can go throught them without dying once by accident.