Does anyone wanna play some shitty games with me?

does anyone wanna play some shitty games with me?

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tfw no steam gf to bully me

tfw no steam friends to play my shit games with.


kys, stop attention whoring

tfw no steam gf to bully me into playing really shit games with her while she posts smug anime pictures

well i already have a husband but i think you will find someone to let bully you one day.

i-i can only hope...

no need to be a stuttering faggot user.

s-so.. i mean sorry!

this is why no one loves you user and you messed up my thread

>Top three most played
If you just want to ERP and swap dick pics don't sugarcoat it, fatty


cs go
dota 2
left 4 dead 2

i dont want love, fag. i just want to be bullied.

so you are more than a fag? you are retarded faggot?

how is that being retarded..... but sure

get a backbone man shit.

Still lurking for a steam bf!

thats not what steam is for user!

i just want to jerk off from being bullied, cunt.
doesnt mean i dont have a backbone in other situations. fucking weeb

you are calling me a weeb for using two pictures?

It's so good for marrying cuties though.

that is correct

i found my husband using Sup Forums. We are still together too!

Well there we have it. Steam is for finding partners!

i said Sup Forums though you cuck

im a big fag and i paint my nails

I-I don't even what???? I can't.

you should add me though you act like me.

>most played game is CS:GO

No thanks.

And who would you be, mr twin?

Fuck off with your retarded thread you utter faggot.

>level 12
Nah, your level is too low.

well that stinks.

can i add u?

I'll think about it...

if you dont act like a faggot, sure.

Why do people have that 'If you're under Lv.50/100 then don't add me' rule?
I can sort of understand if it's 10+ to filter out third worlders but it just seems odd.

i will be waiting.

Never add people on steam from these threads, niggas. Don't be an idiot.

yeh these people are fucking gay. and not a cute steam gf to bully me. stupid dumb anime scum

this, most of them are just anime traps and gay furry role players

Anime traps are the best kind of friends

Level 20 and up, anything lower is a shitter.
See it like this: leveling up is a game in itself. If you truly like vidya you have a decent level to prove it.

>he isn't already preparing steam summer sale badge by having 100+ badges ready to be crafted

Agreed, pic sadly related

If you're not a weeb then don't bother adding me. I'll accept your requests tomorrow since I am sleepy.


I've always wanted to befriend nouny and make him post wolf girl pics for me.

I do it for everyone.

>tfw no holo pics on phone

Good night then.

>no wolf pics for me tonight


okay... good night

Look what I found.

Holo! Hooray!!

I want a personal holo poster....


Get yer own, noun is my property now I've claimed him.

add me for gay erp

can't you shitstains just go back to your tranny-support-group-discord and keep this there?



That's right.

>Spooky girl

Sorry, too spooky for me.