why would they port a game to a plataform where 0 people buy games
I own a PS4, but don't want to pay for the game. Easier to pirate on PC, is PS4 busted open yet?
I know these petitions are made by false-flaggers, but i still love it
how fat do you have to be to even think of wasting all that time just to falseflag? couldn't you just post an angry wojak and call it a day?
I have a feeling the early ones were legit
Signed! Us PC user need to show them why we're the masterrace!
>Sony Interactive Entertainment
To be honest, I don't understand why PC faggots are so desperate for this. I chose to play all the Dark Souls titles on PS3/4 because the PC versions were full of cheating fucks.
In fact, all multiplayer games are categorically better on consoles for this very reason. I mean, if there were no cheaters I'd be playing on PC exclusively, but holy fuck - MGSV is the perfect example; some absolute cunt comes and raids my base, I go to defend, and he hacks his way through my whole base taking all my shit and soldiers. GREAT EXPERIENCE. WOULD RECOMMEND.
God I can't wait for the day when it's announced that this game won't come to PC, I'll shitpost to my heart's content.
Also the early signatures and the creator of the petition are actually serious, just look up his twitter and you'll be amazed.
>Sony Interactive Entertainment
PCfags literally have no quality games, they are desperate for any console garbage they can get.
Wow, they ported a game that could have just as easily been a flash game. This isn't the same situation at all.
For mustardrace, PCucks sure do beg.
>C-consoles have n-no games!
wtf dont take our only game
>comparing a AAA title to indie shit
>playing a TK game on pc
jesus christ why the few i've played all run like shit
>s-surely based sony wouldn't do this to us AGAIN! #4ThePlayers
Dont worry bro, they will never get Bloodborne.
petitions dont work
i'd hate for anybody who actually supports this cause to have to learn the hard way that something they fight hard for will never come to fruition.
>the ps4 is already 5 years old and the only good game is bloodborne
They'll never get Knack, we're safe.
Kek nope this one started on r pc gaming with 300 plus upvotes
Nioh isnt a low budget indie game though, what are you talking about?
Least you could have done was use No Man's Sky as an excuse of a Sony published game being on PCs, but No Man's Sky is never a good excuse for anything.
>pc is 40 years old and their only game is undertale
>I-It's a falseflag! *teleports behind* *signs petition*
>F-fuck of sonyggers!
Gonna be honest, I forgot Sony did anything with that game. I forget it even exists until someone posts about it.
ratchet and clank is fun you FUCKING NIGGER
This one's real, it's made by a tranny from Ireland. someone looked him up on Twitter and made a collage of him spamming Twitter with his petition and subsequently spazzing out when Sony were revealed to be publishing it.
Imagine having such little going on in your life that exclusivity of a video game causes you that much anxiety.
but doesn't PC have more than enough games out there for you to enjoy?
I want it, it's not fair
Wasn't Berserk a TK game too? And it got a PC port
I still remember how all the golden face posters got quiet after that
I just want a pc port so I can watch shitposters damage control and pretend nobody on console ever had trouble with bosses like Muneshige
The majority of Sup Forums are terrible at games, it's not even so much a platform thing.
I want them to say that the game wasn't that good in the first place like every time pc gets a port.
>pls let us have your games
>PS4 has no games!
>Waaaaaaaah give use that game! It's not fair!
>1800 to go!
And then what?
This is what passes for epic trolling and humor these days?
No, thx
>Its another TK game that uses Demon King Nobunaga design
>the latest game from glorious Nippon
>made by a company called Team Ninja
>is about a filthy gaijin piggu who got shipwrecked and stranded
>and is shown to be considerably more adept at fighting and swordsmithing than the Japanese natives
>is even able to make short work of Japanese demons that have been terrorizing the island for centuries
>it's okay for the Japanese to be race traitors
>western dev makes a game where a character is black
>WE WUZ [game subject] AND SHIET
>trying to get Nioh when there are a ton of Yakuza games
>trusting a KT port
>thinking team ninja wants your shit lewds
>port begging at all
its literally okay when japan does it.
In their defense, Nioh has a non-zero chance, as slim as it is, to come to PC. Yakuza and Project Diva, on the other hand, have a true zero chance. Bear in mind that we live in an era where games that were in some way sponsored by Sony (NMS, SFV) are more likely to come to PC than games that have no Sony endorsement, like Sega's output. Sega is literally doing it for free.
>why would they port a game to a plataform where 0 people buy games
Dark Souls have 3 million sales on PC.
>White people being accurately depicted as the superior race
What is the problem?
For the longest time, the Japanese never wanted to accept anything less than Japanese superiority. Despite the fact that Japan was only able to have an army due to western influence. Or despite the fact that Japan was only able to have a technology sector because of the west. Or despite the fact that Japan was only able to have an automotive industry because of the west. Or despite the fact that Japan was only able to have the video game industry because of the west.
*2.99 million were purchased for $5 on a deep discount or had as part of a humble bundle*
Maybe he means all of them together?
Redpill me on pcgamers browsing this board
He said 3 Mil on PC. Combined across all three platforms, it's closer to 4 Mil. Most of the sales were on PS4, obviously, with PC not much behind. Xbone was significantly less.
Pc gamers on Sup Forums are a small group of people so autistic about muh freedom, muh graphics, that instead of purchasing the system that plays the games they would like to play they never do and then petition and shit post about it all day.
I bet 90% of the people who sign these things don't buy the game when it actually comes out. That's what I'd think if I was the one in charge of porting it to the pc.
Explain this sonycucks
Its a fantasy take on real life events using a real historical figure.
Ok now wheres the pc port how NMS had it announced
They will, but only when its on sale.
Steam has honestly been complete cancer for the PC market, its devalued games so much
No, it's just brought to attention the actual value of games.
I don't own a PC, but hopefully it will get a port so more people that want it could play it.
Fun game.
I don't know you're serious or just want to feel morally superior to these basement dwellers who's still living with their parents.
How many cheaters are there in Rocket League?
>Why won't companies make games for our SUPERIOR PLATFORM
>Let me just pirate everything and what I like I'll buy for pennies
This is why nobody gives a fuck about you people and will continue to not give a fuck.
You deserve nothing and you will get nothing.
>No, it's just brought to attention the actual value of games.
>this is what pcfags actually believe
Meanwhile the country that actually buys good games at high enough numbers for them to continue being produced pays the highest price for them.
Yea PC has a huge cheating issue, master race indeed.
>Retard is happy paying 60 dollars for a 2 hour game
>Retard is happy rebuying the games he had from last generation over and over again
>Retard more than happy to give more money for less content
You know, it's rare to meet "people" that are this stupid. I'm pretty certain even people with actual down syndrome are smart enough to realize shit that you two are trying to pass off as okay or even good is actually completely idiotic and a stupid to support.
wait, why do peeseecux think this isn't exclusive?
>this is what children actually believe
Be glad you never 90$ (ninety) back in the 90's on a SNES game. 60$ after inflation these days is pocket change.
Well the idiots over in leafland are paying that much. They're even dumber than the typical sony pony paying more for less.
Cancucks are a pathetic breed. I pay 48$ for a new game because of Amazon prime student. I couldn't imagine living a country as shitty as Canada. They'll be worse than Mexico in a decade.
I bought a PS4 recently so I can play some of its exclusive, but if Sony brings this to PC then I will probably sell the PS4 since there is no point keeping it if they release everything on PC, I can just play it on PC with better resolution, fps etc.
Sony should start keeping their exclusives or at the very least learn to label.