Post them

Post them.



You know it's true.

Not so fast.

Is the original Witcher gonna be worth thegrowing pains as I get used to it?

Could give two shits about the card game. Purposefully failed any mandatory segments.


this is what you wanted, isnt it?



No. It is my genuine opinion.

What about 2?

Know it in your heart that it's true.

Plebeian: TTYD
Contarian: SSS
Patrician: LotSS

Prove me wrong.

Close but no cigar


Vanilla, WoD, Legion




Wotlk, Cata

thanks I nearly forgot




In your defense AoS would be better than SotN in every way if it weren't for the inferior art/sound direction and grinding.






Fixed it for you, looks like we need to fill up the other categories though.


>the good one is plebeian
>the bad one is patrician
>the other one is contrarian

You forgot to add Bloodborne as Patrician.

>plebeian = most popular thing that i don't like
>contrarian = less popular thing that i don't like
>patrician = less popular thing that i like

On a fundamental level you suck.




>Metroid 2 in contrarian
>Metroid 2 remake in Patrician

I don't even understand.


for niche porn that is



Awful taste



Genuinely kill yourself then.

new here. what do these words mean/? what is patrician? plebian? contrarian?


A Plebeian is a poor person during the Roman times, something being "plebeian" is basically something being of poor taste. In this context it's used for "Something that's popular that isn't actually all that good."

A contarian is someone who likes something else, not particularly because it's good or bad, but because it's different. A contarian in this context is the same thing.

A patrician is someone during the Roman times who was rich and therefore educated. Something that's patrician is something that's only found through developed taste and understanding of the medium. A patrician in this context is "something that's not popular but really fucking good."

That also works in general though.


You're an idiot. Plebeian is what everybody likes, contrarian is what people like to spite what everybody likes, and patrician is whats actually good.




I only recognize one. What are they?

SOTN doesn't make any sense in the Contrarian category. Everyone fucking likes SOTN.


That's the core of what he's getting at, he's just adding the historical context.


I heard someone ordered a (you)

>3D world

>waifufags will disagree with this

I remember they had Tekken 3 at the local Ci-Ci's Pizza place when I was in middleschool until it closed down a few years ago. They reopened in a new location, but now it's nothing but a claw machine and a Cabella's Big Game hunting game.




What if I played and liked all three? Is this a situation where you go with the lowest rating?


>secret elder god tier

Had a good laugh at this one.

Does anyone have the adventure game in board game form? is it good?

>the worst game in the series

Books are deep into contrarian tier.
The author is a hack and a buttmad hack at that.

bretty gud

Just get the fuck out back whatever hole you crawled out
Everything about you is horrible and retarded


Plebian: TTYD
Contrarian: PM64
Patrician: SPM

literally true, bw2 is GOAT pokemon game by a mile


Why are these threads always so shit. It's always "new game" pleb, old game "contrarian".

switch mgs1 and phantom pain

>MGR patrician
Nice meme games, meme lord.


This thread is going places. More Metroidvania tiers. Where do you put Circle of the Moon?
>Contrarian Patrician.



Plebian: DanganRonpa, ZTD

Contrarian: Virtues Last Reward, Remember11

Patrician: 999, Ever17

Elder God Patrician: Umineko

>it's a "fanfic author shills his fanfic" thread


The correct thing would
HGSS Platinum

Seriously, fuck Fire Emblem. I want my DoR sequel.



DoR was fucking terrible. The CO structure was completely revamped and only for the negative.

Lin is the best waifu, though.

Top left -> Oracle God of War
Bottom right -> Girl of I-Need-To-ReInstall-Game.
Bottom left -> ?????????????

how the fuck is dead space 3 better than 2

Do you not know what the word Contrarian means?

They fixed the unbalanced CO spam that overrode the entire remaining gameplay in DS. If you don't like DoR, you don't like actual turn based strategy.



swap viii and ix and you're good