ITT: Questionable character design choices in vidya
ITT: Questionable character design choices in vidya
>complains about Frederick
>Stahl is fine
Given the retardation in the Awakening armor design, and some of the rest of the cast, how could you pick out the one decent looking armor as "questionable"?
They weren't. That's the point.
I unironically like the design of the mushroom fella. The rest are irredeemable trash though.
Every anime game.
Even just this picture makes my eyes hurt and makes me nauseous.
What the hell is going on with that big guy in the back?
Mad gains.
what you don't like being BADASS????!?!??!?
Lonqu looks decent. Xander looks cool.
uhhh... the generic enemy Warriors and Pegasus Knights in Awakening looked really good.
yeah, RIP the old designs
Fredrick was the only Knight in that game that had decent looking armor though.
>Old FE
Literally everyone has colourful rectangular plates with yellow thingies around them and some had capes
>New FE
Actually different characters and designs with non-bland looking armours
As much as I prefer the GBA games, the art department improved tenfold with awakening
bitch please
Frederick looks great. His armor has a nice color scheme, it's not too bulky, and the bolo tie and vest/suspenders are a nice touch. Dat bulge, too.
Looks like
I know this is yet another thread for idiots to whine about how Awakening ruined the series forever but look at this shit this is actually bad.
The old designs had such bad sameface if they weren't older character like Greil or the 1000 Fore Emblem banditos.
Path of Radiance literally had two identical merchants.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to tell you that your eyes aren't working properly.
They were twins
But I like Awakening, I just made this thread because I honestly thought Freddy's design was dumb.
His theme is baller though.
>the art department improved tenfold with awakening
Freddy one shots any enemy on the map so he can wear anything he wants for all I care.
Chrom always bothered me though, aren't armors supposed to, you know, cover your fucking body?
Yes, how dare people point out a game's bad art direction!
>bad art direction
I love the GBA sprites the most, but Awakening's art is fantastic. Not necessarily the headshots in game but all the actual character art they created with the game. Sacred Stones' character art was also amazing.
half of me wants to play battleborn just to see what it's like
the other half just wants to laugh at what a mess the game turned out to be
What's wrong with Keaton? His skunk hair? The transformed werewolf design is a billion times worse.
Do you have s real argument?
Freddy's design is pretty decent for Awakening. There are much worse one's.
those are all fates except for chrom and the toilet bowl cav armor which, yes, is retarded but I was talking about the character art drawn for the game.
why did ike have his right arm replaced by a sword
>uses art from older games as an argument for the newer games
You might be retarded
He needed to sword harder.
Don't remind me
>New FE
>Actually different characters and designs with non-bland looking armors
Boy I sure do love my medieval fantasy characters dressed up like a drunk LARPer on a tight budget, yup.
what a diverse set of characters
...that is Awakening art, for the DLC.
>Hire an artist who only knows how to do modern character designs
Here's your answer.
>Hating the Metal Crab
He and his kid were my best units, but fuck this thing.
if I bothered to look I would find the one where all his limbs are replaced with the sword.
i know I saved it but it might be on a laptop at another property.
I actually really like his design except he needs a haircut to make his hair a bit more symmetrical.
It's a shame they messed up the transformation stuff so badly. That's something that should not have been overlooked.
Weren't all the royal siblings supposed to be descendants of some dragon? Well, just say a manakete-like person pops up in the bloodline from time to time and it just so happened to be him. There's a simple explanation. And, yes, I know that has nothing to do with what actually happened.
Historically, captured enemies or slaves were kept barefoot in many cultures. Azura is barefoot too
>Weren't all the royal siblings supposed to be descendants of some dragon?
The royals are blood-bonded to a dragon, like Jugdrali nobles and the Exalted line. Corrin is the actual child of a dragon.
>calls others retarded
>is in fact retarded himself
really makes me think
Good taste.
You are referring to Son of Sun, right?
I knew that about Corrin. I heard about the siblings being dragon descendants before the game came out. That was just a bad translation, I guess.
>That much is showing below Odin's belly button
How is there no pubic hair?
Who the fuck designed these things?
>Calls himself a wolf
>Transforms into a drop bear
Hell yeah nigga.
I remember an interview with the artist, either text or video, I don't recall, but his reasoning was because "you look at it and go 'whoa that's strange'" or something along those lines. Literally nonsensical for the sake of being nonsensical.
I remember when everyone thought Shirow was the worst that could happen to Fire Emblem.
Elibe was pretty boring desu, and a lot of 6's characters were visual rehashes of Shadow Dragon's.
still upset they wasted pic related on on this game
I always thought Corrin being barefoot was an in-joke because Fates models had actual feet unlike Awakening's Wind Waker feet.
Shut UP you FUCKING GENWUNNER! Pokemon designs are the BEST they have EVER been and will ONLY IMPROVE WITH TIME!
Reminds me of this
I still married him in my Femui file.
>he doesn't shave
lmao at you senpai
I want this image
What's wrong with this design?
I was thinking of "At the library" instead.
>he shaves
>he doesn't wax
keking hard at you
God damn it, There are genuinely good character designs in battleborn, even the worst ones can be fixed with a couple tweaks.
>Better Proportions.
>Buff out some of the accessories and smooth a few edges.
>Little more symmetry.
Its color could use a little more shade as well it has pop, but it gets jarring quickly.
Battleborn is the 90's Rob Liefeld of Videogames
Go bag yourself
lol dude skipped head day
you might just be a penis
I feel like modern FE designs suffer from a case of same face. As far as in game portraits and art go.
jej'd heartily
Only FE I can think of that has least amount of same-fact is probably 9+10 and MAYBE 4 (def not 5 though), the whole series has big issue with same-face. Though it's probably because designs were always minimal and simple for most part, well most of the time... original Jagen has some crazy spikey armor shit that look right at home in Awakening.
>he waxes
>doesnt laser
>complain about awakening and fates thread #967254
when are you retards just going to fuck off. how many times are you going to spew the same shit over and over before you're tired of it
>oc donut steel
his alias is even better though, fucking player-killer-killer
Save yourself the heartache. Gearbox deserve everything they got with that one.
I hate how right you are, although I think this art is just a one off piece of shit design. Here's Ike's Fates portrait for reference.
Most of these are fine though
>wah wah le fat women ruining vidya
that's only marginally better.
When you kill yourself
Say what you want but Gumshoos, Mudbray, Mudsdale, Aquaracnid, Pykumuku, Dhlemise, and the Jangmo-o line are my niggas.
You all know nothing.
Literally what's the problem? Bruxish is the only bad one I see there. Alolan Persian as well
They're extremely forgettable and just generally look like shit. Plus their bright coloring makes them even uglier and hurts my eyes.
That sounds like your opinion to me buddy, I think they're quite good on average and I love a few of them; definitely a big step up from gen 6.
None of them are even particularly bright. They're mostly pastels or low-saturation colors. Forgettable is not really a valid criticism for a game that just came out, and the only reason you remember the majority of Genwun pokemon is because you grew up with them.
>Shiting on Azama, Peri, Odin, Chrom, and fake abs girl
I can't stop picturing him flailing his stick arm around for some reason.
I almost want to play battleborn for her, but that requires PLAYING battleborn