how do I get a qt vidya playing gf
How do I get a qt vidya playing gf
You are the wittiest cunt in the particular basement you inhabit, no doubt littered with dorito bags and empty mountain dew code red bottles. You have a crush on your own mother and were caught lookin at furry porn in the library of the middle school you attend...
Probly nailed it.
literally none of that was right except for me being a witty cunt
try again next time
That's oddly specific...
It's a new pasta in the making
the girl is ugly but the guy is attractive no homo
By not being a beta
her nudes vanished from the internet
wish i saved them
Shit man you're gotta say I really enjoy your post, it's got that ironic charm to it that really cracks me up you know? Really hope this stuff catches on, anyways have a good one. Peace.
>personal discords
Imagine having an ego this large.
Leaving the house and talking to girls. If desperate enough, use a dating site.
Honestly, finding a gf into vidya isn't that hard given this day n' age.
Finding a girl into guns, in a state like mine? Alas, such is life in commiefornia.
>wanting a sheltered white devil GF who always tries to mooch screen time
Why user
go to northeast CA
Grow a bbd and treat white woman like shit.
that thing holding the nigger is not a qt, not even sure it's a girl desu
You can easily get a qt trap gf if you don't care about dealing with their mental problems, a lot of them enjoy video games.
where did it all go so wrong for Trihex?
>Didn't even know my girlfriend liked video games before dating her
>She has played plenty of Odin Sphere, Talos Principle, and Shovel Knight among other games
It's not hard to even get your gf interested if she doesn't play already. Just include her in the activity and show her how you can have fun together. It becomes a bonding thing.
Got wrecked on the /srg/ marathon. Paid 700$ for emotes. Got wrecked by the MHC. _trix blew the YI world record out of the water. Mario maker gave him a ton of viewers.
>pic related
>qt trap
ayy lmao
>empty mountain dew code red bottles
You don't even know.
>Leaving the house and talking to girls.
Online dating never works
Regardless of whether that picture is a man or a woman, they're still gross. Way to skinny and a weird neck.
you don't want one. i had a three year long relationship that fell to shit because she got close to my best friend when we all played WoW and she started fucking him. do yourself a favor and find a girly girl that likes painting nails and shit.
>implying Trihex has anything on Caleb
$700 for emotes? why?
But where are qt traps?
Or, y'know, find a girl that isn't a disgusting slut who can actually trust.
I said girlfriend, not faggot man you fucking nigger
Well first you have to get lifting
>trusting humans
>spend 8+hrs a day on webcam playing video games
>thinking these gfs are anything but golddigging sluts
>Lol I'm such a nihilist
I'm pretty sure the artist was a girl which probably played a part and also he's not very bright.
he saw people sub to cirno for anime emotes and thought hey I can copy that with a small investment of $700 but then it turns out that he really couldnt
Are you trying to force a copy pasta on us?
>desperate about wanting to feel the warm of other human being
>gets mad when people tell him that the only thing he can get is a trap
>be a popular streamer
>you know that 100% of all bitches, and people in general, are just being fake to you to try and get money or something from you
I'm sure that's kinda shit
The gun laws here are absolute shit, should I just move to Oregon or Montana?
I already got my Nursing degree, and Montana is very favorable to nurses. But I don't want shit internet.
on the internet, on Sup Forums steam groups playing with the name of "sluthealer"