Tfw you are the ONLY fucking person on this board who has done a Bloodtinge build

>tfw you are the ONLY fucking person on this board who has done a Bloodtinge build

Why is it such a fucking slog, bros?

Fighting Logarius early is total fucking misery. Just be glad you aren't doing a BLT STR build and rushing the Bloodletter.

what game?

I think it's called Nioh?

why is dark souls 4 not just called dark souls 4?

I've been playing this for the first time, never done a Souls game before but it was on sale for $20 so I grabbed it.

It's a lot of fun but i've died probably >15 times to Gascoigne (thankfully I found the elevator shortcut to him after the first few times) and I don't want to be overleveled or use the Music Box thing because that sounds like cheesing your way through it, like I might as well summon if I did that.

I have no problems with his hunter form, basic pattern of two melee attacks then dodge, and dodging towards him a little at an angle when he attacks. The problem is when he roids the fuck out, even if I try to time stuns right he'll eventually just get me into a combo I can get out of with enough time to heal, and it's always right at the LAST 200 or so of his HP.

It's becoming a really unfun experience but I absolutely want to enjoy this game because I know Souls games are great, so what's the deal with my autism?

>have no issues with any boss thus far
>Amygdala fucking wrecks me in seconds

w-wake me up

Do you have molotovs? Those are good for dealing the last bit of damage in his final form without putting yourself in as much danger.

BLT build best build.
Chikage is mai weaponfu

stand behind him
hit his hands

Is the game actually playable with TURBO MODE turned on? Artistic vision or not, I'm not putting up with 10fps, Sup Forums.

Dodge and whack him once or twice, are you retarded?

Just wait until the Abhorrent Beast in Loran

Biggest fucking piece of shit I have ever fucking faced

The thing with Bloodborne is.... with most bosses you have to be aggressive instead of keeping your distance.
Most of them can close a distance fast so that's useless.

You have to hug them, move to their sides and be aggressive.

This game, more than any other Souls game, makes use of i-frames and you can dodge through most attacks with ease since there's usually plenty of stamina to spare.

There is a way men fight, and a way beasts fight, hunter. Don't be afeared of dodging like mad and sprinting away from the beast form, and engaging in hit-and-run tactics.

Is there something like a proper sequence to events in this game? After Vicar Amelia I feel like I've just been picking random paths and following them until I kill a boss and get a thing. I have vague ideas on where to go now but I'm never sure if I'm killing the right things at the right time.

And is the Forbidden Forest considered the Blight Town of Bloodborne? It runs okay but holy shit was it a painful slog to get through. Everything looks the same and spooky camouflage enemies with poison all over the fucking place.

What you mean?

Chikage is a bloodtinge weapon and it is very very good

Honestly starting a straight arcane build is way harder. Piss poor damage until you get good gems, and then trying to fight the Orphan of Kos at a low level for the kos parasite. Thank God for Blacksky Eye

It's okay, Gascoigne is really the games difficulty wall for most people and that's extra true if it's your first Souls game. He's one of those bosses where once you defeat him, you've gotten gud.

Once you chip his health down, just play it really fucking safe and go in for one hit at a time, conserve your stamina for backing the fuck up while kiting him around the gravestones/trees. Molotovs are helpful for situations like this too. It's not cheesing, those items/mechanics are in the game for a reason and you should be proud to beat him as long as you didn't summon anyone.

Also if you're about to be hit with no time to back up, dodge into his attacks rather than away from them. That goes for almost every enemy in the game.

I didn't even think about orphan with an arcane build. Can you respec in BB?

Here's how to BT
>Level Dex for a little bit
>Kill Wheel Dad, summon help if you aren't gud
>Get Edgy Weapons from Vampires
>Level BT like a fucking champ
>Equip special fancy pistol from vampire castle
>Apply bone ash
>Shoot a motherfucker in the face so hard that his skull flies out of his ass
>Do 800+ damage to Amagdalya with a headshot
>Get beaten to death with a wagon wheel for being a filthy BT user

You can't

Nope unfortunately- the game really calls for multiple play-throughs. I got lucky with Orphan, as after maybe my 20th try he just froze - so I just spammed Hunter tools until he died. Possibly the luckiest I've ever gotten in a souls game

>dying to wheelfaggots

Fuck. I wanted to try the Kos parasite but I'm nervous as hell about playing the DLC with an arcane build just to experiment with something I might not even like using.

I wanna get this game. What version should I get?

But Arcane build is good, user. Get yourself an early tonitrus, cheese with molotovs.

>I don't want to be overleveled or use the Music Box thing because that sounds like cheesing your way through it
There's your autism

Play the fucking game. Stop looking up hints or refusing to use items because of Sup Forums cred you tucking faggot.

I got to say, the Kos Parasite Is a bit lacklustre for all the effort you put into getting it. It's moveset is a lot of fun, but you really need top tier gems to do decent damage. That being said, arcane builds can steamroll a lot of bosses just by using their Tools (Defiled Watchdogs and Amygdala are a piece of cake with high arcane stats)

All the bosses in the main game pale in comparison to the levels of bullshittery that are the Chalice Dungeon Bosses. Headless Bloodletted Beast is a huge fuck you. Only boss in the game where you glitch him he actually becomes harder and you can't do V Attacks. Also if he's glitched he will one hit kill you with 99 vitality.

What hunter tools are must haves for arcane build? I only found a couple my last playthrough and prefer not to check the wiki unless I need to

You have to go through a bunch of shit including Logarius with shitty damage, all so you can get access to a sword that only takes advantage of your bloodtinge in one mode, and that constantly drains your health in that mode
Even worse is trying to get the Bloodletter, since that requires you to beat like 70% of the game, or rush whatever you need in order to be able to deal endgame levels of damage. It's a much better Bloodtinge weapon since it doesn't kill you over time, but it takes an eternity to get, which sucks since NG+ and Chalices don't give the same satisfaction as the new game difficulty curve

>Only a few non-gun weapons scale with it
>Even if you don't use those weapons, guns are really only useful for parrying unless you're retarded
BLT was a waste of a stat. It would be better to do anything else excluding Arcane.

You should do Hemwick very early on

That's the witch right? I did her after Amelia, yeah.

If I just went to Byrgenworth and killed the spooky lake spider and turned the moon red roughly how far through am I? I still don't feel like I've accomplished much. But at the same time it feels like things might be starting to go somewhere. I'm also very confused as to where I'm meant to go now. That's not a cry for help though, I like navigating the city.

Proper order of events are Do main area if no optional areas are available. If optional areas are available do those first before proceeding through main area.
After you kill VA the enemies get harder.

You're close to the end of the game, after you kill Rom you gotta go into the castle with the mother brain and kill Cage Head, then you gotta kill Wetnurse, then you either day or face off against. Papa G.

You're about halfway through the story give or take. Make sure you check out some of more of the optional bosses and shit, it's some of the most worthwhile content in the game. Get the DLC if you haven't already.

Definitely Blacksky Eye and Augur of Ebritas (super useful against hunter npcs). A lot of people like Executioner Gloves and the Tiny Tonitrus, but I find I get more damage and use per bullet with the previous two. I forget it's name, but there's also the tool that summons all these stars and does shit tonnes of damage- but I don't really use that. I find the other hunter tools pretty average. Old Hunter bones fucks up the timing of my dodges, and the Empty Phantasm shell is only really good when you're buffing physical weapons (which most of the time you wont use)

The Bowblade is so goddamn fun.

What said is true if you just want to finish the game but there are quite a few optional areas you can head to that lengthen things out quite considerably.

If you factor in the non essential stuff (ie, not just rushing towards the ending) I'd say Rom is about 40% through the game.

>main area
>optional areas
How the hell do I tell the difference?

>you're close to the end of the game
Fuck me, really? I swear Dark Souls was much longer than this.
Heard about that, looking for an entrance
>cage head, wetnurse
have vague ideas on what they are thanks to memes

that sounds about right considering that I only seem to have found about half of the lamps according to warp gravestones. And is the DLC worth doing on a first playthrough. I got the fancy edition of the game so I have it.

My main problem is not knowing what's mainline content. I'm afraid of accidentally speedrunning the game by choosing the optimal paths by mistake.

>And is the DLC worth doing on a first playthrough
Why the hell wouldn't it be? It doubles the amount of weapons you can choose from and arguably has the best boss fights in the entire series.

Last user you responded to. It's possible. I respect if you're a purist, but it's honestly not a bad idea to look online for little hints as to where to find optional stuff. Nightmare frontier, healing church workshop and cainhurst all feature some of the most unique areas and bosses in the base game, it'd be a bummer to miss out.

Also note that you have a VERY clear indication that the game will end before you proceed, so you'll have all the time you need to go back and explore. The only thing to worry about is whether or not you'll be over leveled.

>Is the dlc worth doing on the first playthrough

Yes....not only does it nearly double the weapon pool (on a related note the dlc weapons are some of the most fun in the game) but it has some extremely memorable boss fights.

If you wait until NG+ the difficulty spikes way the fuck up there and you'll probably have to finish most of the game again to catch up to the new level curve.

If you killed Rom(the spider) you should be at the perfect level to start dabbling in the DLC and fine some cool new weapons. I wouldn't recomend trying to finish it until after killing Micolash though

Oh, and yeah the DLC is definitely worth it for the first playthrough. Amazing bosses, doubles the weapon/tool count, really great areas. Can't recommend it enough, probably the best thing FROM has put out DLC wise.

Augur is a must really, very useful and versatile item. Call Beyond for cuhrazzy damage, but it's pretty lategame tool.
Never used dlc tools, so not sure about those

Is that a nickname for something or is there a thing named Micolash coming up?

I've done 5 BLT runs, and no its not a slog

You go kill witches early, kill vicar, get to cainhurst, backstab santa like a boss, get the chikage and literally shit on everything from there on out.

Fighting Logarius is the biggest ""problem"" but hes so easy to backstab that even if your damage is shit, its still manageable.

Ringed City is shaping up to be exciting, but Old Hunters is definitely the best piece of DLC they put out

And after experiencing AotA again, I can say it was a bit weaker than I had once thought

>Why is it such a fucking slog, bros?
I don't know, you're the only fucking person who has done a bloodtinge build apparently

There is a boss named Micolash....he's the "cage head" mentioned earlier.

After killing him the last few NPC quests unlock and then there's one more boss before the final boss.