Terribly designed characters

>terribly designed characters
>even worse designed maps
>slow as fuck
>wait to respawn, walk as slow as possible back to the fight or wait even longer for the rest of your team to respawn
>casualness of a console game
>all the frustration of a moba where one person can ruin a match

how does blizzard do it?

>casualness of a console game
It's that easy.

Did I do it right?


Fuck off Randy

You high noon pardner?


I'm not sure if you are retarded or just pretending.

How stinky is her bum, Sup Forums?


Overwatch a shit but since I already wasted money on it the server browser is pretty fucking fun. Even if you don't play with meme rules it can at least fix some shit like the movement speed and Pharah's rocket's speed. Quick play and arcade is probably just going to completely dry up for a while after they put that shit on the main servers.

>how does blizzard do it?
well you're a nitpicky fuck, but
>casualness of a console game
this, just wrapped up in a neat package with just enough of a skill ceiling to make people believe that it has a ton of depth and then market it out the ass.

I have no idea how people play this when there is so much clusterfuck on the screen. Some weapons takes half of the screen and always dangling around, those shitty bloody screens and buff/healing effects, huge explosions/particles/projectiles of every color of rainbow. I know you just stop noticing this shit after some time, but fuck me, this game is not epileptic friendly for sure. Add little more shit and it's going to be blunderborn tier visual design.

Daily reminder they filtered "gg ez" because reddit was complaining about bullying.

it's a shitty meme anyway that only normie scum would think is good or get frustrated by, same thing with teabagging.

>complaining that overwatch is too easy


The filter is honestly better, it's more entertaining to see someone say "mommy says i shouldn't suck on my thumbs" compared to having no reaction to gg ez

>no characters to terribly design
>every map is the same (except a couple with minor variations)
>fast as fuck
>fast to respawn (which is rare to do)
>comfeyness of a console game
>all the salt of watching your tm wiff the ball and rage-quit

how did psyonix do it?


>not soles

>slow as fuck
>mfw my friend said the game is too fast despite him having csgo background when I have none

You almost did it, but in the end you let us down, just like you always do.

Octagon maps are shit
That winter map is fucked and blocks your view when you're near the wall
Tokyo map is shit too
They should all be removed from the competitive rotation

CSGO is very calculated.

This, fucking this. People ragged on Battleborn over and over for a shitty UI but Overwatch got a free pass, even though holy hell is it horrific.
>weapon that takes up a quarter of the screen
>bloodstains when you get hurt
>permanent bloodstains when you're critical health
>blue stains and fucking Zeus lightning when you get nano boosted by ana(the meta-defining hero)
>floating pluses and arrows when you get healed
>floating crossed out pluses and enemy ana throws her grenade at you
>ammo is tiny, white, and far off in the corner of the screen, numeral health same deal
Never have I felt a UI was ugly before Overwatch.

Overwatch to me doesn't even feel like a real game, and the shilling just comes off as completely alien. Also SFM porn artists make fucking something else.

>Overwatch to me doesn't even feel like a real game, and the shilling just comes off as completely alien.
that's how i feel about league of losers, dota, and every other low effort cash cow free-to-play schemes

>friends all buy OW
>user buy OW and play with us
>no way fag
>cut to now
>only one of them still plays it
>he has to beg the rest of them to play it with him
>they all adamantly hate the game now
OW is the definition of a "meme game". Nothing more than FOTM Blizzard trash that everyone bought because all their friends were playing it

Everyone who uses the word ''meme'' to refer to absolutely everything should be publicly executed.

>all this butthurt
This is surreal.

I'm so glad I didn't fall for the meme.

>people desperately attacking Overwatch
>meanwhile there's threads with people saying that Call of Duty isn't that bad

Is there someone on Sup Forums that's NOT trying to be as contrarian as possible?

Nice meme post, can I save this meme?

Funny, right now there's a thread saying that they are pissed off that Infinite Warfare underperformed because the multiplayer is ''absolutely incredible''.
So no, nobody here has actual opinions.
If a game is popular, shit on it like there's no tomorrow, but if it's hated, it's an underrated masterpiece.
Same applies to new entries in franchises, like how people now pretend GTA 4 and MGS4 weren't massive turds.
The moment Overwatch 2 comes out, all those people will automatically praise Overwatch.

tfw used to play 5-6 man groups all the time around launch, now nobody except me has played since halloween event

Gb2 plebbit if you want to circlejerk faggot

I'm on the fence if the Chaos, Tokyo and Halo maps should stay out of competitive
On one hand; they're all fair maps to play on (no one team has an advantage)
On the other; RL is meant to be played in the default rectangle so that's what everyone trains with, almost no one will bother learning a good corner game for Tokyo or a good set-up pass for Halo

But RL isn't the 'FOX ONLY NO ITEMS FINAL DESTINATION' game anyways, the different cars have different weights and hit-boxes and the maps aren't void cubes
There's always been a degree of 'just play, ignore the balance so people who put in hundreds of hours can get slight variety' so I can see why the maps are in

Also, competitive is the more fun way to play anyways
It's just another rank to play by and tm's can't dc without discussion/salt

Sup Forums is a circlejerk about games that Reddit dislikes, except Reddit isn't spouting le epic memes every 5 posts.

I've never played a CoD game but I thought the general consensus was that it's a fun military shooter that became overrun with MLG 360 noscope 12 year olds, and gets a rehash every year

Meanwhile OW kiddies cry every time somebody criticizes their game because it hurts their feelings

What are you talking about?
According to Sup Forums, Call of Duty is the most underrated, and in fact, the best franchise in videogame history.

>liking OW
You're literally same fagging an OW thread you probably made yourself

Actually I don't like first person shooters, they are the most casual and creatively bankrupt genre in videogame history.
There's no such thing as good shooter.

>stay out of overwatch for half a year
>friends keep playing it
>keep asking if I wanna play and keep telling them I dont have it
>finally cave and get it
>its OK
>I only play it when they play because I find it a bit too 'complex yet dull' when I play alone
>OW helps me stay social with my buddies though

I've spent more on worse

>lots of people don't like the game you like
>am I the only smart person here?
If everyone on this board hates OW then that means by definition you're the contrarian.

Feel free to leave because this is Reddit after all where we ban you for dissenting opinions

>wait to respawn, walk as slow as possible back to the fight or wait even longer for the rest of your team to respawn
It's called a penalty faggot, there's no point in killing an enemy if he's just gonna reappear in the same spot 3 seconds later.

>hey guise, how about we copy the fucking black hole of cancer, brazilians and autism that Team Fortress 2 is
Kill yourself Blizzard.

This, just kill the faggot.

Step 1) Create fake controversy like Rockstar except less good games
Step 2) Make sure Gearbox is planning on releasing a game the same month so it looks like your game is extra good cuz you buried it
Step 3) Be Blizzard
Step 4) Try to kill TF2 with none of the charm of TF2 (Don't worry, Valve will actively try to kill their own game as well!)

I'm getting mixed messages here, you don't like the walk after dying, but you're whining about it being too casual?

You're not incorrect about it being garbage but your arguments are unconvincing and will only serve to bolster the confidence of those you argue against.

>wait to respawn, walk as slow as possible back to the fight or wait even longer for the rest of your team to respawn
Then stop getting killed.

Precisely what makes Overwatch so terrible is that they tried to be Team Fortress 2.
Of course your game is terrible when it's a copy of another terrible game.

Die you degenerate Brappyfags

>casualness of a console game
its a twitch shooter the fuck are you talking about?
its not like quake, but its not as casual as cowadoody of battlefield anyway.

Hey, let me get in on despising a popular game, guys!

Poo in loo, too many browns, too many women, homofags for Hanzo, gorilla rapes brit, tumblr chink and commie, Widow ass, instalock snipers, weeaboos, edgy, tryhards, me ooga team booga!

How'd I do, can I be in the club now?

>we took a well established sport and slapped some literal hot wheels cars into it
It isn't a bad game but there wasn't a lot of original though put into it.

You don't see Overwatch with any excessively silly faces now do you

TF2 at least has its charm, Overwatch has the charm of 15 people named "Thelegend27" all going deadringer spy

>gorilla rapes brit,
We're talking about OW here, not life in Britain

B r a p

So TF2 stops being cancer because le epic faces?
No, they are both trash that appeal only to those obnoxious Redditors who still unironically post trollfaces and forever alone.

I know, what the fuck

The main reason overwatch is bad because your hard work is constantly cancelled by healer bullshit meaning the game is less about killing your enemy and instead about farming ultimate's for the "Big team Push!!!".
In fact, the whole game is plagued by "Let's do the big push guys!" designed to remove liability from the player.

I guess not
It's actually not original at all honestly, it's just a mash-up concept that sounds stupid on paper but plays incredible
The only 'original' mechanic in the mash-up was Boost, and that's just a jetpack strapped to your car

I'm pretty sure everyone here has stopped playing TF2 at some point but suddenly cared about it again because of Overwatch

>this awful /r9k/ meme from like three years ago has taken off here
It's not remotely funny, it just puts ass porn on autobump
>inb4 people defend it on that basis
It gets old.



overwatch killed tf2 for me because tf2 isn't run on source

>the game is less about killing your enemy
I don't see what's wrong here it somehow eliminates camping if you're on Attack. Everyone hates snipers on this game except for Ana and gets called out

I want to punch her in the face

Overwatch is great.

OP is just too shy to ask for a butt thread.

So cute :3

i meant because tf2 IS run on source and overwatch isn't. im tired
tl;dr overwatch is a smoother experience


that's adorable

The only healer who is able to cancel out your damage is Ana, who Blizzard purposefully designed to be an OP bitch because she's based off someone's grandmother. Half her kit can be removed and given to two other characters because she can do Offense, Defense, and Support with one button press, the only thing she can't do is tank. She is the reason the 4-tank meta is so powerful. Nerf the sandnigger slut and things will improve drastically.

This garbage is the biggest meme on the planet. Literally a shitty soccer game with unwieldy cars.

>liking pajeet ass
you do know that ass shits on streets right?

idk what you are on about. play cod if your goal is to kill the enemy team. not even tf2 is that focused on killing people and that's why i liked it over cod.

>weapon that takes up a quarter of the screen
>>bloodstains when you get hurt
>>permanent bloodstains when you're critical health
Damn, you must be playing a different game.

>that guy who still plays tf2 to this day
>turns out hes a furfag
Not suprised anymore

Does anybody like OW more than TF2 other than fanart fags?

Not to mention how slow maps and characters come out...

>hasn't played game longer than 1 hour opinion

How does OP do it?

Fuck I want Symmetra to sit on my face and dominate me like the bitch she is

sjws who probably don't play it anyway, and koreans

>Overwatch to me doesn't even feel like a real game

holy shit this, i'm not even sure what it feels like

it kind of feels like gambling or drinking or eating candy or some shit, i never enjoy it but still turn it on for about an hour then just get annoyed and wonder why i opened it and exit out

do custom servers at LEAST let you add more player slots?

i can't relate to nything you're trying to say yet i have 170 hours in overwatch

Roll 1-9
0 is your choice
Dubs+ are two of your choice

all of these butts are unrealistic though, especially when you consider the ingame character designs

>he rolled Zarya
lucky bastard