I am very bored and i have a big hole in my life that needs filling; and i would like to do so with a video game

i am very bored and i have a big hole in my life that needs filling; and i would like to do so with a video game

here are games i like:
dark souls
dark souls ii
dark souls iii
castlevania iv
castlevania symphony of the night
castlevania aria of sorrow
fallout new vegas
mount and blade warband
old school runescape

i want a game i can spend lots of time on, preferably an RPG, and i would like it to be singleplayer. preferably openworld or replayable

please spoonfeed me a reccomednation or i might lose my mind

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>i want a game i can spend lots of time on, preferably an RPG, and i would like it to be singleplayer. preferably openworld or replayable

what game that is


i dont go on Sup Forums very much and i dont watch tv or get much news about anything

what is this game you are posting picture of because i do not know

Witcher 3 my friend

What platform do you prefer?
Just PC?

oh ok

is it a complicated game

i am stupid and i need instant dopamine rush gratification like dark souls gives me when i kill a boss, will this game give that to me

yeah pc preferably, I own a ps4 and a vita but they suck

Pirates Vikings and Knights 2.
It's a source game/mod you can get on steam for free.
Think of it as the spiritual ancestor to Fore Honor, but with a more wacky tone.

E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy. Like deus ex but strange. There's magic, guns, swords, and hacking. Single-player or online co-op.

Warframe. Free-to-play third-person shooter mmo with a neat movement system. Interesting setting. Single-player or online-coop, with a competitive mode that doesn't get much focus.

Zeno Clash. First-person caveman brawler. You're a human but your only parent is a a tall featherless hermaphrodite bird that you're on the run from. Single-player, but sequel is single-player or 2-player. The original is more focused on it's strengths though, so I'd recommend it.

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. First-person action rpg. Has both singleplayer and multiplayer, but I'm pretty sure noone plays the multiplayer. Lots of different options in combat. Can kick orcs off of cliffs, stab them, throw a box at their face, be a stealth archer, etc.

There are some dota 2, warcraft 3, and star craft 2 mods/maps that have top-down actionish rpgs in which you can save progress, and even use that progress in different online groups.

i donut like multiplayer so viking pirate game is a no/go

i own eyeball divine cybernetics but it was so confusing for my simple brain, i didn't know what the hell was going on and i quit and went to go jack off or something

warfrme is shit and you know it

i played zeno clash and dark messiah of might and magic, i like the latter but the former was l a m e

maybe i could give eyeball another shot, is there like a guide or something to make the game make sense

>is it a complicated game
It's not hardcore, but yeah it can be complex if you're looking for instant rush
You need to study the boss you'll fight before going to battle
Also the game is mostly focused on narrative, don't expect an action game

>i am stupid and i need instant dopamine rush gratification like dark souls gives me when i kill a boss, will this game give that to me
It will but it will be hard to reach. If you really want instant rush and gratifications, I suggest pic related.
It's Devil May Cry

Diablo would probably be right up your alley if you don't mind an older game, especially the second game.
There are also a few decent "Diablo-like" games out there that might be worth your time like Titan Quest that just got a huge update recently.

i hate video games with big stories, i read books for stories, give me guns and swords and kill

i played dmc 4 and it was ok
metal gear rising was better
inventory management gives me a headache and diablo and every clone thereof is 2eazy

>no blood in teh snow or on his clown clothes, yet teh loser is pale as a corpse meaning he must've lost gallons of blood
>the winner just leaves his sword behind

normie "art"


Fable 1, 2 & 3.

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic.

Golden Sun.

Earthbound / Chrono Trigger.

Final Fantasy... #9 favorite.

There's a steam guide called A breif overview of E.Y.E.
You could try either the first or the 2 most recent deus ex games. Shitloads of replayability, rpg, levels are openworld in the same sort of way mario 64 levels are except you only enter them 1 time.

go play Knights of The Old Republic 1 and 2

rapier wounds dont cause heavy bleeding

he is wearing makeup

fable is cartoon kids game SUCKS

dark messiah was good i already played it

idk what golden sun is, I will look into it but im guessing its a jrpg

chrono trigger was okay i played it already

final fantasia is nuts

kotr has bad combat makes me sick to my stomach

thank you i will give it a look

Dragons Dogma

Arx Fatalis

Ys Oath might be up your alley. If you like it, you can follow up with Ark and Origin.

fallout 4

i played dragons doggy, it was good but got boring after a while because it was pretty repetitive and once you figure out a combo of abilities that works well the game is easy-street

I will look into it thx

anime pisses me off

skyrim was okish but was boring as shit also and sucked

i pirated fallout 4 and it was even worse than fallout 3 and i didnt know such a feat was possible

not the one who suggested it, but Fable is super fresh you can pump tons of hours into it give it a chance if you haven't

>i hate video games with big stories, i read books for stories
This just feels like a book. It's really close to the source material

>i played dmc 4 and it was ok
Ever tried DmC? Sure it's not on the same level, but the definitive edition is definitely worth a pirate

>give me guns and swords and kill
Did you try 2016 doom? Shadow Warrior is worse but if you like the genre you'll probably appreciate it too.

Also try (if you like jap action) Killer is Dead, Onechanbara and Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae.

If you want an RPG with Devil My Cry-like gameplay, try Darksiders 2, like a mature Zelda.

But most of all, if you liked Castlevania Symphony of the Night, try AM2R. You'll love it

if i want story i would read book not play games

DmC looks bad

i played original doom and did not like it berry much, no sense of progression, is it like that or different. i played old style and new style shadow warrior and it was mediocre. Darksiders has bad aesthetic and i cant get into that

i already played lots of metroid i need something FRESH in my life

In a duel, one person usually provides the weapons you fuck.


>if i want story i would read book not play games
You can't kill huge monsters while reading books

>DmC looks bad
It does
But the reworked edition plays nicely despite all the shitposting
Pirate it and try, nothing to lose

>did not like it berry much, no sense of progression
This one can make you feel progression if you really want. You can ignore all the pseudo-rpg/upgrade system and play it as an absolutely mindless modern 90s shooter

>Darksiders has bad aesthetic and i cant get into that
Looks ok to me

>i already played lots of metroid
Not this one
There's also Axiom Verge but I didn't like it

>i need something FRESH in my life
Hyper Light Drifter? Rayman Legends? Nioh? Furi?

yeah but ill just want to kill monster while skipping dialog that i dont care about

ill have to pass on dmc im lazy

furi looks cool
hyperlight driftster looks cool too but i cant tell from footage if its good or not

are fury or drifter any good?

stop spoonfeeding this autist

>Might and Magic 3-8
>Wizardry 6-8
>Wizardry 1
>Book of Dragon Pass
>Gothic 2 NOTR
>Grimrock 1/2
>Dungeon Masters
>Geneforge 1-5
>Kings Field 4
>Ultima Underworld 1/2
>Divine Divinity
>Age of Decadence
>Vic 2

>yeah but ill just want to kill monster while skipping dialog that i dont care about
If you care about it while reading the books, you also care about it during the giant monster murder
If you like music and working out, you can listen to music while working out
Maybe you'll enjoy them both more

>are fury or drifter any good?
Yeah they both ok

suck my dick loser

i dont think my pea brain is capable of such a thing

ill try those two games they look kind of neat

Witcher 3 is pretty fucking bad compared to Souls. It is a game designed for incredibly stupid people though, so there's that.

some of those look cool thank you very much

it doesnt look very good

looks like a real bore with too many fukin words

Games like these will give you a similar feeling to Souls games. There is a similar steep learning curve and once you get past that barrier it's just boner inducing challenges to crush.

>It is a game designed for incredibly stupid people though, so there's that
But Souls are braindead easy, user. You literally just have to study a new enemy for 2 minutes when you encounter one, that's basically it
You're not required to use your brain while playing it, you literally don't need to listen to almost anything in order to progress

btw, never played Demon's and DS2

Ninja fucking gaiden

>looks like a real bore with too many fukin words
it really is huge, if you start playing it and you aren't a neet, chances are you won't finish it for a year or two
But you literally asked for
>a game you can spend lots of time on
>an RPG
You didn't even talk about specific gameplay, action-oriented or whatever

Oh right, also Dragon's Dogma if you liked souls

your recommendation was fine it just dont look like very much fun to me

Easy answer: The witcher 3 fills all your criteria
