I'm getting bored with CS:GO. Which multiplayer shooter should I go with?

I'm getting bored with CS:GO. Which multiplayer shooter should I go with?

Blizz stuff
TF2 kinda of gameplay
another BF
good grafix
closet to CSGO but more tacicool

my answer would be Titanfall 2

Pic related is the only patrician-tier online FPS
Great community, great balance, amazing sound and weapons, different classes for you to choose from and awesome maps. Feels like a great WW2 movie.

Which community is the least tryhard?

people dont even talk on battlefield 1. so its hardly competetive by nature


The community is often so anti tryhard, that you can get called out for stomping people over and over again.

>LMAO are u ACTUALY fucking trying right now?
>WHY are you playing this game? fucking idiot, I'm not trying, y r u

The average overwatch player actually plays worse the more they play.

Don't believe me? Load it up, and get into some lobbies with level 400+ people with hundreds of hours, that play worse than the average noob.

Siege is the best on that list by far, and I'm not an ubi drone that sucks the game off for its improvements since launch.

Overwatch is basically blizzards tf2, but they go out of their way to cater to the lowest common denominator, as said in this post And battlefield 1 isn't good or bad. Just, kind of there.

If you haven't played TF2 yet then that'd be my pick. I've sunk more time into this game than any other game I've played.

I'm leaning toward Siege, but I want to know if the Season Passes are necessary to remain competitive?

they only grant a week early access to new operators. the default operators are still just as good. i think you can buy a bundle that comes with all year 1 stuff

You couldn't be more fucking wrong, sir.

DOI has better maps and more variety when it comes to character classes though

My analysis indicates Titanfall 2 is our only option here.

i don't think people will really care if you suck, since you can just leave mid match

Cop a cheap Wii U and pirate Splatoon. It's GOAT with a legit competitive scene and tons of strong competition

I think siege is the most interesting, OW will be around for the longest, and I don't know if anyone even cares about BF1 anymore

If you want something competitive-Overwatch

If you want something fun to just fuck around in-Battlefield 1

If you want something realistic-Red Orchestra/Rising Storm combo pack

The Last of Us Factions (online). Best online shooter of last gen senpai

Titanfall 2
I just want more people to play ;_;

I've played BF1 and I gotta say.
Don't get it.
Each class gets only 5 different weapons, each with 3-4 different variants. So I can tell you that weapon customization in this game is very lacking. But I can see Sup Forums being contrarian and saying that this is a good thing.
The weapons in this game are very inaccurate, the developers purposely made each class fill their role by limiting how accurately they can shoot people.
The game gets very boring after you reach rank 3 of each class.
Don't get it.

TF2 is the objective correct answer. It's dying, but still has life in it. And it'll spike with the incoming updates.

Btw, look into Paladins. If you want a f2p competitive shooter, it's really fucking fun

Siege. Free DLC, a great game, and a community that is surprisingly less toxic than most other multiplayer games.

Devs keep supporting the game too. It is actually growing and is going to be around about another 4 years at least according to devs.

Paladins is a cheap clone of an expensive clone of Team Fortress 2.
Shit graphics, shit gameplay, absolutely brain-dead community, malware anti-cheat system.

Just play TF2.

lmao it's the same as in csgo if you play with the upper diamond and plat brackets

Oh, so you are one of those fatass Tumblrinas who gets an existential crisis when someone trashtalks?
Well, I know which game I must avoid, don't want to play along with Tumblrinas and feminized numales such as you.

Clarifying, I mean Titanfall 2.

Don't play ow, team fortress or paladin, unless you hate yourself.

Is that shit still alive?
>Everyone in my camp is fucking dead


Actually, when someone trahstalks people just teamkill them for being a dick. Then they listen to them sperg out in the chat before disconnecting. Shit is fun.

Just to add to this stay away from the PC version its garbage, no anticheat client at all. Fairfight is useless. The cheating is so bad its killed the game. The only game mode the remaining players play is conquest every other mode is dead.

Sounds like a terrible and oversensitive commmunity.

fuck off shill

That's because Conquest is the only mode worth playing in Battlefield.

In reality it's not. Nobody really gives a shit, you would most likely just get insulted back by some black guy.

Oh yeah, a shit ton of black dudes play seige.

BF1 is sorely lacking in content right now, but once it gets some expansions it'll be great. Recommend, but only if you'll dish out for the base game+season pass edition.

Overwatch is trash, casual game for casual idiots who have never played a shooter in their life.

As for R6:S, I don't know

>OP asks for suggestion
>I suggest DOI
This doesn't make me a shill

>shit ton of black dudes play seige.
This game sounds worse by the minute.

>implying Operations isn't fun as heck

Get outta here.

You gave DOI unanimous praise and didn't point out any flaws. Keep digging your grave shill.

BF1's unlock system is fucking ass. You have to pay with bonds you get from ranking up, just so you can buy a gun you might already have but with a different scope.

No, it's not.

Fuck off Reddit.

You can teamkill them while shouting "NIGGER" over the mic.

You don't think Operations is fun? Wow, must be hard living as a braindead dumbfuck.


shitter detected

Whatever you say, Reddit.

Yeah, blizzard has been stealing game ideas for years. But seriously, I enjoy Paladins a hell of a lot more than Overwatch. I think it'll be one of the more serious f2p Esports games out there.

Overwatch has no fucking content, with a small selection of maps and a few select heroes that are meta every once in a while. It's dogshit.

BF1 is great, but as others have said you can put off on it until it has more maps available.

R6S is fucking fantastic, with all the operators being more or less viable and with every game on every map playing out differently with how the destruction engine works. It was shit on launch but it has come to be one of the best FPS games available right now.

If you have to choose out of the 3 pick up R6S.

How about Battleborn? We have all sorts of BADASS updates in the pipeline! Soon all those new players will be lining up!

Why do you keep talking about Reddit? Stop shilling your fucking website you plebbit trash.

>I think it'll be one of the more serious f2p Esports games out there.
My fucking sides.

That turd is going nowhere, and Overwatch only went because of money.
There's literally nothing competitive about Paladins.


How is the Battleborn competitive scene right now?

Rainbow 6 Siege was a surprise: A Ubisoft game that isn't garbage. Get it. It's great

BF1 is fun, but the game takes fucking forever to load (even on PC) and as mentioned above has zero anti-cheat. It also suffers from some balance issues (artillery trucks basically guarantee you a perfect game). Once the first expansion hits I would get it.

Overwatch is mediocre and nothing more than Blizzard trying to ride the wave of MOBAS by aping TF2 at the same time.

>BF1 is fun
Opinion discarded.


>Maybe if I say I hate everything I will be able to fit in on Sup Forums!

It's not working. Fuck off faggot.

OW will outlive both BF1 and Siege
But right now the most fun is BF1

That's not the question you should be asking. You should be asking if there is even any scene, competitive or otherwise.

Also the only Battleborn tournament in recent memory had a grand prize of $500

$500K is pretty decent for a game tournament. The scene must have some life to have tournaments with that kind of cash on the line.

>game where they TK you for trash talking
>game full of niggers
>only appeak is TK

You'll either love it or hate it.
Boring as fuck, I honestly don't see the appeal.
You gonna have fun, nigga.

More than anything else though, I recommend Titanfall 2. If you like CoD, Infinite Warfare's MP is honestly the best it's ever been, and the campaign is the best since MW.

Not thousand. Just hundred. $500, as in 1/2 of 1000

Battlefield 1 and Overwatch had the same amount of maps released last year. 1 map, and Battlefield 1 came out 2 months before the end of the year whereas Overwatch had over half a year to shit out content. Blizzard is taking drip-feeding content to a whole new level, by not releasing content at all.

That's actually fucking hilarious.

Titanfall 2 is actually good. However it's dying so if you want to get in on it I would do so ASAP.

Another Titanfall shill spotted.

>mfw I'm Anthony Burch
>but at least I didn't release BattleBorn

Operations is awesome but then we come full circle with all the grievances that mentioned and if you play on PC add some cheaters to the mix with the already small population. Mind you operation is not played as much as conquest so waiting for a server to fill up will happen often.

All of the good weapons but the C93 are unlocked at levels 1-3 anyways.

Here's a (You) for your 2/10 bait

>Hop on this train headed towards certain doom and have fun until it derails into a fiery demise.

Fucking retarded.

Kill yourself, redditor.

>The weapons in this game are very inaccurate, the developers purposely made each class fill their role by limiting how accurately they can shoot people.

Jackfrags, is that you?

Weapon accuracy is fine and helps define class roles, it would make no sense if every weapon was perfectly accurate. If anything, weapons are TOO accurate, what with every class but assault being able to functionally snipe people across hundreds of meters.

Ah yes, le epic meme of epic epicness where we le change ''reply'' with le (You) because we can't le talk like le normal people instead of epic Redditors XDD

Well if you must know, it is BLOWING UP. We have people out the door! Heck, Blizzard called and asked for a few pointers about e-sports. But masters never reveal their secrets! We also have cosplayers giving blowjobs, and ice cream cake, and a chance to play with Kevin Hart! (Terry Crews wouldn't return our calls)

Go ingame and show your career time played. The Origin client is inaccurate on hours played. You probably don't even have over 10 actual hours played.

>Shitter gets frustrated and quits instead of gitting gud

You think that calling everybody else a Redditor will distract them from the fact that you're a plebbit piece of shit yourself. It's not working mate.

Id purchase and play if there was a larger community on pc

You kill yourself, you shit at games, low-level, shit-taste gutter trash quitter. I bet you've never even won an operation.

>I have a right to form an opinion on this game I've barely played hurr durr durr hurr

Jesus christ this is exactly how he writes

shit taste, shit opinion

>frustrated with Battlefield 1
Impossible, the game is too easy for that.

>ou're a plebbit piece of shit yourself
Says the one desperately defending BF1.

>i've barely played
You know how much I had to force myself to play those 19 hours?
This game was an embarassment.

What a pathetic try.


Battlefield 1 is a failure, simple as that.
Fails as a Battlefield game, and fails as a WWI game

>Shitter who quit the game out of frustration thinks that his opinion on it matters

It doesn't.

If you're ex-CSGO then yeah Siege is probably the best for you.

BF1 is mediocre, and Overwatch is shifun but less interesting and fun then Siege

BF1 removed ribbons, and made medals bullshit challenges

So yeah, it sucks

>my entire argument relies on asspulls
Yes, of course it does.
You are a pathetic, BF1 apologist scum.
So how about you fuck off to Reddit, where you belong, Redditor?

They're bringing back ribbons. They're on the CTE right now.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

desu my biggest complain is removal of platoons

I just want to stomp with /bfg/ fucking shits

So you now you use memes that you don't even know what it means.
The average, underage BF1 apologist.
How about you go play Infinite Warfare, too?
I heard it's epic as fuck

>Terry Crews wouldn't return our calls

>no I don't
>no, i haven't

Mind offering an argument for once, Reddit?


Have another (You).

Shitter still mad that he couldn't git gud. Hilarious.

Still waiting for that argument that, of course, will not come, because there's none, you have no way of defending BF1, you and I know that, that's why your entire argument relies on

Because where's the argument?
Oh, that's right, there's none.

Another pathetic and desperate epic as fuck meme thrown into the wall to see if it sticks, Reddit?
No seriously, I heard Infinite Warfare is super awesome.
You know another game you might like?
Mass Effect Andromeda.

You have under 10 hours of time playing the game, you don't have any room to argue since your opinion isn't valid.

Also, git gud shitter.

shitter detected