God Tier Desktop Thread

God Tier Desktop Thread

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go away, plague

>no indie games

OP isn't a faggot for once

>desktop icons

come at me

>i have shit taste

i think you made a typo user, you meant to type "100/10"

that's so chaotic. how do you find anything there?

Go away, xeno loving scum.

I do struggle... alot, but then again i dont play 95% of the games i have there


Do I have to ask for a link to the wallpaper?



Btw it's 2017, the browser war is over, Google won.


I've never even played Asura's Wrath


what do the boobs even do

same with the hips

venom sacs



Circulate blood to regulate body temperature in different weather climates.


>snake tits


fuck off, googlecuck

if it's a genetic experiment then they dont need to have a purpose

Asura's Wrath is essentially an interactive anime so just watching a lets play of it would give you the same experience as actually playing it.

Get ublock origin

>'school stuff'

if it's the wallpaper you are referring to they rotate between 450 different ones i have, otherwise fuck you.


>just got 1440p monitor

Feels good.

No, you must have made a typo when you were making the "Cringe Thread"

Step back, I got a winner.

Origin gives out free games
I keep pdfs of textbooks in "school stuff"

>tits that serve no purpose
at least make them some kind of mammal hybrid and add some nipples

They look hot
Why do they need a purpose?

Out of curiosity, what browser do you use?

based bethesdafags

This is so strange. Why did they do this?

>Gone Home


Points for all the Homeworld stuff, recently played Deserts and remastered 1, in the middle of second right now. The atmosphere is amazing.

Current wallpaper. I have it set to cycle every 10 minutes.



Deserts was really cool, I'm just bummed that there hasn't been any real DLC for it.
Both of the original games are badass of course.

They're venom sacs, duh

it's not actually real user

this is retarded




You're all right.

Take a gander.

underage detected


Really? I thought there was some titty monster snake alien in one of the recent XCOM games.


explain this

why do you have chrome on both the desktop and taskbar
speaking of why are there two chromes on the taskbar

>but as long as there are no indie games
faggots like you should commit suicide.


that's true, they wanted to add more alien types with genetic tampering and stuff

>Using utorrent in the year of our lord and savior Trump two thousand and seventeen.

step aside

The fact that these aliens come from another part of the galaxy and look too similar to earth cobras upsets me much more then titties. They could at least come up with some gene splicing splicing with snakes, but noooo, completely alien.

>implying I don't only use it to play indieshit and old games that arent sold anymore

AAA titles aren't worth half my left nut these days

Stop trying to be cool with your taskbar placement and jump off a building. Preferably a high one.

this looks like a 480p monitor

If what said is accurate, maybe it is genetic splicing.

I haven't played XCOM so I have no context.

>still using utorrent with a garbage ass excuse like that.

Get a gud torrenting service fuckboi

I don't do it to be cool, I do it because it's comfortable to me

it's probably the big icons

You should turn off the shortcut icon that's on most of your icons. I think you can do that, right?

seriously why are there no games where sentient clouds of gas or living geothermal formations try to invade earth?

>Trash bin labeled "Me"

I chuckled

ive only played xcom 2 and many of the enemies are human hybrids

no h8

>still not a windows torrent client as lightweight and fast as 2.2.1

What is the new preferred torrent tracker and why is it better?

no hate
only pity


>gone home
user please


I didn't actually noticed it until you pointed it out

looks much better, thanks user

What the fuck did you just fucking say, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>Those of you brothers that are using uTorrent as your torrent client, I suggest you stop. AutoMod keeps bringing this up but it seems that a lot of brothers aren't getting the message. Not only is uTorrent is in tight association with MPAA , it's full of ads, it's a corporate botnet that records your IP and whatever you download, and not worthy of the complete master race experience.
I suggest Deluge , an open-source, ad-free, free alternative to uTorrent. I made the switch to Deluge a few months ago and I've had no problems with the program. It seems to be an efficient, fast, and stable program.
Also, on an unrelated note, if you torrent media illegally, I highly suggest using a VPN . A month ago, my ISP, Charter sent me numerous emails stating that I needed to pay $20 per song via a deal with BMG to have pirates pay up for what songs they download protected by DMCA copyright. I haven't quite followed up but to stay away from this whole mess, use a VPN. I suggest using PrivateInternetAccess .
Thanks for taking time to read this post! If you have any questions please let me know!
First thing I googled. Enjoy shithead


>playing carpet munchers 2
What are you doing user?


How'd you do it, out of curiosity? Might be nice if I start using icons on my desktop again.

>not having a clean desktop

nice wp

I just went into the first google result I guess, it's a quick registry edit


plz no bully. i don't actually play it. i log in about five minutes every other month just to remind myself that arenanet fucking blundered the sequel to the best game ever created.



zeno scum


>Despite their resemblance to terrestrial snakes, the Viper is actually a wholly extraterrestrial species unmodified by human DNA. However, it retains the modified Thin Man's poison and high accuracy, combat abilities and intelligence.
From wiki. And it is also mention in the game.
Not sure if you are being sarcastic, but I can easily suspend my disbelief with mutons and chryssalids. It's vipers that get to me.

I had fun then they kept smashing gay agenda in my face. Me and my friend were so upset man. Bad feels

>there are people who have more than 5 things on their desktop
