Ask a CS:GO cheater anything
Ask a CS:GO cheater anything
Where is the fun in cheating?
Have you read >>>/rules/2 ?
If you're going to cheat why not cheat in a good game and not fucking CSGO
How many accounts have you gone through?
And would you say players are better or worse at finding hackers than VAC
Why would you cheat on a casual server instead of MM?
Which ESL team are you on?
lol that image is old nuke
shitty bait
For the most part it's having an edge, although occasionally the other team crying cheater is hilarious.
Because CSGO's community is full of elitists who are quite easy to piss off.
I have never been VAC or Overwatch banned and for this reason I think players are better because VAC is automatic and based on cheats that have previously been caught, therefore it is possible to be invisible to VAC but there will always be a player with eagle eyes to catch you.
I cheat in both, though I play casual more often because cheating in MM feels dirty.
all of them
I just pulled an image from google.
Do you suck dicks?
Only on special occasions
>For the most part it's having an edge, although occasionally the other team crying cheater is hilarious.
>Theyre talking about meeeee!
lol shitter cant git gud so he has to cheat like a 10 year old at monopoly. sad.
I'm not bad at the game, I have two separate accounts and ironically the one I don't cheat on is a higher rank
Also I've never lost a game of monopoly
You're making the game less fun for the people you're playing with.
>I'm not bad at the game
t. hackers
True, although not necessarily, I mainly just use a triggerbot.
>I-I-I'm not b-b-bad, I just hack for fun...yeah that's it
I've been on the fence about hackan for a while since I can't have fun in CSGO these days and OW is so blatantly filled with botting gooks its not even funny. Where do I get started? From what I've seen most griefer group sites are dead and any non-WoW section of Ownedcore is a ghost town.
these aren't cheats, this is flick.
They are mostly dead, although the one I used has enough traffic that I can discuss things
Believe what you will, I can't make you change your mind nor do I really care to.
How can you play with all that stupid shit cluttering your hud?
I don't play with that kind of hack, mine is actually invisible enough to stream while using it. Just a simple Triggerbot and a very very slight aimbot that makes it easier to follow moving targets.
>For the most part it's having an edge,
I don't really understand. You get enjoyment out of having the edge through the cheats or you get enough enjoyment out of winning despite cheating that it is worth it?
Does your mom knows you're using her credit card?
I don't really play CSGO. What's this?
I'm not really sure, I think it's the thrill of doing something "Forbidden", wins feel better without cheats but playing itself feels better with them, its hard to explain.
No, I always use it when she is asleep and delete that from the bank statement online
When an enemy is in my crosshairs the hack fires for me, it really only helps with reaction, say I'm watching a corner, the hack will shoot right when they come by before I would have been able to click. Essentially removes human reaction time.
It's >>>/global/rules/2
I actually never thought about the "forbidden" angle, that makes a bit of sense to me actually.
Is there a thrill from paying and downloading someone else's hacks?
Yeah, same reason some people get off on incest I guess lmao
>the game plays itself
why bother playing in the first place
What's your rank?
On my cheating acc or my legit one?
All of the people replying to OP are the reason he uses cheats. You butthurt autists get so angry every time.
This is partially true
Legit I'm DMG on my cheating account I'm Silver Elite, on purpose though.
is it true that there is a cheat/hack on server side making the footage cam look normal?
I play much more carelessly when cheating, hence the rank.
If someone accuses you of cheating in game do you acknowledge it?
what's the name of the cheating program you use and do you pay for it
Link to the hack, genius. I want to piss off some autists
I'm not sure what you mean.
Depends on my mood, sometimes sarcastic, sometimes I admit, I never straight up deny it though.
LXStrike, $15.99 monthly.
plexy-software com
Silent aim server sided. It tricks the server into making it look like you're not locking on to someones head, but in fact you are.
This make watching footage after game to anylize become useless
Does it true?
Also, do you cheat in an obvious way or faking like it's normal? Which cause more butthurt?
I've never heard of that, sounds cool.
For the most part I just AWP like a god and it pisses them off enough, occasionally I'll make it obvious but only in casual because I don't really want to be banned and have to rebuy the game.
That cheat interface reminds me of aimjunkies
I don't actually use any kind of ESP or Walls
Where's the fun if you're trying to make it look legit ?
It's taboo
>For the most part I just AWP like a god and it pisses them off enough
So you using the auto trigger and go to the sniper camp for all easy kill? No fun at all.
I figure, if you're gonna cheat. We might as well go all out famalama. No survivors
It is when they rage.
I would if it wasn't for the risk of overwatch ban, I'm thinking next payday I'll buy the game on another account and go all out
Cheating right now is like griefing for really stupid and lazy people.
>tfw tf2 cheater
it's a river of tears
You can go all out in TF2, just make a new account lmao.
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
yeah that's what makes it great
What the fuck, that shit costs money ?
You cant be serious
How much do they charge for it ?
Okay, just read through the thread
16 bucks a month
Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooly shit
This is true autism
>inb4 Ive got money, I spend it on what I want
Go buy heroine and end yourself then pls
lol you pay $16 a month for a triggerbot that takes 1-3 hours to make
>he pays for cheats
>$16 a month
holy hell, im not sure whether i should laugh or just be dissapointed that these types of people exist