>fags cry for hog's 'hook to get changed
>mfw he's even more OP now
Fags cry for hog's 'hook to get changed
Other urls found in this thread:
how to outplay hook 2.0:
>stand near cover
>if u see hook, move behind cover
>due to lag and how it calculates if you've been hooked you will break free
>People can't read a patch note correctly
Well, it's not new + Yes, he's gonna destroy everyone like always.
>play Lucio
>get hooked
>Soundwave right before Hog fires, knocking him back
>get out unscathed
>blizzard claims they fixed the hook
>it still is broken garbage
really makes you think
They're nerfing it again. Making it so you're not pulled as close to him, and they're increasing the cooldown to 8 seconds.
not guaranteed to work, and you have to have excellent reaction time to react to hook at all in the first place
way to make roadhog useless
the fuck is wrong with blizzard, they want the game to be completely about how good your team is as a whole, and individual skill to mean nothing. should have just made it a point and click game, instead of putting the facade of fps mechanics meaning anything
>and you have to have excellent reaction time to react to hook at all in the first place
cool, stay bronze then
because an instant kill on 99% of the cast with a 21 meter range and a 6s cooldown is not okay, all it did was perpetuate the necessity for Tanks even more.
Only thing I hate about Hog getting nerfed is Zarya losing her one fucking counter character.
They're also buffing Hog to make his M1 more accurate, so there's that
ehl o ehl
The only thing I wanted changed was the self heal. The heal should be interrupted or reduced if roadhog is attacked why huffing it.
roadhog takes skill in any league past diamond, all this will do is make him useless at higher levels
okay pathetic subhuman hog faggot with no counter point
zarya still counters junkrat pretty hard, although everything already counters junk
>Only thing I hate about Hog getting nerfed is Zarya losing her one fucking counter character.
Man if the only character you can counter a Zarya with is Roadhog you should play another game.
can't wait to hear the Reaper argument, lmao
they're tightening the spread on his gun
The heal does 300 damage, he can't interrupt or perform any other actions during it, and stuns CAN already stop it.
In reality you can pretty easily kill Roadhog even while he's using his heal.
If you can't outdamage it, then your character has an escape to deal with it
And if you can outdamage it then it's likely he's in a worse position now because you've had time to move/aim/reload while he's standing there being a fat sack of shit
it's not as hard to mitigate as you think it is
>cant get hooked through garage or lab anymore in 3v3s
no complaints here.
who counters zarya well? everytime im up against her i fuckin lose
burst damage
He was bordering on too strong and is picked nearly every game since he can one shot almost the entire cast with ability cd of 6 seconds (six), with a hook that isn't hard to use
The change will allow characters with bailout to potentially live at low HP i.e reaper, mei, etc instead of having zero chance. And characters without bail will get easily killed by 2 M1 shots anyways + focus fire, since it's more accurate. It'll just force hog users to aim 2 shots instead of 1
The whole point of his hook is to punish players out of position, and the change isn't a big deal if you simply focus fire or can aim his m1.
I think one of the lead Devs mains Roadhog.
Same thing happened in WoW where Tom Chilton mains a paladin so they never fucking nerf them,
that's why she's an absolute pubstomper
>Roadster is my main
>mfw shit players keep bitching about his hook
Your dogshit spacial awareness will always be punished by Roadhog. Tracer and Genji's are especially bad.
Overwatch threads belong on
Wait a minute
People still play this game?
Skilled hog can combo her.
they're not nerfing him because he's a tank that can't tank and can only deal damage, so if they nerf his attack he's useless
for him to be a tank they need to remake him like they did sym but they won't because he's actually fun to play, he just doesn't fit his role. They should just move him over to attack and make a new tank
People play other games besides Overwatch and the flavor of the week game?
Nobody in their right mind should've approved Roadhog's basic fundamentals in the first place.
people buying lootboxes made blizzard more money in the last 3 months than D3 did at launch
If you think having an ability to force one person away from their team and put them square in the middle of yours wouldn't be beneficial still you're deluded.
Also, having him do damage is fine, having him one shot most of the cast and be able to burst down other tanks with no issue is problematic.
>game about counter characters
>only character in the game who's """counter""" is focused fire by 3+ people
Yeah, sure sounds balanced.
This. Honestly, Hog's individual abilities and attributes aren't bad persay. The problem is that no one character should have had all of that.
Short ranged with high damage is fine.
A tanky character that can heal large amount of HP is fine.
A character that forces people out of position by pulling others to them is fine.
Hell, even giving hog all of this COULD have still been fine.. If we didn't also have Reinhardt's shield ANd if the levels were more open with longer sightlines to actually take advantage of his weakness. As is, hes weakpoints are completely and utterly negated by both map design, other characters, as well as decent play.
-make hook fling target in an ark towards roadhog instead of in a straight line
-remove the stun from the hook target, and the animation lock from roadhog "reeling in", allowing both the hooked target and the roadhog to continue doing things while the target is flying through the air
there, just made the unarguably worst ability in the game fun
Personally, I'd give his hook a 'casting' time. Something like how Ana's sleepdart and Rein's charge both have a delay before starting up.
Say a .5 delay where he swings his hook around his head before firing it.
Then maybe slow down the reeling in process as well.. Maybe give the person the option to move around and struggle or at least manipulate where you land. You still can't attack, but hopefully moving around will make it harder for the Hog to just lineup a shot every time.
My biggest problem with him is that he has one of the best abilities in the game whilst also being able to consistently 1 shot 3/4ths of the cast whilst having very few weaknesses.
The only other characters that can reliably one shot most of the cast without ulting are Hanzo and Widowmaker but those two characters have more weaknesses than Roadhog while also being more difficult to play and also being less useful for their team than Roadhog unless played by someone really good
OW is just a continuous comedy of errors from devs who never played an fps beyond surface depth trying to not only make an fps, but an esport.
>Roadhog's default skin looks better than anything else, but nobody uses it
A good road can get a shot off, half health her, wait for shield (or break if team bursts her) and then if ya got good aim just blast her again.
Reaper does decent too.
I agree, my problem with him is that his weakness.. isn't much of one. A good roadhog is not going to stand out in the open. They will hug corners or hide behind shields, utilizing their hook to pull people into their comfort zones.
Map design in particular is terrible in how much it favors Hogs. If the game was better designed, you would have maps that weren't so claustrophobic, creating more ways for people to get around and engage at range. You'd have more chars that actually were better at countering his weaknesses rather than be completely shut down by running one other hero or by having him drop back and heal up back to full.
he is fine, git gud roadhog bitching fags
that applies to fully half the cast, though
whoever approves the skins needs to be shot
PTR gave him a boop. If you hook someone near a ledge, they'd get pushed back.
Nah, Pigpen is pretty good.
>people are STILL whining about roadhog
good lord
I don't like Mei still
Its almost like he was never nerfed, and instead only have gotten buffed.
All they had to do was make roadhog ready the hook for a second instead of instantly launching it the moment you press the button
It still has the insane traction and speed but now they have to lead the target to land a hook
her counter is not feeding her shield and fucking her when her shield is down. she has what like 400 hp? shes squishy as fuck without her bubbles
>Map design in particular is terrible
This is one of the biggest problems with the meta right now.
Roadhog and Reinhardt are pretty much always required due to the way the maps were designed.
Payload.Hybrid, and 2CP maps always have chokepoints and you pretty need a Reinhardt if you want to get past the choke point (only other option is to run a dive comp) and Roadhog can just pull people out of chokes when Rein shield breaks or puts his shield down for a second.
Koth maps are also very small which also favors Roadhog since enemies will almost always be in hook range, and if the enemy team has Roadhog or Reinhardt on Koth, you're pretty much required to run a Reinhardt since he's the only person other than Zarya that can RELIABLY protect their team mates from getting hooked or Earthshattered
>Mfw stock in platinum hell because cucks don't understand this shit
This game will never, ever improve until they fucking gut every single Tank that's not Winston. There is absolutely no fucking excuse for Tanks being as good and as mandatory as they are, it's some of the fucking worst game design I have ever seen in my life.
Overwatch makes Destiny PvP look like fucking Quake.
Either have your team burst her through her shield or pick someone that can 1v1 her when her shield is down
Sounds simple enough, but nope, gotta have that insta-hook 1-shot kill eh blizzard?
long range attacks, she has shit range
So Widowmaker or McCree? Meaning you need to massively outplay this brainless, face rolling pile of cancer that just walks towards you holding M1 until you die because the maps force you into choke points?
anyone else tried bastion? hes fucking amazing now
you can actually run around and fuck people up with recon mode, and his heal is absolutely bonkers.
you are impervious to annoying flankers slowly chipping at you and distrubing your heals nows
and in recon you can easily kite a winston or even duel tracers that have mediocre aim.
you can tank so much shit with your heal its absurd
his sentry form is still situationally ok but recon and the heal makes him an overall amazing dps over all now. ult still sucks shit though
fuckingh hell
over 16 million people all over the world everyday
His gun had it's spread decreased, meaning it's still a guaranteed kill for any 200 HP hero. It's just now Reaper, Zarya, and maybe Bastion have a chance to live. It also means that his primary fire is better in moment-to-moment combat since his hook cooldown was increased.
someone plays tanks I see
Zarya is pretty easy to counter honestly. Her bubbles have a fairly hefty cooldown, and her damage unless shes charged to full is kinda subpar.
I'm so glad recon got buffed instead of ignored, Bastion is my favorite character but I never play him because I have absolutely no reason to.
real people dont stand still for your shots though
These guys were my favorite enemy in Borderlands 2.
All they have to do is remove the stun and Hog is perfectly balanced. Let people shoot and use abilities while they are being puled and give them the very small window to use escape abilities before the instadeath scrap hits.
>maps are close quarters
>rein and hog dominate
>maps open up
>snipers dominate
balancing a game like this is a nightmare for any dev, but blizz have no fucking chance of ever fixing this game. It's broken to its core, so they may as well focus on fun
also phara, soldier 76 almost anyone with burst when her shield is in cooldown or a way to move her out of position
Does not work with anything that has holes in it like the billboard on Route 66.
A lot of FPS games feature more open maps, and honestly snipers won't dominate that much. There are more counters to snipers than pretty much anything else.
>25+ boxes opened after year of cock started
>got every legendary skin that i don't want
>event ends less than 2 days
>ill never get that sick reinhardt skin
All i wanted was Mei and DVa and when i was about to shill for the boxes i for them both. Might just shill 10$ to see if i can get the Harambe and Zen skins
I think Lucio, Torbjorn and Sombra all have designs that feel too busy. Lucio's summer games skins mitigate this the best, Torbjorn's don't really but he's the least bad of the three, and Sombra has thus far been beyond help.
Reinhardt's default look is good, but his helmet looks too small, Stonehardt's color scheme and larger head make his design more memorable and having a face expresses his personality more.
Other than that, I agree. The default looks are the best. There are great legendaries, all the ones from the current event are high quality, but they don't work as definitive looks for the characters. I think the best legendaries in the games are ones that look like the character would use normally. This is why Winston's diver skins > his mustache skins and your a memester if you disagree.
As high-health medium-dmg characters essential in both pushing and holding, tanks should always be essential, the way they are in any other game
good luck my man
>15 or so boxes from levelling/wins
>get junkrat twice
>get a second stuntman 76
sometimes it feels like blizzard just picks accounts to shit on, because I've never had any luck in their games
With a sup she becomes unstopable though. Even a mere zenyatta
>mere zenyatta
Tanks should be so essential they make most other classes worthless? What the fuck is the literal point of the rest of the cast when Tanks shit all over them? There is literally no situation where a group of Tanks and Ana are not at an advantage. Tanks bring high burst damage, high sustained damage, shielding, two of them have bar none THE best Ults in the game. What's the point? 76's huge damage buff is the only thing keeping him somewhat relevenat
I can't aim and I wanted to quit Overwatch until I found Roadhog.
Every shitter who says Roadhog is ""hard"" and ""balanced"" is a cuck. I can't aim for shit and I never talk but I literally carry my team with Roadhog.
Roadhog is like Pharah but ten times easier. You have to predict how your opponent reacts, but while Pharah has to predict their movements for the next seconds in a hard angle with as good as no health (If you play against a good Widowmaker as Pharah you know the definition of suffering) Roadhog has literally an easy game even against pro gamers.
How to be a beast with Roadhog without skill necessary:
First of all ignore the enemy Roadhog because in a duel the first person who hooks loses.
Second don't try to be a hard core gamer. Just hook easy targets which don't move. If you play for a longer time you realize how easy it is to hook people if you know how to time the hooks.
And most importantly Roadhog has a god tier self heal (WHY?????). If you die against anyone in 1v1 you had either really bad luck or your enemy was miles away and had god tier aim.
Why Roadhog is op:
one of the most hp in the game
god tier self heal
one shot skill in close and mid combat
no aim required (only a decent experience how player behave and just hook easy targets)
a beast in really close combat
his disadvantages
He is the slowest hero with no escape
But considering that he is a tank with a short one shot skill who has a god like healing ability, he is op in random groups. Even in pro gamer groups Roadhog is a decent pick (let this sink in... a slow as fuck hero with no escape is a decent pick... this shows how op he is, because in pro games you either have top group support or are fast as fuck with a lot of dps to even be considered decent and Roadhog is non of this)
>Yfw mcree rolls before the hook lands on him, negating the hook
They need to change the ninja and the annoying skating nigger.
As a DVa main, the fatfuck and his one-hit-kill is frustrating as well.
>looking through custom servers
>"Mike Pence vs. The Gays"
>1 Winston vs 6 tracers
I can see Gravity Surge as being one of the best, but whats the other you're referring to? Best I can think of is Hammer Down.
10k at peak
literally just outdamage her damage
>Not being a reindeerhog
It's almost like you're Jewish user kun
Earth Shatter, yes.
A longer Cooldown would solve it
Load up live and try to pull it off there. It's a massive difference.
the "overwatch is secretly a commercial failure but nobody wants to admit it" is quickly becoming my favourite new meme
>Boy this really grindsmynuts.jpeg
I don't care how good it's doing, but the game in its current state is a fucking joke. It is quite possibly the most unbalanced FPS game in the last two decades.