>Your on Sup Forums sharktank
>Pitch your product
Your on Sup Forums sharktank
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nah fuck off
> your
You just got thrown off shark tank
A game where you subscribe, thinking that you'll get a full game, but instead the game is then locked behind a pay wall, after having paid for the game to be able to subscribe for it, so then you have to pay for the game, but then another subscription is required. In other words, a game where you need to endlessly pay for and then subscribe to the game to try desperately in vain to get the actual game.
A baseball
okay, so. you ride bikes, and look at some tiddies.
Hello sharks what I have here today is a baseball
Full VR porn game with an electronic onahole that matches your 2D waifus movements
>"The concept feels like a one trick pony and you don't have any proven results"
>"I'm out."
An onahole that sucks you off very slowly while you play vidiya
It monitors your heart rate and slows down or stops when you're close to cumming and perpetually edges you
You can set it to 1hr, 2hrs, 3 hrs, etc
Or you can just have it go to town and get the job done fast if you're in a hurry
Different inserts with different textures
MSRP: $199.99
>"I'm a family man I can't be seen using this or much less try to hide something like this in my house, and for that reason..."
>"I'm out."
>"Did you come on this show just to brag about your stamina?"
A mmo dungeon crawler with a p2w cash shop where the one who beats the final boss gets a cash prize.
Third person open world action rpg with dungeon crawling, classes and 2-4 party that you can change playing character in real time. You will make the party from the beginning and decide every single details about them. All of them are main characters in a way. World is small/mediun but full with content, dungeons are long and handcrafted. You can fuck all the main quest and just roll with your bros if you want.
It's like old crpgs but in third person and combat is more action/ability heavy and adventuring with your bros is main point instead of main quest/story.
It's like dragon's dogma but finished and full of content you know?
You pay money for a let's player/streamer to watch you play your favorite video game while they live commentate it.
Demon Summoning Program from SMT as a phone app, basically a non-shit pokemon Go with actual battles possible between other people and features from the SMT games
people can choose to join Law, Chaos or Neutral factions and duke it out
>"You had me at pay to win friend, now let's talk about sustainability. Mr. Wonderful loves it when a product doesn't lose interest in people. How would we prevent people with no jobs from being OP while spending nothing but their time? How do we incentivize playing for them when the paying workers come on and inevitably destroy them with their bought gear?"
No, sir. The device is not dependent on the users stamina. It uses a number of biometric data readings in order to get realtime updates on the user's closeness to cumming. Because of this accuse data gathering, the device can adapt to any user and reach an hour with that user, whether they're an 18 year old inexperienced user, or a 60 year old that doesn't have the strongest heart anymore.
We've done a lot of testing, and we're confident that if you tell it to edge you for two hours, you'll make it to those two hours.
We've also found that it's really effective in helping people improve their overall stamina, and so for that purpose this device wouldn't only sell as a pleasure device, but also as a training and self improvement device.
We've also looked into another user base, which is the BDSM community. We feel a device like this would have a special place in that community, in terms of situations where you have submissive men.
We think this product has wide reaching potential, and I am in no way here to brag or talk about my own sexual experiences. We just want to improve the world of sex toys for men.
A tablet-based game console, but with no tablet functionality as well as no games on launch.
A survival game in space where if you find an new organism you get to name it whatever you want. The goal is unclear, and I'm not sure if we even have a story line for it anyways. I'm sure many people will buy this product.
A Mario Party type of game for the PC, with online matchmaking, mod support, voice chat, and many challenge based mini games.
>"There is NOTHING proprietary about this! I'm out."
>"I have three daughters, I don't want them roaming the streets with people summoning demons."
>"I'm out."
A game that's built on the promises and hope of false advertisement and pre-rendered game footage, I call it......... No Man's Sky!
Oblivion with guns and giant tits.
>"If i put that on QVC they would fire me in a minute I promise you."
>"I'm out."
>"Ahh I love this...would you be willing to add paid DLC for more boards or minigames and only have people be able to play with others that have their specific dlc...forcing people to buy the majority of it if they wish to continue playing online?"
We make Overwatch again. Replace all the guys with more stoic military men, make Mei, Zarya, Symmetra, Pharah and Ana super gay, make Tracer, Widowmaker, D.Va, Sombra, and Mercy(Mercy and Reinhardt are American now btw) 100% more sexy, say it's inspired by H1Z1, DayZ, etc etc. Give all the Omnics German accents and brand them as a menace looking to kill all of the Jews. Add a campaign mode where you destroy them once and for all.
Almost forgot, make all the maps look destroyed and brownish. Make it so you lose hearing for a bit when someone shoots near you.
The p2w content consists of special items that are only useful against the npc monsters. Armor and weapons are the same for everyone.
>"I'm in it now, but lets not market it as something you use for sex with..uhh what did you call them?
>"The market there is for porn stars, advertise it that way and lose the waifu creepy stuff."
>*visably shudders*
>"Or I'm out."
meant for
the game still wouldn't be very good.
>"Kill all jews...exclude an entire market? You don't have ANY experience in the business world do you?"
Uh, sir, I did not mention "waifus".
However you think it should be marketed makes sense.
How do we pitch the wall to that faggot Cuban?
>"Now read my lips because this is the most important thing you will ever hear in this market."
>"People. Want. To. Kill. Other. Players."
>"You have people that pay money log in and die to people that don't pay money simply because they aren't skilled. That would make me, Mr. Wonderful, very mad and I don't think you'd like that."
>"I'm out."
No offense sir, I don't think you get it; their anti-semetic tendencies are a call back to the WW2 shooters of yesteryear. We purposely designed the "lore" of the game to brand the Omnics as evil and germanic, so our players can easily point them as the villain. Thus, in the campaign mode, you can stop the "Omnic"(Nazi) menace and feel like a real American hero.
I actually have an idea but I'm not going to trust you with it. I've actually got several which would require the participation of multiple individuals but I'm so stingy that I'm just going to keep it bottled up inside.
Now none of us can have them
An Open world MMO RPG based on cops and robbers
You start off as a low level street thug and end game is mafia/syndicate tier
Alternatively you start as a low level security guard for a jewelry store and end game is you becoming a government spy
With everything in between
>"I applogize another idiot came on here and pitched a similar idea like that."
>"A large problem I see with this is that the cost seems a BIT high for what I think people will pay for what they can do with their hand. I don't see it selling as much as you would want it to."
>"I'm out."
I'm looking for a 500,000 dollar investment for a 10% stake in my anime class based shooter. No royalties
This game but with modern AR integration. With how popular ARGs are these days and how much easier it would be to put together they should attempt it again.
"So we alienate an entire country with a product that already exists and has a firm grasp on the market?"
>"I'm out."
I want a first person shooting game involving old people in a retirement center.
*Recoil is crazy because everyone has old people strength.
*Everyone moves slow but can quickly drop to the floor.
*You receive damage for jumping.
*Your cane is insta kill.
*You can combine scooters
*Your stamina bar is very weak which you use for running.
*You randomly shit your self which gives off your position.
i'd pay 8 bucks for it.
It's like Gears of War, but instead of mole people, it's hyper intelligent octopuses that live at the bottom of the ocean and have come up to land for resources.
ey uh gub n du shooty mploofgh outta shooty man uumf booooooom ahghegagehehe yuh kuggh??
You play as a cute girl doing cute things.
But there is really good gameplay. Like stuff that even without the cute girls aspect is considered a good game.
The story is really well structured and paced, tackling philosophy and human nature.
The game has no empty open world, no paid multi-player, no early open access, no on disc dlc, no paid mods. If dlc comes into question it would be months perhaps years after.
It release on home consoles and Pc.
As for audience half of v would be interested.
>stairs are an incredibly dangerous hazard
I'm sold.
Who in the fuck would save all these pictures of Mark Cuban?
A game that randomly generates puns. Gamers really seem to repsond to games with word play in the title ( proof: pastebin.com
I think the last link was broken.
Bonus points is that you could sell that biometric data for extra cash. You could use that to actually draw down the price of the price, allowing for more people to buy it
You play as a gay robot that's a loose canon but has to come back to the force for once last job while also looking for love in all the wrong places.
There will be a 13 hour unskippable minigame consisting of knock off fifa in the middle and every time you get scored on a strong atheltic robot calls you a faggot. And that faggot soundbite is played at 230% volume.
>price of the price
Sorry, price of the device
What´s different from this new show to let say Dragon´s Den? Is it added drama and long commercial breaks like the American Kitchen´s Nightmare?
This is a cool thread idea
Sell it to who, though? And with what privacy measures in place?
Shark Tank isn't a new show it's just the US version of Dragons Den
> Half of Sup Forums
So like.. a couple hundred weebs?
You're brilliant user, I'm in.
A video game that doesn't suck
Market it as a health and fitness device, everyone will buy one.
>privacy measures
Bitch, we're collecting and selling every bit of biometric data we can, there ain't no privacy. Hell, we can even figure out how long your shlong is, and target marketing towards you for that.
i.e. Tiny cock? We market trucks and guns at you.
RGB LED lights for your console
Nice joke.
It's a crafting based RPG Where you have to send adventurers out on quests, using gear you crafted for them. With the food you made for them. With the potions you brewed etc.
Somehow while ascending to the job of deity, some asshole changed a few key words on the job description so now you are innkeep and it's a bitch and a half.