Moded consols

Hey guys sorry im an hour late some stuff came up. Ill start the thread off with my modded 64. Taking game requests, will post game


Gex 3.

I think.

my consols are faithful to the originals, demonstrating functioning "on" LED.

heres my game collection

Looks delicious

Play quake

Oh shit my dude, bomberman 64

Fucking fake. Next time, use a real controller and not that 3rd party bullshit.

what gaming chair is that?

>Playing as Toad

Wario looks like he's seen some shit

play a man's game like hey you pikachu

are you a multiplayer man or songle player


The graphics still look good, god damn.

this is good

my nigga

Can it play ps2 games?

coming up boss my console overheated playing hey you pikachu

good choice, probably one of the most powerful games on the system.

You're having fun, OP, and that's all that matters. I wish I had the motivation to fuck around like this.

Best thread on Sup Forums right now.

Only getting 1fpg
You fell for the N65 meme

that's spot on desu

This isnt funny anymore


Play the new COD, heard it was fun

starfox nigga


thanks boss

ill try but i dont think itll run

The only Mode I need on a console is mode 7


how do I get a girlfriend


I'm in a fwb situation with a very similar body and even I'm jealous

>on Sup Forums
you don't
You either get off Sup Forums or you go full bdsm autismal and get slaves and kittens...

girlfriends cost you money... slaves get you money.


>you either get off Sup Forums or get slaves

So I can have a sex slave and stay on Sup Forums? What's the catch?


Nice realdoll, how much did that cost again.

Bitch i said starfox
what even is this game

>he doesn't own the best N64 game

I-i never seen vidya like that! how does it work OP??


im a professional artist and have 3 homes from my console modding business

feels good man

I don't know what the fuck is happening, but continue

Just some bitch that stole her oldr brothers project from the basement to get attention on Sup Forums

fuckin chicks are all the same attention whore pieces of shit.

post more tits and video games

Nah, all these threads are the same. One lewd pic to tease and then nothing at all after that besides BIDEO GAYMES.

Found the fat jew.

Did someone cap the last thread?



So we going to get more hot gf posts?

Could you share to keep this thread from dying?

3rd party peripheral


Is this blue balls in thread form?

Is that you in a business picture to attract more customers, or another satisfied customer who sent you that picture because of how pleased they were with your work?

Why don't you have RUSH 20XX?

faggot the game looks like shit, stop cart tilting.

also mod an everdrive so we can see that Gex3 that user wanted.

anime level or gtfo.

Play Turok 2. Best N64 game.

you had my interest
now you have my attention

my fiancee and I have been wanting a girl for a MFF for awhile now, and that body type is definitely the gold standard. jesus christ, 10/10 taste in gaming consoles and girls, user.

Let's see some Kirby64 next

Wish my gf would be cool with us lewdposting. At least she's cool with Sup Forums at all

this thread's different it has two.

repeat customer

good choice

>she's letting you do this to her
my sides are lost. Keep that customer as long as you can, user.

>all these threads are the same. One lewd pic to tease and then nothing at all after that
>>this thread's different it has two.

Post more like this OP.

>Monster Assault

What the fuck are you doing?

OP is the girl, biggest secret of all


best taste in thread

when girls see my modded consoles they do whatever i want

they power my consoles

that would be a cool twist

Just send us an imgur link of your tits already

but who is phone?


Thanks OP, I love you. Also the girl is hot, hopefully lucky you

careful what you wish for


Rogue squadron

Is OP as hot as his gf

Wonder if her face is as hot as her body

Did you fuck her with all of that on her

if GF is that cool man then as long as she's decent it doesn't matter.

Best thread ive seen on Sup Forums in a long time. Great work OP.

Play Turok 2.

I second this.

bone appletit

thanks dude

will do

Is she gf or you tell us the truth

It is a real doll, doofus. Look how plastic at bellybutton.

/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/46mlkx/a_gentle_beard_spots_a_grill_on_Sup Forums/

Some reddit cancer.

guys how can we have OP prove she's real?

yeah nah, but we're not getting any more so what the fuck ever

If you look at her butt you can tell she isnt plastic

>Hotwheels: Turbo Racing

Aw, hell yeah, nigga.



Demand blood.


Are we real?

what the fuck even is this thread

OP youve given me an idea

ill be using your concept in the next few months

youll need a gf first