which one is better?
Which one is better?
Dark Souls 3
There are two answers.
The answer by people who have never played Bloodborne (PCucks)
And the answer by people who have played both games.
the one without a number
>Boost mode on PS4 for bloodborne does literally nothing
Good job From Software
Dark Souls 3 shits all over Bloodborne.
The only thing Bloodborne does better is level design.
I'm in the middle of my Nioh playthrough and I think I like it almost as much as Dark Souls 3, it's definitely better than the garbage that is Bloodborne.
Both are amazing games. I genuinely can't decide which one is better.
probably b8 but if not, then you just prefer whatever's newest
Bloodborne is the best. How many times are we gonna have this thread? Only people that would say otherwise are the ones who haven't played it.
It gives you a silky smooth 30 FPS though.
Having played and beaten both several times here's my opinion.
Bloodborne for the story and atmosphere
Dark Souls 3 for the PvP and variety.
>Original game that gave a refreshing take on a known formula
I wonder which one
>souls game
If you played Souls games before, Bloodborne was much better. It did a lot more to deviate from the series mechanically, and every weapon I picked up in DaS3 felt like a weapon I'd gotten tired of three years ago.
If not, it's hard to compare. Bloodborne had a much better story, cooler aesthetics, more fun mechanics, and better level design, but DaS3 had a larger set of well designed bosses (I would put Gehrman and Ludwig above anything in DaS3, but DaS3 had a lot of good bosses, especially towards the end of the game, while every boss between Gehrman and Shadows of Yharnam sucked in BB).
>Dark Souls 3 for the PvP and variety.
Dark Souls 3 has no fucking variety, it's nothing but quality builds and gank squads
PCuck who bought a PS4 for Bloodborne here. I can't decide. Both have good and bad things.
+ Fantastic-looking world and creatures
+ Fast and combat that encourages aggressiveness
+ The trick weapons are great (I fell in love with the hammersword (swordhammer?).
+ That fucking DLC
- It's a straight line.
- Levels become boring corridors after you defeat the Shadows of Yharnam
- The main game's bosses are too easy.
- Limited amount of builds
Dark Souls 3
+ Gameplay-wise is the most polished of the Souls games
+ The main game's bosses are actually challenging
+ While not as open as Dark Souls 1 and 2, it still gives you some degree of freedom to explore and fulfil some of
- Lame DLC
- Levels are too straightforward
- Unlike BB, it doesn't try anything new with the combat.
Both are fantastic games. Bloodborne is original but it fails to do more. Dark Souls 3 doesn't try anything new but it still does its thing.
Note how I don't give a shit about story, plot or lore. Dark Souls 3 recycles Anor Londo? Bloodborne turns into space horror? Who in the fuck cares?
REEEE why does a sequel reference the previous games?
I have platinum in Bloodborne.
I got the Rakyuo without threaded cane exploits.
I used to do Sinister Isz Gravestone for fun.
Dark Souls 3 is better.
>Dark Souls 3 for the PvP and variety.
Das3 literally has the worst PvP and the worst variety in the entire series.
PvP will always invade you into 1vX, phantoms can heal, and the hornet ring exists.
Variety consists of quality builds, magic is shit, and this is a fatal flaw with the game itself. Every other game gives you a variety of playstyles early on, das3 does not.
Dark souls 3 is literally the ONLY game in the entire series that tries to do absolutely fucking nothing new. EVERY game except for 3 tries new things.
Bloodborne imo
Bloodborne base game and Dark Souls III are equal
Old Hunters is fucking god tier and From's masterpiece
This post best post.
While I love ps4 with all my heart, both games are obviously different and good in their own ways.
>tfw reasonable criticism of Bloodborne is more rare than hyperbolic worship of it
How is this even a thread? Bloodborne is a fucking masterpiece and is not only the best game in the series but also one of the greatest video games of all time meanwhile Dark Souls 3 is a steaming pile of shit that is as bad if not worse than Dark Souls 2.
>if you dislike BB you're automatically a pcuck who never played it
Every time.
DaS > DS3 > DS2 > BB > DeS
DeS has aged really badly.
DaS 2nd half is shit but it's still the best game overall.
>Levels become boring corridors after you defeat the Shadows of Yharnam
Seriously this. I love Bloodborne but god damn was the second half of the game disappointing compared to the first.
It had its moments but it felt rushed as shit. Like there was way more planned but cut at the last minute
>bb a straight line
>ds3 gives you freedom to explore
Bloodborne constantly bombards you with optional areas and has a a few sequence breaks.
Dark Souls 3 has only like 5 optional areas and an optional path you gotta go through anyway later on to progress. What are you smoking?
>if you dislike BB you're automatically a pcuck who never played it
Either that or they haven't played the DLC which I'm guess you haven't, cocksucker.
>being this delusional to defend a game because it's platform exclusive
At least I'm having fun with Nioh.
Dark Souls 2. BY A LOT.
>better bosses
>better level design
>better builds
>better pvp
>better narrative
>actually feels like a unique game instead of just another dark souls clone
I think he's referring to the individual locations themselves. They don't loop around and connect, creating a sense of scope and location. For the most part zones just go "straight", as in there's only one direction to actually move in. Das3 gives you opportunities, within zones, to explore around despite the game's overall path being quite linear.
I've been saying this forever but people always damage control the fuck out of it and refuse to accept it as a legitimate opinion. I think with Old Hunters Bloodborne absolutely blows DS3 out but the second half of the game I almost never enjoy, so many garbage throw away bosses starting from Shadows of Yharnam and then the game starts throwing a lot of the same enemies at you, on top of this the levels are never anywhere near as interesting as going through Yharnam.
Chalice dungeons speak for themselves , they could have been more fun if they were balanced around being an "end-game" thing but running through all the shitty low level ones is never fun even at the appropriate level.
Bloodborne has literally broken weapons and is grimdark edgy cthulhu shit that belongs in a bullet for my valentine music video ds3 is so fuckin dank on the other hand.
Except they constantly have great secrets an shortcuts you fucking liar
Why do people believe Bloodborne is linear?
Clearing Dark Souls 3:
Start game -> reach firelink -> hight wall of lothric -> Undead settlement (intended path) or kill the Dancer so you can access Lothric castle and do some power levelling, even if you can't access the grand archives yet.
Undead Settlement -> road of sacrifices -> Either do the cathedral of the deep first or go to the catacombs.
Catacombs -> Boreal Valley (requires clearing the cathedral first) -> Either do Anor Londo or the Profaned capital.
Once you get three souls of cinder you can do the final dungeon (the grand archives).
Clearing Bloodborne:
Start the game -> reach the Hunter's Dream -> Central Yharnam -> Cathedral ward -> Kill Amelia for the password -> Forbidden forest -> Byrgenwerth college -> Yahar'gul -> Lecture building -> Nightmare of mensis
That's what I mean by a "straight line". You can't do any deviation from the main game's route, optional areas or not. If you want to do a particular build you're screwed. Add to that how many of Bloodborne's optional areas are just straight corridors (Cainhurst being one of the worst offenders).
Never played Demon's, but both Dark Souls 1 and 2 allowed you to do some sequence breaking (master key / having 1.2M SM)
Most of my criticisms of Bloodborne are also applicable to DaS3, and in many ways DaS3 just felt like BB but set in DaS's universe. I'd probably say DaS3 just because From's camera is not made to handle most of the bosses in BB and makes them play like shit. It has way less technical problems due to not being stuck on the shitstation 4 like BB.
Bloodborne. Dark Souls 3 was the only one I sold after beating and felt like a chore to play.
My personal ranking:
DaS > DaS2 = BB > DaS3. Never played Demon's.
I don't agree about the second half of Dark Souls 1 being shit (Lost izalith notwithstanding) but I agree about being the best game overall. I think it had the near perfect balance of all the aspects that make a Souls game good.
Am I the only one who never finishes a souls game on time? I always dump over 60 hours into a little more than half the game, get burnt out, drop it for over 6 months, then finish eventually. I still haven't beat 3 and I'm at ocieros, prolly have a ways to go still.
That being said I want to say BB just because it's fucking amazing.
I'll agree some of BB's areas are straight forward, but most are often not.
Central Yharnam, Cathedral Ward, Forbidden Woods and Research hall all are interconnected mazes with different ways to get around the level.
Areas like Hunter's nightmare, fishing hamlet, Nightmare of mensis, nightmare frontier, and yahar'gul, while more straight forward, have loads of shortcuts that interconnect the whole area and optional paths that loop within the main that turn the area into a web.
Having a one off path that has a dead end isn't "exploration" in his point. Look at locations like nightmare frontier, castle cainhurst, hemwick. There's a singular direction that you're heading in that forks into another zone, which then will have you loop around later. Bloodborne will connect locations, but they don't really serve any gameplay purpose. You're pushing forward, reach a lamp, and then keep going.
My personal opinion is Das1 had the best world design - Firelink shrine was beautifully designed in which it connected you to multiple locations. Checkpoints were opening another path, which could then lead you into another zone or allow you to keep moving in the zone you're in. Bloodborne will give you a lamp as a checkpoint, but you're still moving linearly in the zone.
Just finished 100%ing Bloodborne. Dark Souls 3 was better.
This is coming from a PCfag who bought a PS4 for BB and was mildly disappointed.
DaS3 is just trash.
>>Never played Demon's
Demon's Souls is probably the least linear in regard to what you're talking about, as you can do most of the levels in any order you want if you have the skill for it. It's also got the biggest levels to explore on average, with lots of little secrets.
That sounds neat.
I really want to play Demon's but I've already spent way too much money in videogames the last few months.
I wish they ported it to PS4 but that will never happen.
>Cathedral ward leads to woods leads to Yorshka's clinic brings you all the way back to central Yharnam
>Paarls bossroom leads to bottom of Old Yharnam
>majority of the game's content is missable and can be done out of order
DaS3 wishes it could have level and world design that good.
Literally the only thing DaS3 did right was bosses.
The zones, weapons, PVP and lore were all blunders.
Objectively they're pretty even. Dark Souls 3 is more disappointing, though. Bloodborne is way more memorable overall.
I hope your post help you realize the main flaw within Bloodborne's world: Only Central Yharnam and the Forbidden forest have those neat things. The rest of the game is no better than Dark Souls 3's corridors.
>>Cathedral ward leads to woods leads to Yorshka's clinic brings you all the way back to central Yharnam
>>Paarls bossroom leads to bottom of Old Yharnam
Both of those are pointless as hell though. You can do everything in Old Yarnham before even being able to fight Paarl and you can do everything in Central Yarnham before going to the forbidden woods. Warping makes these absolutely useless and even if you couldn't warp they still wouldn't serve any purpose.
funny how people ignore the artificial bosses in dark souls 3. the game had at most 3 decent bosses. massive disappointment
>the game is just as linear besides the parts that aren't linear
really makes you think...
To me, "shortcut porn" is much less important than being able to do sequences out of order and skip content.
DaS3 does not give you the opportunity to do this.
There is one missable zone being the dragon peak but it can't be done early at all.
Meanwhile BB has half the game as optional and easily missable content, Dark Souls can be done in all kinds of jumbled ways and even DaS2 gives you a little freedom.
DaS3 feels like they focused way too hard on making the bosses and integrating fanservice rather than making the actual meat of the game good.
The fact that it's the first game in the series with a bad DLC speaks volumes.
SeeAndWhile BB only has two instances of the game looping around itself, das3 has non and most of the bb's individual areas are interconnected incredibly well.
>DS3 main game's bosses are actually challenging
>crystal sage
>deacons of the deep
>high lord wolnir
>yhorm the giant
>ancient wyvern
So what's Dark Souls 3's farming area?
You know how Dark Souls 2 has Dragon Aerie and Bloodborne has Nightmare Frontier? The one optional area with loads of upgrading material.
>DaS3 does not give you the opportunity to do this.
>There is one missable zone being the dragon peak but it can't be done early at all.
>Smouldering Lake
>Consumed King's Garden
>Untended Graves
Keep talking out your ass Bloodbrony
>I got the Rakyuo without threaded cane exploits.
What's the exploit?
Smouldering lake isn't really missable, it's optional but you get directed straight to it.
Same with Consumed King's Garden, most people walk through it thinking it's the main route.
Untended graves is just an extension of Consumed King's.
Bloodborne has literally half of its zones not only optional but missable if you don't know about them.
It's almost a fault how easy it is to miss out on content in that game.
Not him but he meant Dark Souls 3 doesn't let you do stuff out of order and sequence brakes.
Dark Souls 3.
DS3 has very little original content.
Souls vet here, this is my take on things as someone who has obsessively played the shit out of DeS and DaS1 since their respective launches on PS3.
>New Firelink Shrine (DaS3) == The Nexus (DeS)
The resemblance is fucking stunning if you've ever played DeS. Lord Thrones are in the exact same alignment that the archstones are, surrounding where you spawn in, with multiple levels of height within the area accessible by curved staircases.
>Lothric Castle (DaS3) == Boletaria Castle (DeS)
You start the game here, and the climax of the game is here (fighting twin princes/false king allant).
>Karla (DaS3) == Yuria the Witch (DeS)
Karla teaches forbidden hex magic/miracles/pyromancies that channel the power and rage of the abyss, Yuria the Witch teaches forbidden magic that channel the power and rage of demon souls.
> Stormruler (DaS3) == Storm Ruler (DeS)
Used to take down mighty foes with a legendary sword found in the corresponding boss arenas. Yhorm and the Storm King are basically the same type of "puzzle boss" until you find the sword.
> FP (DaS3) == MP (DeS)
Literally the same exact shit.
> Rolling
Functions the same exact way as DeS, because med rolling was buffed so fucking hard that the difference between fast roling and med rolling is so small that staying right under the fat roll minimum is required for every build.
Case-in-point, DaS3 is super fucking stale for veterans who have been with the series since DeS in 2009/2010. It's literally because the game is around 50% recycled DaS content, 30% recycled DeS content, 10% recycled bloodborne content, and 10% original content.
I fought the summoned drakeblood knights and bought the stones I needed. They die quickly, are right next to a bonfire, and spawn without having to rest. Plus at that point, you won't be running out of estus for a long time even with sloppy play.
Demon's Souls.
I love Bbloodborne's alien levels.
Nightmare Frontier and fishing hamlet are types of areas that haven't been done before in Souls Games.
The bonfire before you enter Grand Archives, right after Dragonslayer Armor. You go up the elevator right next to it to the roof, go up the stairs and kill the 3 winged knights with a Symbol of Avarice, Silver Serpent Ring, and Vendrick's Shield (I think it's called Shield of Want? I forget).
You get an insane amount of souls doing this, and they all can drop chunks.
I think the Soulsborne series is a victim of its own fanbase being full of loud idiots.
Dark Souls 1 is released
>Bwaaaa where's my level up waifu?
>Now every game after it forces you to do a pointless travel to the main hub to spend your Blood Souls.
>Bwaaa why people uses all the resources the game gives to them and I get killed in the Undead Burg by someone using a lightning katana
>Dark Souls 2 brings the horrible Soul Memory system and the red covenant can't be accessed as early as you could in the first game.
Dark Souls 2 is released
>Bwaaaaaa where's my lore? I want muh lore! muh lore muh lore! muh lore!
>Bwaaaaa why is this game so different? Why isn't exactly the same game as Dark Souls 1?
>Dark Souls 3 ends being, from a world and gameplay standpoint, just a rethread of Dark Souls 1, even disregarding some of the most interesting gameplay elements Dark Souls 2 brought to the table.
Dark Souls 1 and 2 are released
>Bwaaaaa! why do I have to explore? I want to just walk and find my way! Bwaaaaa
>Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are straight lines.
>Bwaaaaaa! why people gets into muh game and kills me? I want to enjoy phantoms beating the game for me without any risk!
>Bloodborne allows you to cut invasions by killing the bell woman and Dark Souls 3 allows you to summon one billion allied phantoms
And so on.
>Smouldering lake isn't really missable, it's optional but you get directed straight to it.
You have to wait at the collapsed rope bridge for a prompt to climb down it to appear, something that's never been done in a From game before. I don't know how that's directing you straight to it. I'll give you the other 2 but Untended Graves only because they pulled the hidden wall trick for secret areas before.
>Bloodborne has literally half of its zones not only optional but missable if you don't know about them.
If anything Bloodborne directs you to them even more directly than DaS3 does. Hemwick Charnel Lane is a really obvious way to go that most people do end up going just because it looks like the main way to go. You get a letter outright telling you how to get to Cainhurst, Old Yarnham is again right on the main path to the point where most players will explore it despite the guy telling you to fuck off, same with the Nightmare Frontier.
The only area I didn't see on my first playthrough was the upper cathedral ward, which I would consider easily missable.
Neither does Bloodborne. Bloodborne doesn't let you do any of the main path out of order. At least Das3 sometimes gives you a little wiggle room.
I don't see why the fuck you wasted your time typing all this shit out when it's irrelevant to the overall quality of the game. Saying it has no originality is bullshit and you fucking know it. Just because it has an enemy or two from past games means shit.
It also has the most polished and complete experience out of all of them. "I was burned out from souls by 3" is the dumbest argument against 3 I've ever heard. It's not even a valid argument. Dark souls 3 > BB.
yeah, because the Dark Souls fanbase hated invasions, exploring and leveling up away from the hub right?
You're strawmanning a lot in order to make your narrative fit, DaS2's criticisms definitely hit 3 hard and made new problems but no one had an issue with how 1 did its thing.
It is boggling my fucking mind how desperately people want to defend Dark Souls 3 when it's been shown over and over again that it's just a total step back in all areas.
>Bwaaaa where's my level up waifu?
Who the fuck ever complained about that? 90% of the people who played DaS hadn't even played DeS and I never heard anyone complaining about being able to level up at any bonfire whenever they wan, especially how retarded that would have been with the structure of DaS.
>You have to wait at the collapsed rope bridge for a prompt to climb down it to appear, something that's never been done in a From game before.
rope bridges have definitely been done and you can clearly see the edge when approaching from the bonfire side.
I went down there first thinking it was the main road ahead without being directed by messages.
>If anything Bloodborne directs you to them even more directly than DaS3 does
oh fuck off, BB doesn't even have clues in its key item descriptions.
>You get a letter outright telling you how to get to Cainhurst
which is in an optional area to the incorrect left side of the woods past a bunch of houses, through a tunnel through poison water, up a ladder out into Yharnam, through a gate, up onto the roof, into Yorshka's clinic.
And it just says Hemwick channel, not the exact pillar that prompts the cutscene.
Upper cathedral ward is super missable too, quite right.
>Smouldering Lake
>Consumed King's Garden
>Untended Graves
It undercuts your point when all three of those were atrocious areas.
>smouldering lake or Carthus Catacombs, retextured with some extra fire
>Consumed Kings Garden or "We need to have a boss area but we have no idea what enemies to put there. I got it! Let's mishmash a bunch of adds that have no reason to be near each other, oh and we can't forget to make it a swamp"
>Untended Graves
The sky is just blacked out with some high level enemies. Riveting.
You are getting way too defensive over a video game.
Bloodborne is literally art, its not up for question/
das3 new dlc looks really great though
Des and Das1 are very different games. Des feels more ambitious and grand in scope, while Das1 feels tighter and more focused.And for that reason i personally feel like i can't compare them.
>which is in an optional area to the incorrect left side of the woods
But considering that's like half the area I think it's quite likely that someone will explore it.
>And it just says Hemwick channel, not the exact pillar that prompts the cutscene
It says "Hemwick crossing" and there's literally only one crossing in Hemwick Charnel Lane.
expect bosses
the bosses are pretty much all great, even the shit ones
>I'm mad because I can't do this part before this part even though I'm going to do all of it anyway.
>I'm mad that dark souls 3 presents 90% of its content to the player while Memeborne hid about 40% of its content
>Smouldering Lake
Do people actually feel this way? I thought Smouldering lake was pretty dang cool as an optional area. It was large with varied areas and the callbacks to DaS1 actually felt appropriate here.
I guess the pyromancers and rape grhus sucked pretty bad though.
The problem with 3 is that every single thing in it is derivative as fuck and nothing is interesting.
introduced everything about the series and was an incredibly original, unique game
improved on DeS combat, had much more content and introduced an amazing, interconnected world with rich, interesting new lore. Had much better boss fights than DeS. Expanded on multiplayer mechanics and generally just feels more fleshed out.
>DaS 2
went backwards and made a lot of missteps, especially with art direction, lore, and gameplay but it still introduced new mechanics that should have come back in 3. Powerstancing and proper dual wielding are amazing and exponentially increase the amount of builds. Has a large variety of cool armor sets, and generally a fucking staggering amount of content, especially with all DLC. Has a more high-fantasy vibe than the others, which is sometimes interesting and sometimes cheesy. It has the best PvP in the series.
Changed combat drastically, introducing a new dodge mechanic and transforming weaponry. Every weapon is very interesting and totally viable. The game has a completely new setting and theme with a very interesting twist. Decently connected world with great individual level design
>DaS 3
Introduced weapon arts, a staggeringly underwhelming mechanic that is barely ever used in an interesting fashion. No areas or bosses are very memorable at all and like 80% of the game is DaS 1 callbacks. Actively stripped stat complexity and combat complexity from previous titles.
It allows you to spare Old Yarnham, at least the part that Djora can see, and access his NPC dialogue/runes/gestures. That being said, yeah, it's a bit underwhelming as far as shortcuts go.
because the level design is that strong
>considering that's half the area
Lol what
>people type out 300 word essays about why 3 is shit
>respond with valid arguments
>"dude you're so defensive lol its just a game, like, chill"
You don't belong here.
Dark Souls 3 was pretty bad friend.
>shitty unfun PvP meta with no variety in builds or tactics
>magic, miracles, and fisty brawler builds are abject shit. Your options are knight, knight, or knight. THERE IS NO ROLE PLAYING
>bleed and poison scale off of fucking LUCK
>retarded armor system that forces you to wear equipment in every slot or suffer a penalty otherwise
>invasion is a joke with giant seeds, shriveled fingers, and gank squads designed to pamper scrubs who were butthurt that people are using the built-in PvP mechanic that they opted into when they bought the game and played online
>fuckawful netcode
>hackers can use simple trainers to permaban you from normal matchmaking just by invading you
>shit covenant rewards
>literally broken invasion queue that made it virtually impossible for most playres to get darkmoon rewards for a long time
>references past games ad nauseum (Look, black knights! Look, Anor Londo! Look, Gwynevere! Do you remember our past games? We do! Love us please! Look, Siegmeyer and Solaire! Look, snake people! Look...)
>more linear that DaS by a massive margin
>obvious holes in plot and lore to be plugged by pre-planned DLC
>Lore is inconsistent with the series. If Gwyn's name was forgotten by DaS2, which happened between 1 and 3, then why is it commonly known in 3?
>easiest game in the series to the point of being insulting. Maybe one or two arguably difficult bosses
>balance patches were too little, too late, and told players nothing; to learn what patches contained, you had to wait for somebody to look at the game's files or figure out changes through testing
Some of the original enemies were pretty good. The weapon art system was nice. The areas had great atmosphere, especially the top side of not-Ash-Lake and Nameless King's pad. But that's pretty much all the nice comments I have to say about DaS3.
>DeS has aged really badly
It's the best game next to BB, though, If you want to talk about aging badly, DaS1 is a train wreck. I don't know how you can defend a half finished game with wonky level design even in the finished zones because From got roped into the open world meme. At least DeS had the decency to remove its unfinished parts completely instead of shamelessly leaving them in there.
I just finished playing DeS/DaS1 back to back. DeS is a WAY better game.
>game was 80% DS1 callback
How so? Don't just state vague shit, give examples. If your only example for this is Anor Londo and the armors from DS1 that's not 80%. Anor Londo may have made a return, but the entire layout of the map was changed. The armors were just for collect fags. Other than that, there's probably nothing else that is a significant call back to DS1. Even if it did, it's more of a sequel to Dark Souls than II ever was.
>got rid of complexity of combat system
Again, how? The only real issue with it was that no matter how much armor you're wearing, almost every attack stunned you. Besides that, it was like past Dark Souls, just more refined and polished. Bloodborne's combat was not that much more complex than souls, and on top of that, BB had even less build variety than any souls game before it.
At the end of the day, Dark Souls 3 is just a worse Bloodborne. Still good, but everything it does, BB did better. It really was like they were trying to make DS more like BB and didn't quite make it. They should have just tried to expand on the ideas of the first game.
You sony faggots literally only like those two games because they are not on PC. That its. You ignore that fact that they are objectively inferior. DeS is shit now and quit getting nazukashii because it was babbys first from game.
god I hate you faggots.
Bloodbornes bosses after Logarius are a complete joke.
Micolash, Wet Nurse, The One Reborn... what the fuck was that?
I think DS3 has a better quality overall while BB has the better moments and atmosphere. But it really shits the bed in the second half.
>linearity is bad meme
>minor references in a sequel that have no effect on the game are bad
>opinion after opinion cited as a reason a game sucked
>players hack a game do the game is bad
Man, a whole green wall of nothing.
Bloodborne focused its bosses on gimmicks.
Fuck Micolash. Seriusly.
Allow me to sum up Dark Souls 3 for you:
>Member Artorias? here's abysswatchers!
>Member Oolacile and blightown? Here they are in one area!
>Member Pinwheel? Here he is as a sage, twice!
>Member congregation? Here it is even worse!
>Member Bloodborne? Here's a entire village with copy-pasted bloodborne assets.
>Member the catacombs? Here's some more catacombs
>Member Izalith? Here it is with some of the exact same enemies
>Member Black Knights?
>Member Silver Knights?
>Member AnorLondo?
>Member Darkmoon invasions? Haha just kidding, theres no BEO
>Member Gwyndolin? here he is.
>Member Priscilla? Heres a QT 3.14 version of her.
>Member Yuria the witch? Here's a copy of her.
>Member Tower of Latria? Here's the same level
>Member Giant Lord and Storm King? Here a fight with both of them!
>Member the Hellfire Drake? Here's two drakes!
>Member Ornstein?
>Member the Astral Clocktower from TOH?
>Member Kiln of the First FLame?
>Member all this shit from the last two games with hardly any new items or equipment added to the game?
>You sony faggots literally only like those two games because they are not on PC
No, they are genuinely good. From does their best work with Japan Studio to keep them in line. This is a fact. Holy fucking shit, people like you make PCfats look bad.
it just isnt though