So is there some trick to getting recruits you actually want in Valkyria Chronicles?

so is there some trick to getting recruits you actually want in Valkyria Chronicles?

Im trying to get Marina as I hear she's the better sniper but I almost never seem to get any Snipers between missions at all outside the two I started with. Is there a level requirement or something?

Other urls found in this thread:!pQ4VnTwD!qBAtkyd7GYIsqu9eCSvlrBuCcnaH7RHwjEqN0bsU_Vo

>lets give the character pragmatic oufits, this is war, not some prostitutes' fashion show
>oh but lets give this character hair in her eyes tee-hee so cute >w

>I don't want my characters to be visually distinct when they're all in uniform
>Im going to be purposely pedantic over trivial bullshit

congrats you have autism

>>I don't want my characters to be visually distinct when they're all in uniform
Who are you quoting? There's a million good hair styles that don't cover your eyes.

>implying the hair doesn't benefit sniping as she doesn't have to close one eye to look down the sight

But none are as sexy as Marina.

which one is the one whos always really sorry she killed someone

>There's a million good hair styles that don't cover your eyes.

name them


The Dentist

All the normal characters are random

I haven't played the game for around a year, but I think it's random because I got Marina at the part when you get your first batch of recruits in the beginning of the game.

I was hoping Id have swung her sooner but Im on stage 6 now, will all the characters show up eventually?

All the normal charcters will. Some others have special requirements before they show up on the list, but you can look those up.

They're somewhat specific like letting a certain person get injured during combat and such. Another unit is for NG+ only.

Valkyria Chronicles mods

>GeDoSaTo for hudless screenshots, hud toggle, downsampling(with bicubic/lanczos support), shaders, and more

>Gallian Crossfire rebalance mod, if you've explained VC as "easy" and "scout rush" then this is "fuck your shit we're the empire". This makes the game hard as fuck to the point you will not get nothing but A ranks your first way through, no matter how hard you try.

>Removing or adjusting the canvas and crosshatch effects

>High res character texture mod

>High res canvas texture(I do not recommend this, personally I think it's ugly)

>High res unit icons(something you'll never notice but here it is!)

>PS3 button mod

>Injecting SGSSAA and HBAO+

>Texture modding tool

>Blender script for extracting models

>Red panty mod for Alicia!pQ4VnTwD!qBAtkyd7GYIsqu9eCSvlrBuCcnaH7RHwjEqN0bsU_Vo

Thanks you lovable faggot

>all the people talking about all the mods this is going to get

>nothing comes out

its like pottery

the only mod we didn't get was playable isara mod.

based raita


How's the PC version compare to the PS3 one anyways? Im on the later.

I didn't get her until mid game... she's a monster.

It's the definitive way to play.

I preferred Catherine O'Hara.

She was a worse unit, but her voice man.

She's the sniper I got and she's pretty sexy but goddamn she can't shoot for shit.

Correct, it's like she accidentally grabbed a shotgun to snipe with.

Jane on the other hand is godlike.

Ive been running her and Vyse as my shocks. I didn't even know Vyse was in the game but boy did it make me grin like an idiot.

It's such a pity that Scout Rushing is so prominent, because a lot of great units get overlooked.
Like my man Jann.

There's a mod that fixes it.

Jann makes me chuckle.

He's pretty accurate as well.

Seriously I can beat a lot of missions just by running Alicia up to the main camp and grenading any one around so they bounce off of the occupy range

The game is otherwise great. I don't know why they have such a fucked up ranking system. Oh you thought the game was about shooting units with your own units ? Nope its actually about finishing in the fewest turns using scouts.


Im on Ps3. It's a good gesture but doesn't help here so much

She keeps one eye in the dark so her pupils don't have to dilate when sniping in the shade.



Any screenshots for the panty mod?
What are they before the mod?

blue and huge

are they even panties. Id wager they're more like military shorts

they are now

>No SFM ports
>Of any VC girls
What justice is there in this sorry world?

Good, SFM shit fucking sucks.

>Let's swipe the game models but never bother to properly render them as we make shitty action figure poses

>caring about other soldiers in Alica's Scout
Rush Chronicles

shiggy diggy

It's fun to not break the game

Snipers aren't all that good in the early game anyway.