Me?! What about YOU?!
Me?! What about YOU?!
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what kind of fucking retarded question was that?
He told Ethan he's there because of missing person calls. It is literally his job.
Look, Officer-
>what kind of fucking retarded question was that?
He asked the officer for his gun.
The amount of force needed to drive the shovel into his head that smoothly would have sent him flying forward.
Learn to physics, fucking Capcom.
It was a really sharp shovel
Weak graphics, OP
Is no one going to mention the fact that even a deputy would have called this in at the sight of Ethan saying that he'd been trapped?
Sugoi graphics
Hes black. His sole purpose was to die.
Why do you think umbrella choppers flies in a couple of hours later?
arent japanese cops really different?
i assume thats why this one acted weird
Did anyone catch this?
Its during the Lucas chapter, inside the foundation that you use in the beginning to access the first safe house.
Was not fucking expecting it since I was just dicking around.
The nigga from RE2 was nicer
Why was Ethan being a complete shit during that? The cop had no reason not to suspect him in being involved with the missing people
>Press and law enforcements know that people have been going missing near the Baker residence for over 2 years
>Police finally decide to investigate the Baker residence
>They send the most incompetent deputy they have
It's just like every horror movie ever made
Because ethan works for umbrella
Duh fuck? That must be on sharp shovel.
>Goddamn it, I bet it's that cop again
Doesn't that imply that this cop has paid visits to the Bakers more than once?
It's like every police department in the US.
Police is actually pretty incompetent at what they're supposed to do here.
Why do you say that?
Richard Pearsey wrote the dialog, so i think it's dumb on purpose to emulate a cheap horror movie where the cop is weird.
>walkie talkie still there
I'm surprised that Ethan didn't try ringing it up for help.
parts of the game definitely had a slight 70s horror feel to it
I do imagine the way the police acts in a lot of countries IS different. Japan does inherently have a way lower rate of violent crime, so I would imagine that would give their force a lot less stress day to day.
I don't think that's entirely why the RE7 cop acted kind of dumb and without calling in backup first. I do like that the cop didn't just give you the gun, but a shitty knife right off the bat.
Daddy Baker probably took the battery out. He's not dumb.
I'm really disappointed they didn't do anything with the cop turning into a molded.
>Cop gives who he thinks is a crazy person a knife
>Meets him face to face in the close quarters of the garage instead of outside
>Thinks Ethan somehow lowered the door even though his hands are completely free
What was his endgame?
Red herring in a way. It's expected that he would have popped up at any way.
They also didn't do anything with the woman pitchforked to the wall in RE4.
This game was scary at first with the molded but lost its appeal once you got use to them. Now if this game added human enemies that were in mid transformation,I guessing something between a molded/zombie/crimson head.
That shit would of been scary as fuck,just imagine human hybrid enemies looking like that head in the fridge user
How did they used to get rid of cops? Lucas is the only one I can see convincing them that nothing is going on.
It is interesting to note though how similarly the Molded work compared to the t-Abyss virus from Revelations.
For instance looking at the Cop's head in the fridge.
Post a pic I forgot what the head looked like
Then wouldn't the cop think something is going on when he sees a new person there who claims the owners are crazy and trying to kill him?
In Ethan's defense, when I was in Afghanistan I was on a construction site when some asshole started lobbing bullets in from god knows where. A police officer started losing his shit and asking "GUN, GUN. GIVE GUN". Apparently that's just what people do when in serious shit.
Now sir do you live here? I mean is this
*smacks lips*
Your property?
I remember reading somewhere that the molded were designed by the same guys who made the Revelations monsters
it was a diamond tipped shovel. surprised you haven't seen one of them before.
The Umbrella choppers had been circling the area for a whole. The scientists working on the experiments had photos of them.
Not in smaller towns. I'm from the midwest, and older cops are still old school. They'll take a drunk guy's keys and drive him home, bust up highschool parties and just send them home. He'll just talk some sense into couples that are having a domestic dispute. None of this paperwork or calling in shit. Its not common anymore, but small town cops are absolutely nothing like city cops.
>Tfw when expected Jill re-imagined in RE7 but get crack pipe smoking version Chris
Not only this but daddy Baker literally comes out of nowhere. Watch that scene again and watch the background. It's literally impossible physics. I noticed it because I've watched multiple different Let's Plays.
ethan was all kinds of retarded tbqh
Whatever happened to Lucas? You never see him after you escape from his trap room.
damn, Jill looks like THAT!?
Ain't at a place where I can and I can't fine one, but long story short he's got a monster head growing out of the space where his head got shoveled.
Reminds me of Rachel from Revelations.
But in general the molded aesthetic is pretty similar to the Ooze.
Yeah I caught that one.
this was censored in japan
I thought that it was Andre's because the cop got his dome shoveled in half, and the head in the fridge was mostly intact.
>Just started playing today
christ ethan what the hell were you expecting you hysterical acting fuck i mean it's not unwarranted but goddamn
Ethan was an idiot m8.
>Sees officer investigating creepy house
>hey senpai give me your gun lol
Yeah Ethan was dumb as shit.
That's because the molded head was growing in its place.
Wouldn't the department send a few cars to look for him since he went too long without checking in?
Nah, the second head growth starts right at the flat part where the top of the cop's head was missing.
At least I'm fairly certain.
I can't check right now though fuk.
Probably saving his plotline for the next game.
Is this gonna become Sup Forums's "For you."?
>a fucking pocket knife?
The whole game is impossible, it's a goddamn Resident Evil game.
Jesus fuck you sound like one of those people who get hung up on tiny details in fiction despite a bunch of other completely ridiculous shit that happens. It's fiction and fantasy for a reason.
I also can very easily justify it. The whole game is from the main character's perspective. The way you see things and especially how your brain recalls things is often VERY different from what actually, physically happened. So it's very possible that in retrospect, that's how Ethan perceived the whole thing. In reality it could have been very different.
>yfw Evie was Aunt Rhodey
Get out the way Margeurite
That boy's got to eat!
Oh that's funny, I noticed it on the first playthrough because I'm not an infant who still gets fooled by peek-a-boo.
I never said I thought it ruined the game or anything. Just something I noticed. Calm down, namefag.
Nigga have you ever seen that type of tape?
did anyone else try shoot her and discover she was invincible or was I the only one on earth?
I only work with professionals.
I figured it out beforehand. In one file you find it talks about how her hair was starting to turn grey and she was looking older.
It's called suspension of disbelief.
I can believe that Jack has super-healing. I can believe that he has super-strength. Because the game says he has these.
I don't believe he has teleportation
What is gorilla tape, nigga.
My first car was held together with gorilla tape and there's no fucking way you'll be able to tear through that with your hands.
Shut up you sensitive faggot.
>when you see it
It wouldn't let me aim the gun at her.
>mfw just realized main character could have open the garage, taken the cop's car and fucked off to call for help
RE7 is balls to the wall retarded, no wonder its such a meme right now. Retards love retarded games.
The audience must be the exact same that enjoyes watching the horrible RE movies.
I saw that too and started thought it was odd, and then when I saw her wheelchair by itself I knew right away.
Still, the journal entry and the reveal were very close together.
like this
This new guy? I'm not feeling it
What's that?
He's going to be the guy that builds stupid puzzles for Umbrella in future games.
people in horror games/movies etc. usually have to be retarded for the plot to continue, but yeah the writer's shouldn't create those possibilities of escape either
>mfw when I forgot and realized Pete was killed by Mia
K, so you can believe impossible feats, but you can't believe impossible feats. Also there's a whole matter of perception and optical illusions.
Maybe the garage door was reinforced. Maybe Ethan was panicking because he was in an actual crazy situation and couldn't think straight. Maybe the spores were messing with his thinking. All very plausible.
Anyways, it's a Resident Evil game. Who gives a fuck about logic and sense? Just enjoy the game as is you sad cunts.
It's a line from the game.
>I used to be an anchor!
>Weekend... (anchor)
Are you a nigger by any chance? Because only niggers say this kind of shit when they watch/play horror.
>mfw Pete's last act in life was tackling her to save Clancy
He's an old negro in Louisiana. I thought his behavior seemed likely enough.
He was a hero in the end...
And "What's that" is Pete's response to Andre
Lucas left with Jack to deal with the cop when the dinner was interrupted, and it was probably him who shut the garage door. I just assume he was out there and would have gotten Ethan if he actually got outside.
You fucked up.
Need a nice hero shot of me coming down the ladder
why the fuck did I watch that entire thing
Jack pls