Name one competitive online game without a cancerous community.
Don't worry, I'll wait.
Name one competitive online game without a cancerous community.
Don't worry, I'll wait.
Other urls found in this thread:
Guild wars 2
>cancerous community
maybe you should grow the fuck up instead of every little insult causing you to post on Sup Forums
fucking nu-males
Lost planet?
rip ;_;
any dead game
Nop OP, but oh the irony
Dark Souls 5
Pokemon :^)
came here to say this
came here to say this
i've actually noticed that people found a way to taunt others with 0 communications in the game
Might be impossible. Even COOP games like payday are elitist and "toxic" as fuck.
I'm going to say Rust has the worst community.
Ace Combat
I honestly saw congratulations to anons who said that they were glad they were getting AC 7 when it was announced that it wasn't going to be a PS4 exclusive. There were some outliers who complained, but I figured those were just sony ponies from NeoGAF.
i'm actually kidding fuck you faggots please end yourselves for being garbage you shit passing fuck
Someone call L'Hopital this kid's on to something
>getting mad easily
this is why you cant have fun in competitive modes
>play racean
,>not really good at them
>spend time in MP games trying to hit the tryhardfags when they pass
why do they put deaths in between kills and assists
wouldn't it be put last
>he doesn't say that specifically to piss off the losing team even more
Warcraft 3
GW2 is full of angry kids all in its simplicity.
>COOP games like payday
Ugh. I joined a deathwish game from the beginning, fought tooth and nail throughout the heist, and at the end the host kicked me to exploit xp for his friends. There's nothing like not getting rewarded because of some cunt.
>getting my shit kicked in all match
>kill their top player
>say "lmao ez" immediately in all-chat
>their top player immediately starts tilting and we win
>not knowing kodos forbidden
sry my friend stole my fone lol
Dota 2 with 4k+ MMR.
I make sure to say this shit more and be even more obnoxious when I'm doing bad.
People, like OP apparently, get so fucking pissed.
Battleborn, it's not really growing so it's just benign.
Supreme Commander
Age of Empires 2
Basically any RTS that isn't Starcraft.
Always host mang.
Always fucking host.
I misread this image and just realised people born in 2000 are turning 17 this year.
Kill me.
Christ I hate those people, if you interact with another player in any way other than killing them, theyll just bitch at you about "roleplaying"
Go read any matchup thread on this website
It was actually the one moba where 9/10 matches had pleasant players even when it was alive. Wasn't even a closed beta or anything.
I'm 5.7 and I can firmly say that 4k to 5k is the worst stretch of them all.
Still, it's worth enduring for the most balanced and diverse competitive game out there.