Are you looking forward to Dragon Age 4, Sup Forums?
Are you looking forward to Dragon Age 4, Sup Forums?
If Andromeda somehow turns out to be not shit: Yes
Otherwise: No
I didn't even know it was a thing
But no anyway
There isn't going to be a Dragon Age 4.
The last game under sold and Bioware themselves sounded vague about a sequel.
Only if Morrigan is playable.
Is that a witch (male)?
Fuck no, but you retards will buy it up allowing Bioware to make more shitty games.
>want to play DA:I for Morrigan
>"DA:I will be like Skyrim"
>"ME:A will be like Witcher 3"
They are likely waiting for the next hit before doing another game, which may be Zelda BOTW or Horizon:Zero Dawn, depending on which sold more
What was Biowares last good game?
Why was she such a bitch in Inquisition?
can't wait to fight slavery and elven freedoms in tewinter
Not really. My experience with the Dragon Age series is as follows:
Dragon Age Origins: This isn't too bad! It has way too many trash combat encounters to pad the length out but it's pretty solid.
Dragon Age Origins Awakening: Not very good.
Dragon Age 2: So comically bad I actually had fun. Completely ruins the setting and is loaded with gameplay and graphical issues but I had fun playing it to see what awful shit was around the next corner.
Dragon Age Inquisition: I'm actually playing it now. It's a step up from DA2 but it's still a mess, and the setting still doesn't feel as good as DAO. DAO felt marginally more well thought out and gritty, DAI has some dumbass god wizard doing stupid things with ancient artifacts and nobody really gives a shit. Still certainly has aspects I'm enjoying but I'm mostly just liking it as a long lasting time waster, and I'm ignoring basically every non-companion sidequest.
Out of everything DAO was the only one that I was fairly happy with. Still better than the Mass Effect series which didn't even manage one game.
because elves are faggots.
I actually am, now that they have an actually great writer working for them (and presumably it's on the next Dragon Age)
It's worth it, desu
Her appearances are top-tier
Tsundere, and you weren't the one she's dere towards
weird thing about exclusives, they always get forgotten in a year
If I can play as futa then yes
But she's not an elf, you can tell because she's not greasy. This is an elf. Observe the elvish slime.
I know. I was just saying elves are faggots and they ruin everything.
Just kill all of them.
i'm just here because morrigan
Well you're right about that. Sera's elf-hate is also the only part of her I like. Other than her greasy face, because I am a deviant and also enjoyed the thought of wallowing in Gobbet's stank in Shadowrun Hong Kong. Can't romance either of them, but maybe one day there will be an RPG with a stinky woman to romance. One day.
Morrigan is absolutely gorgeous. Not bad for a 40+ year old woman.
I just want more enchantments
The funny thing is that DA 4 already sounds better than Andromeda.
But leave it to Bioware to fuck it up somehow.
The more they talk about Andromeda the less hope I have. At this point I don't even want them to do another BG or KOTOR - they'd only ruin it.
>this was made by someone at bioware
Only after significant fan backlash. Her first appearance for DA3 was that ugly tranny look
>It's worth it, desu
>Her appearances are top-tier
This is not possible. The game is just too bad even if she is hot.
Leave it to Bioware to still have terrible floating weapons and sword sheathing on the back.
Leliana looks good too. They couldn't fuck up previous characters, because they already had an established look.
Every character going forward is going to be a smoldering pile of shit, don't worry.
>male Ryder looks good
>female Ryder looks like shit
Thanks for saving us from sexism Bioware!
Bioware has officially burned all my good will of putting up with their shit games. Andromeda will be the first one in a long time that I pass on completely. The more I see revealed about that game, the better I feel about it. DA:I was the last straw.
Is the artstyle of Dragon Age beyond saving? What are the chances that 4 pulls it's atmosphere, artstyle, and pacing from Origins?
I would pay real money to get away from those retarded martial arts flippy staff animations
Is this the power of Reddit?
Sup Forums god damn it stop being autistic if I ask for comic recommendations and stop telling me to go to /wsr/. You nerds are already 90% cartoons anyway.
>Origins is fairly grounded in a lot of its animations and designs, the biggest offenders being fuckhueg pauldrons and weapons (but not even on the level of most games)
>Dragon Age 2 has a Bleach character as the final boss
On the bright side, Origins was made better retroactively because of how much better it is than its sequels.
Sup Forums is the same shit as reddit. If you want a better class of shit go to one of the boards that isn't a total shitpile.
To be fair, Andromeda looks like DAI in space so fuck it.
I never played DA:I but is it true they conpletely axed the titty demons from the other games?
>Dragon Age Origins Awakening: Not very good.
Really? While obviously being trimmed down and all that Awakening main asset was that it didn't waste your time with pointless filler and shit. It was a very lean expansion and as a result very focused.
I can agree with those points, and I could even say it fits more comfortably with the game than some other RPG expansions (Arguably Tales of the Sword Coast, especially fucking White March for Pillars of Eternity) since it's set after the campaign and even reflects if you're dead or not. The not very good part was I just simply didn't find it all that enjoyable. I thought the architect was interesting but didn't feel like they did much with him in Awakening and not really much with the concept of the emissaries later on. Technically you get Corypheus in DA2 but he's another half-baked booga booga monster, and even as the antagonist of DAI I didn't feel like he was very well developed.
Might just be me bitching because I always kinda felt like the darkspawn were one of the weakest parts of the setting in DAO. Loghain's a way more interesting villain than Generic Dragon, and even though the darkspawn are supposed to be crueler than regular orcs and have more body horror than regular orcs what with dragging any women they capture down into the bowels of the earth to rape until they become broodmothers, in actual practice in all the games they're just goddamn orcs.
Not only that. They also turned Qunari, the most intolerant society, where you would be put into room 101 for not knowing your place, into leftists, soiled grey wardens, and turned dragons into pests that are everywhere. Maybe something else, I never finished the game.
Then.... your answer is No.
They've still got statues of titty demons in the warp, but you never face a titty demon. The only desire demon I've seen thus far is that dude in the robe.
You're right about the rest though. I'm not even entirely sure why they shit on the gray wardens too, unless they just wanted to upend everything to make the "Inquisition" more conceivable. Wizards are all daemon possessed monsters, templars are all daemon possessed monsters, wardens are all daemon possessed monsters.
they should really make a sequel to the first one or even a third before they make a fourth.
Architect needed to make an appearance to oppose Corypheus.
>Save The Herald from the snowstorm they get stuck in while escaping Haven and drop them off near camp without being seen
>On the way to meet Stroud/Alistair/Loghain get intercepted by a Disciple, or have Disciple offer their aid/already be fighting demons when the Inqusitor goes to save Crestwood
>Write The Architects and his darkspawn into the Warden mission somehow
>Change the big choice of the Warden mission from keeping the wardens or exiling them like retards to be either support the destabilized and shitty at their job wardens, or get real help from The Architect but cause a shitload of problems by allying with a darkspawn.
Making the game either the Inqusition and Architect vs Corypheus or a 3 way battle between the 3 powers would be interesting. I honestly dont have exact ideas but you could do a lot with his inclusion.
>Living HoF that romanced Leliana and spared the architect convinces her to leave and help him instead
Also I really wanted the wardens mission in inquisition to have redone music of the first game, or something to trip my nostalgia for Origins.
I honestly think it was changing the graphics engine so late and not socjus censoring. Sloth demons are missing too. The base game only has Hurlocks for Darkspawn. Bann Teagan has a generic human model in Tresspasser
only if it plays like Dragon Age Origins
Why wait for dragon age 4 when I can meme about Planescape Torment and praise some obscure low budget topdown RPGs no one finished?
Also: Witcher 3
That would have been pretty interesting, actually. If they removed the vast majority of the side quest MMO garbage and reduced the size of the areas available and put that extra time and resources into pulling a Witcher 2 and making a large branch point based on if you work with the Architect or not. Would also hopefully let them more fully flesh out the darkspawn.
Also agreed on the music. That's one area where DAI is surprisingly weak. I've dumped a fuckton of hours into it and I can't really remember any music other than the part where everyone breaks out into song which about gave me a spasm, but I still remember the DAO theme clearly despite having not played the game in years.
One thing I do like about DAI though, a whole hell of a lot, is basically all 2D art in it. I think the little portraits on the left for the party members are great (I even like them better than the ones in games like Pillars of Eternity. DAI's portraits have more character to them), I like the art on all the tarot cards, about shit when I looked at the codex and saw it had a bunch of art in it, etc. The game itself is "Acceptably decent but nothing interesting" visually, but whoever they had doing/managing the 2D shit gets top marks from me.
Who's ready to kill some Elves in DA4?
No, i hated DA:I with all my being and this coming from someone who actually liked DA2.
Mass Effect 2.
Never made a good gaem
Last good RPG was original Wasteland
Who bitch dis is?
Never played Dragon Age I fucking hate the combat.
Reminder that all RPGs where you don't have to draw map on paper are casualized normalfag cancerthrash
What about Serpent in the Staglands? You don't have to draw maps, but you have to write your own quest notes entirely. This is a murky gray area.
>You don't have to draw maps
Into the thrash it goes then
>tfw can't play as a demon and amass a cult to take over/enslave/destroy the planet
Unironically, yes.
Shit about the darkspawn and the actual world the games are set in still interest me and I don't want to see all that just get abandoned. The only shame is that modern BioWare would be handling it.
source please, i beg you even a hint
>dat feel when stuck in a wrong game
>Follow the Divine
U wot?
That's nonsense, user. Also that shit was easier when you were working with grid-based locations so it was just a matter of connecting squares correctly.
>DA:I's problem was the gameplay
o u no
follo ure dreams
Maybe if your neet and don't need the brain power for anything else
Marker-walking underage confirmed
Do you even find secret passages by walking into walls?
blackwall was too normal and low-key for your inquisition party
>That tactics menu
>Hold down button to attack for no fucking reason
>Moves have little utility and ultimately boil down to picking the best build for DPS
>No sustainables
>Cancerous potion system
If I wanted to play keyboard DDR I'd go play wow. The obvious biggest problem is the move from smaller maps to fuckhuge nothingness with wow quest with zero choice or meaning though.
>No Dragon Age 2 or 3
>Are you looking forward to Dragon Age 4
u wot?
Morrigan looked fucking amazing in DAI. Shes the proof that Bioware just makes their characters look ugly on purpose to pander to their tumblr audiences, because they are clearly capable of making good looking females.
Anyway, I did enjoy DAI, but I think a lot of that has to do with the WRPG drought that time. Looking back at it now, post-Witcher 3, yeah, I don't know how much I'd enjoy it now.
But still, I'm mildly interested in DA4.
>The literal sociopath was too normal
Sup Forums-The vidya
What the fuck is wrong with her head?
Or is that the hat?
She's naked all over, but wears the hat?
DA:I's problem was the gameplay and holy shit fuck the class progression.
>hey we have this awesomely executed divide in the lore of the four schools of magic that really helped you build your mages in the first two games
>Eh fuck it just make fire, ice, and lightning trees
>hey should the PBAoE trap specialization for Rogues also has abilities focusing on range attacks therefore incentivizing the Rogue to stay at range where they won't be deploying their traps on nearby enemies because aggro management for Warriors is piss easy so the Rogue will never take heat?
>Shit it works in MMOs why not
>hey maybe we should add more than 8 ability slots on the PC hot bar because...
>NOPE can't have it playing better than consoles fag
I still relatively enjoyed the game but holy shit the design decisions baffle me.
Sera thinks elves are faggots that ruin everything too. She has so much catharsis when she finds out that the poor, oppressed elves were the victims of their own in-fighting. That alone made me start liking her more.
It's a spirit copying girl pope. You got the womanly body and you got the pope hat. Makes sense to me.
Which class/specializations are good/fun in DA:I?
I plan to play it eventually, leaning towards rogue since I played mage in DAO and warrior in DA2.
I can tell you the assassin's pretty solid. Can do some crazy huge damage by entering stealth for a guaranteed crit and then using the "Teleports behind you" nothin' personnel power that gets some 6+ attacks in, which all count as crits because it's still technically one action breaking stealth.
I also will say it doesn't matter all that much on hard difficulty. Everything but only a few of the boss fights have been pretty easy. If you're going higher than hard it might, dunno.
I would play on nightmare mode like I did in the previous two.
With the changes of Trespasser, a critical hit Mage/Knight-Enchanter focused on cold (and to a lesser extend lightning) is godlike, even on Nightmare (it's my favourite build). More detailed explanation to follow if you don't want to experiment yourself.
You can upgrade the basic cold spell (Winter's Grasp) to do shitloads of damage to anyone who's already 'chilled', and if you use a cold staff you can inflict Chilled by completing a basic attack chain. The other upgrade to Winter's Grasp chills everyone in a group around the main target, so if you give that upgrade to a second mage you can go around spamming Ruin whenever it comes off cooldown from massive damage.
Energy Barrage from the Lightning tree is a good basic damage ability, and Chain Lightning has an upgrade that doubles damage with each jump (which is a fuck-you button for any grouped enemies, so pretty much every time you start a fight and any boss that has flunkies).
Apart from that, find a Sigil of the Great Bear as soon as possible (double mana, halved mana regeneration - which essentially gives you a doubled casting pool and also doubles the effectiveness of any +mana regen effects/talents you have with literally no downside) and stack up on passives - namely Mana Surge(important), Winter Stillness, Flashpoint (critical), Conductive Current, Gathering Storm, and Rejuvenating Barrier (Mana regen whenever you have an active barrier, regardless of who cast it - it gives the effect to the mage who has Rejuvenating Barrier, not who cast the barrier). Knight-enchanter gives you even more mana regen and more importantly gives you barrier every time you inflict damage.
So craft yourself a cold staff with as much +%critical chance as possible and you'll inflict horrendous damage, with automatic barrier every time you do damage, a free spell every time your barrier expires, and lowered cooldowns whenever you inflict a critical hit (which is often). Have fun.
I also a good choice, Assassin inflicts incredible damage, you can find a unique dagger that gives you +500% damage from behind the target for 10% damage when in front (and you should never be in front of your target) and there's an upgrade to Poisoned Weapons that gives you set health regen whenever you hit an enemy, which you can keep on 80% of the time.
Have fun!
DA:I picks up in Trespasser.
You ready to turn on your own friends and murder the entire elven race because they want to destroy the world, desu?
>DA:I features tome casting
>"Jokes on you, faggot. Tevinter only!"
Do you think we're going to see a better sequel? Trespasser was a lot better than the base game in writing and even as far as gameplay and skill changes.
Now that David Gaider's fucked off we presumably have the Tresspasser team in charge + Alexis Kennedy, whose last work for Dragon Age The Last Court, their online card-game thing was spot-on - in fact, thematically with regard to writing, it's my favourite Dragon Age thing.
Is there hope for the future, anons?
>wasn't perfect, had absolutely lifeless and empty locations, not much in the way of a plot (lol ancient evil), way too many fights and a shallow and really easy to break RPG system, but you could see how a lot of actually talented people were involved in the development
>still fall in love with it, binge play through it a couple of times in a row with different characters
>was so infuriatingly bad I don't even want to comment on it
>try it out a couple of months ago
>play through the prologue until people start calling me the herald or whatever
>recruit a couple of people here and there
>literally don't feel anything
No idea what's wrong with me or the game, but I just don't feel like playing it despite investing a lot of time in both previous DA games
I feel that Inquisition, or rather Trespasser, left off on a really high point. They have set up the premise for the next game perfectly as opposed to DAII. It's also not clinging so tightly to the Darkspawn menace, instead building off the whole mythos of the poor, noble elf that Inquisition - Trespasser did such a good job of deconstructing. They're also returning to the Wardens, which honestly you can't go wrong with.
The only thing I'm really worried about is the heavy handed hinting at the Inquisitor returning as the PC. They're just so... bland.
Though I do love the idea of a one-armed Inquisitor abandoning their role as leader of a massive army to go and put an end to what they inadvertently caused.
The game picks up if you ignore a lot of the fetch quests. I would also seriously encourage you to get CheatEngine and then install the mod that allows you to trigger party banter at the press of a key. The base game goes out of its way to deny the player hearing their party interact (each banter is on like a 14 minute timer, which is interrupted by mounting your horse or fast traveling). The characters in Inquisition are definitely the high point, at least once you get to know them.
Heck yeah I am. I've already been playing DAI as much of a power hungry fuck as it'll let me. Recruiting everyone into the inquisition I can and making them feel they're fighting for me rather than the maker.
The only disappointment is I'll be a jackbooted virgin. The diplomat wanted to snobble my dick but I told her to fuck off since I was going to romance Cassandra, but then Cassandra apparently got super pissed off at me and got drunk and called me a nazi no matter how many waifupoints I earned by bounty hunting with her and I haven't had any romance options show up for her since. I could bone Dorian or Cullen apparently, despite never flirting with either, but in Cullen's case I don't give a shit and even though I'm best buds with Dorian I don't have a case of the gays. Life is suffering.
Was there a DAI artbook? You got a link floating around by any chance? I'd really like to look that over since I'm this shit up here who was praising it earlier.
DAO was one of my EXTREMELY (As in less than 10 I'm fairly sure) few cases where I actually bought an extra thing/collectors edition of a game. I got the snazzy hardcover collector's edition strategy guide. Even though I liked the making-of and the fluff in it it wasn't as entertaining as I had hoped, and as far as being an actual guide it wasn't terribly good. Still, I generally find those tend to be more entertaining for a few bucks more than tchotchkies from collectors editions themselves.
No big loss, aside from Solas, all the romances are kind of terrible.
Solas' is only good because it unlocks a fair bit of DLC dialog. Not sure if playing a female elf is really worth it, though.
Leliana is best Divine. Can't wait to go to Tevinter and see the "Black Divine", though.
Nice, I was pushing for Leliana to be the divine. Haven't had the results hit yet (I did the well quest and then decided I wanted to do the deep roads DLC) but I was talking down Cassandra on it and throwing what weight I could behind Leliana since Cassandra sounded like she would stick with the status quo while Leliana would be more prone to focus it toward empowering the inquisition/me. She was even talking about how she was going to make people be peaceful by force, it's gonna be great.
I would also like to see Tevinter. Partly why I like Dorian. Probably will end up being a disappointment in practice much like Orlais was, but still hoping.
Here's the Artbook:
And what I collected of the Tarot Card art back when the game came out. Not sure if Bioware ever officially released the high resolution images, though.
Not to spoil too much, but the ending points to a civil war going down between the grey wardens, and you're having to chase the elf menace all the way up to Tevinter. Not sure how they'll really handle the final choice you have on whether to disband the Inquisition or not.
If you like Bull at all, don't sacrifice the Chargers.
Much as Krem makes you want to.
Thanks for those, definitely going to get a kick out of looking through them.
Civil war with the wardens, eh? Huh. Surprised there are that many left given they go through the wringer in the story, then either get recruited and sent through the inquisition's meatgrinder, or banished.
Also haven't had much of anything happen with Bull. I've talked to him a few times but he's never given me any side quests or anything, so I've by and large just ignored him apart from stopping by for new dialog after major quests. I think what you're talking about is one of his side quests since a buddy of mine is playing this the same time as me, and I'm a smidge further than he is (I'm just after the well, he's just before) and he was telling me about his Bull-shenanigans. He did let the mercs die, though. He said Bull greatly approved, surely everything will be fine!
From his vague explanation it was something along the lines of killing the mercs to appease the qun, or let them live and then Bull gets kicked out of the qun. Since he said Bull approved when he killed the mercs I was kind of hoping Bull's personality was all just an act and he really just acted that way since he was a spy. Thought it would be kind of cool.
Why must you be such a homophobe user ? Andromeda is going to be the best game ever, with blackjack and transgender prostitutes.
I played DA2 for the waifus
and didn't get disappointed
As long as Morrigan and/or Leliana are followers.
Also, just glanced at the artbook. For what it's worth, the naming conventions on the pictures looks like it works fine as a .cbr if you're so inclined. You just rename the .rar to .cbr and use the .cbr reader of your choice (cdisplayex is good, just watch the installer like a hawk since they try to slip in some bloat. You have to click the configure option and then tell it not to do the shit on both options). Might not be worth doing if you haven't already got a CBR reader since it's not a great hardship to unpack it to a folder and just look at the images normally, but figured I'd bring it up since I already have such a thing for comic piracy and am used to it.
Bull's actually super attached to his crew and the only way you can continue a romance with him or get "real" dialogue out of him is saving the mercs. If you want to do the quest just take him with you to kill a dragon and you'll basically unlock all of his dialogue up to that point