Why was Chris flying in on an Umbrella Corporation helicopter
Resident Evil 7 ending
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Hail umbrella.
Because. He's Not A Hero
We don't fucking know.
It can do with a plot point that is in the new RE movie that's coming out in a few months or just fuck my shit up content in the dlc that we don't know anything about.
Ha, I like that, user.
Neo Umbrella is cloning everyone tied to wesker. They started with Ada and now they've moved to Chris.
They clearly didnt do a very good job since it looks nothing at all like Chris
Chris got jacked. Clone Chris didn't.
He's not Chris. If he's anyone from a previous game, he's most likely the mc of Umbrella Corps.
Ada wasn't cloned, nu-fan.
I'd like to think it doesn't exist but it does.
>gets his facts wrong
>"hurr, the game is bad"
Ada wasn't cloned though, another woman had herself altered to look like her.
Ada was cloned did you even play 6?
RE6 just isn't that great.
I do love the porn that came out of it though, wow.
I don't care about your opinion on RE6.That's not the point, anyway.
After years of wasted time, Chris finally realized Umbrella at it's core is ultimately working for the benefit of humanity.
Nice fanfiction.
It says in the credit rolls "Chris Redfield". It is Chris.
Because if it wasn't actually Chris and Capcom wanted to do something with that in the future, why would they just give that away in the credits?
>Capcom would never mislead idiots for the sake of a weak ruse
Wasn't 7 supposed to be a retelling or retconn or something? I'm not talking about their PR lie about going back to roots, because it didn't.
It was pretty evident that the guy at the end was Chris. Why is this even a question?
Because my Chris is a buff Chad not some weak no rock punching femboy
He was also gay.
You're a fucking moron if you genuinely believe that he is Chris.
We'll get our answer soon enough.