Why don't you own one?
Why don't you own one?
bc my tv isnt shit, and it has a built-in upscaler
I enjoy the visual effect that my CRT has on low-res games.
Because emulation is a thing
what is it?
something to convert my rca cables into hdmi cables?
I'm not rich and my cheap $30 upscaler does a good enough job for my PS2 games.
Because I'm poor as shit and I get by with regular component/s-video inputs fine.
The best upscaler on the market for taking 240p signal to 1080p hdmi. The clarity you get from it is quite amazing. Had a high end Sony PVM crt and the comparison between the two is really close. Close enough that I sold the crt.
Money is not an excuse
because I have CRTs you nigger
enjoy your lag
But I do own one
BTW fuck non-1CHIP SNESs
Same here, unfortunately.
For the price of a FrameMeister, I could afford a better monitor than my current 12 year old discontinued model.
How could a simple conversion box cost so much? Are there any alternatives to the FrameMeister?
Why don't you own one.
only 240p-capable console i have good cables for is the PS2, which i can't play PS1 games on because the disc drive is busted, and there's very few 240p PS2 games i'd like to play.
what is this thing actually tho
a scaler box for playing old, low resolution consoles on HDTVs without it looking like total ass
But user I do own one. Been playing ps1 games atm.
Not any good ones. They used to be even more expensive before this latest framemeister. It's a niche market.
Because I don't live in a shoebox so I'm able to keep a nice CRT around.
>Why don't you own one?
Because I'm not going to pay $300 to create additional input lag
I bought a NEET brand(yes, I fucking know) component one to use my original Xbox with a HDMI monitor, the colours were fucking awful and that was a $50 device, I am not spending anymore than that for shitty caveman tech.
Opinions of the uninformed right here, everyone. Look how fearless he is to state the obviously incorrect
There isn't anything noticeable.
Is there really not a single tv out nowadays that has a built in upscaler?
>input lag
>still blurry compared to a CRT
>No scanlines
Because I have a CRT SDTV with RGB SCART inputs and it looks infinitely better than whatever upscaled trash that thing puts out while being significantly cheaper.
Framemeister does have scan lines though.
I think he's implying that the built in upscaler is shit, and it almost definitely is compared to a framemeister but you probably aren't autistic enough to give a shit
>There isn't anything noticeable.
Yes there is. It's considerable. If you like fighting games or shooters it's a game breaker.
How did you get your capture card to get past HDCP on the unit?
I tried to plug it in directly but got that warning.
Wouldn't an enthusiast just get a CRT TV?
Because I have a real CRT for gaming, and I don't have the $300+ required to buy this thing.
Can anyone with one of these comment how well it handles component for Wii/PS2/Xbox?
it's Retron 5-tier trash for uninformed hipsters.
I can comment on PS2.
It scales really well and font in Disagaea is extremely legible.
That's a really shitty signal
I didn't even know the Framemeister had HDCP, never came up for me, what were you trying to use it with?
Most SNESs have shitty signals, systems like the Genesis and Saturn look way clearer
I bought one but I never use it.
Hauppauge HD PVR2
I just plug my console right into the tv. The games look fine to me.
Except perfect Dark, I can't read shit in that.
I don't own one because I'd much rather get a cheap converter that works if I have to use one. Otherwise, I'd just buy a good high quality CRT with the money I would spend buying this.
Thats what happens when it aint 1chip
>not having a 300lb 40" crt in your room. plebs.
Ps. If you have an HDTV with no lag (highly unlikely) go ahead and get s scaler but NOTHING beats gaming on a crt
>looks like complete shit
holy fuck lol
>If you have an HDTV with no lag
No such thing.
I know man once you go crt you can't go back. I tried playing super ghouls n ghosts on my crt the first day i bought my little 20 inch pvm, and I never went back to my framemeister, in fact I sold it almost immediately. I've since upgraded to a giant CRT that looks amazing.
CRT is the way to go
Holy shit I'd rather have emulation with filters this looks awful what the fuck?
Burn whatever is running to make that game look so awful to the ground.
Good lord that looks so bad.
This looks really blurry user, and the colors bleed into each other pretty bad. Why not just use a CRT?