How come Australia doesn't make any video games?

How come Australia doesn't make any video games?

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Try google, you fucking idiot

We made LA Noire

They made Bordermemes: The pre-memequel

people have tried and they did pretty good but its hard because the government actively fucks over any job that requires an IQ above 80

Abbot fucking up the NBN is just one of the things that have made Australia an incredibly anti-intellectual country.

>The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius: Attack of the Twonkies

Because Steve is too busy worrying about Bindi the bull's balls while he's fucking his wife.

>fallout tactics


I'm never gonna get NBN

What a shame

>Set in the year of 1936, the game centers around the corrupt city of Shanghai in the hands of Western powers, filled with mob crime and political troubles. The Kuomintang ruthlessly puts down labor movements in an effort to suppress communism, whilst the International Police Force attempt to keep the peace.
Fuck that sounds amazing. What went wrong?

I just wanted to play as a whore.


Shit i had no idea they made that i thought it was all shovelware garbage apart from LA noire

Because it's TOO FUCKING HOT.

I just wanna beat this heat so I can beat my meat.

because australian culture is anti-intelligence. instead of encouraging people to go to uni, get a masters, become a scientist or something they tell them to go to tafe and become a tradie.

>whilst the International Police Force attempt to keep the peace.
The West was still fucking around China in 1936? I thought that shit would have ended when they killed their monarchy

>He didn't abandon his dream after realising research jobs are shit
At least my bachelor was useful

The west was still fucking around in china in the 1990s when the British lease ran out on Hong Kong

good meme
who's more likely to have a well paying job, the brickie or the bloke with a feminist literature degree?


Their Unequal Treaties period only really ended after the commies came in.

>mfw a brickie gets paid less than I do in my shitty air con office job where I do nothing
I can look forward to being sacked at almost anytime though, laborers always have a use around here apparently.

>Abbot fucking up the NBN is just one of the things that have made Australia an incredibly anti-intellectual country.
It's always been an anti-intellectual country, kid. Nothing to do with NBN


if anything feminist literature is even more anti-intellectual then being a brickie

How much does the average tradie make? No vague bullshit figures please

>feminist literature degree = intellectual

>gets paid less
I fucking doubt it. The tree outside my house fell over and broke my fence. It cost 4500 dollaridoos to fix it.


Median salary for an electrician is 1400 per week before tax. (72.8k P.A)

If they're independent they can make a shitload of money just by advertising locally
If you work for a company, your boss gets everything and you get paid a little more than a retail clerk.

50k minimum /y
Still better than the $0/y most STEM grads make after they get their degrees and find out there's literally no jobs for them

I made more than that in my first year out of university, and that's not even including my super. Granted I was lucky, but 73k is the median

what field?

Engineering. I even had another job offer during my graduate season offering 62k + super but I rejected it

>tfw got into a grad program three years ago and never have to worry about a job again.

Feels good man. I only applied for one job when I finished uni and I fucking got it.

Between 65 and 100k depending on your city and trade and if you are independent or work for a company.

>people have tried and they did pretty good but its hard because the government actively fucks over any job except if you're on a 457 visa

Ftfy cob. Don't forget, vote Hanson

>made redundant 3 times in 3 years
what the heck do i do?

>tfw started my grad program this year

Depends how you work champ. Lot of tafe leavers get swindled in the sense they could be earning much more.

Join the public sector, do fuck all, never lose your job

Nice. I probably wouldn't have believed you if you'd said anything but engineering

Is Sydney secretly the greatest city in Australia?

Nice user, it doesn't happen to be with the Australian Federal Police does it?

I've wanted to work for law enforcement since I was five years old, so the AFP was the only grad program I went for. The fact that I got in with no prior work experience was a miracle, but I've cherished my good fortune every day for three years.

I was just gonna become a cop with the NSW police if I didn't get in. It feels so great to be working for my dream organisation, given their grad program has a 1% intake.

>Fallout Tactics
I had no idea. That's kinda cool I guess.
It's still the shittiest in the series


No, it's literally the worst.

>Tfw no aus gf (male)

Its not just engineering, that 62k job was from a bank. Finance fags can very easily make more than that straight out of uni if they land a role in IB.

>shittiest in the series
>not brotherhood
>not 4

Those numbers should be around the other way, you ugly NEET

He doesn't realise that the issue with the Australian job market is over saturation of university graduates. The Japs have the right idea desu

no i'm pretty sure they are the right way

Tradies have an easier time in the job market?

I try my hardest not to think about Brotherhood and 4

Who /Centrelink/ here?

>Uni dorm cost $200 a week. This free covered laundromat, internet, and 3 meals per day
>Centrelink gave me $250 per week
>Basically $50 a week booze/clothing allowance with all other expenses covered

The days of being at uni and on centrelink were the best years of my life. Oh sure I have far more disposable income now and I get to drink whisky instead of goon, but I actually have to work for that income. Centrelink used to pay me to skip my classes, get drunk, and play smash bros in my dorm.

How long until we get Bill Shorten, Prime Minister of Australia?

>Shit i had no idea they made that
>i thought it was all shovelware


Why are you living outside of a Capital City user?

And TeamBondi dissolved straight after.

>tfw centrelink gives me 500 a week
feels comfy lads

I would rather live in a funnel web's funnel than melbourne

The only thing Sydney is the greatest at is being the fucking worst.

Come fight me in Melbourne, faggot.

Only the most advanced humanoids in A*stralia get the privilege of living in Melbourne

Never tbqh

Too many normies

>Not living in Canberra

Oh sure we have nothing to do, but we also get paid to drink coffee and play on our phones all day.

>melbourne held a protest rally over trump's election
truly a special place

No beef w/ Canberra, nice place to visit, dunno if I could live there though.

Warlords Battlecry was pretty based.

>Grad season is beginning this month
Stay in uni guys, its much better there

Canberra born and bred here. I still don't think the public service blokes do fucking anything desu

Australia does make games, but they're overwhelmingly phone games.
But this is just an Australia Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums isn't it.

>still no aussie football game

oh i guess that means they didn't make it.

And I thought Surry Hills is bad

Not if we talk about how the country's broken internet is affecting our online gaming habits

>being this retarded
There have been plenty. My uncle was even in one, even though he never actually played a game before he got injured
I still play it on pcsx2

stupid non Australian frog poster. there's a bunch of them

>posting that

>tfw the NBN is nowhere near ready to come to my area

I sure do love having sub 1mb speeds.

I have nbn it really isn't that bad. The only limiting factor is the distance but that's a problem for anyone outside the us/eu

Paying me though my bachelor in games, doubt it will go anywhere but lets see

worst case scenario i can code c#

>Escape from Woomera

No joke I know the PM of the concentration camp

There's been several, and there's a new one on the way now, what the fuck are you talking about?

How the fuck did that happen?

I just started paying off my HECS debt.

Is there anything I can do to avoid paying it?

>The only limiting factor is the distance but that's a problem for anyone outside the us/eu
And anyone that doesn't want to play cod since there's no servers here for anything not 100% mainstream and that's all 98.9% of retarded aussie normies play

go under the threshold, its like 40k or something


no industry and all the talented people leave for USA or canada

>use AWS/lambda and serverless for everything in my company
>have to upload everything to AWS even when we change 1 line of code.
>takes 5/10 minutes each time.

fuck liberals for ruining the Nbn.

Human Revolution was made in Canada

University is starting again soon. How do I avoid killing myself?

that's entirely due to isolation and small player base, not because of our internet.
Australia and New Zealand combined have only slightly more people than the state of Texas or the Netherlands + Belgium.

>The Unfinished Swan

what faggotry is this? who wrote this shit?

Developers SCE Santa Monica

Brisbane's still the best.

How do we fix Australia?

Should've just done an IT degree you twit.

Unis actually offer Bachelors in Vidya? I thought it was just a meme