How do we fix assassins creed?
How do we fix assassins creed?
Stop making them
Templars and Ass's join forces to kick the aylium scum off our planet.
Everyone dies at the end.
I haven't played since AC4 but I feel like every game in the series puts less and less emphasis on actual assassinations. In AC1 there were multiple ways to take out key targets and getting out unseen or running away from the scene were viable options. In AC2 all you had to do was mow everyone down with your sword in broad daylight. This kept going until AC4 was more of a pirate game than an assassination game.
Maybe some for honor style combat. I love how flashy the animations are but it's just super dull in the ass games.
AC4 was a step in the right directions. Less convoluted modern day shit and it actually let us actually dick around as pirates first assassins second.
more assassins in chivalry time please
Take it back to America again.
write better characters and fix combat, or really focus on stealth
>unironically likes modern hoodie assassin-ing
Just no convoluted plot please.
just got Asscreed The Ezio Collection
what am i in for bros? only AC i played was Black Flag and I loved it
Fix Ubisoft. It's their laziness and greed that fucked the franchise, Not only do they not polish the games, they don't finish them. And their writers are shit.
>first post best post
What the fuck is this Youtube-comments tier Reddit shit.
How about you fucking play it.
Why post a picture of the Witcher? or is that the Nioh guy? Christ they all look alike now...
Better games than the one you played.
Put 2 on the back of the head.
Trash it and make Pirates of the Caribbean games instead.
>Take on contracts from world governments to find treasure, sink enemy ships, or protect trade
>Alternatively be a bastard pirate and slaughter merchant crews/take them as prisoner while you steal their shit
>Either way you always have the option to take on land adventures for the real good shit. (Magical artifacts, big-time discoveries, and eventually your own pirate settlement
>Ultimate quest involves founding, protecting, and destroying Libertalia.
Try and pretend Ass Creed 4's mechanics wouldn't make a perfect Pirates of the Caribbean tie-in game.
By continuing to make games based in exciting historical periods and ending the stupid fucking AC storyline nobody gives a shit about
You are being aggressive online.
Stop making AC with guns and return to its origins
Bad ports of good games
Damn really? How are they bad ports
It's from Sup Forums the most reddit board. They can deny it all they want but they're the ones who have a "colony" as they call it on reddit
They aren't. That user is shitposting.
1. No strong womyn, just make the story exclusively a bro quest; also no sci-fi shit.
2. No collectables, instead place treasures around the world ranging from a one time full resupply to new gear schematics.
3. No eagle vision.
4. Focus on giving missions multiple options for completion.
Ubisoft is already fixing it. The next AC game is going to take place in ancient Egypt and is going to be a soft reboot.
This, really. Assassin's Creed was good in the first one, and then went downhill from there. Awful gameplay, characters, and designs. The world is populated only with collectibles and you use their fucking awful run and climb mechanics to get around. Combat is boring. They should just nuke the franchise, it's trash tier by Ubisoft's standards and that's saying something.
It was require reworking every single aspect of the game and starting over completely since almost nothing about it is good in the first place.
I'm playing Syndicate right now and I have to agree with #1. It seems really fucking weird that literally half of the street thugs are women. I'm not sure if Ubisoft is flying their cuck flag or just trying extra hard to appease girl gamers but it's really in your face that WOMEN CAN DO EVERYTHING MEN CAN DO, SEE? SEE? DO YOU SEE? THERE WERE NEVER GENDER ROLES IN HISTORY, SEE?
meh, at least you can beat them up and kill them
Unity is actually pretty good now that it has been patched
It's only saving grace
I love the customization in unity, shame syndicate got rid of it
You might be interested to know that Unity more or less reverses this trend. Tailing missions are completely abandoned and there are many open ended assassination missions like in 1. You're shown options, but the method is ultimately up to you. There's also a bigger emphasis in the side missions on assassinations and stealth in general, due to the combat actually being difficult this time and medicine being absurdly expensive.
Unfortunately, Ubi squandered its hand by making the game more or less unplayable on launch. The frame rate was terrible with constant glitches everywhere, and there was massive in-game shilling of online apps and dlc.
These issues were mostly fixed in patches, but its still amazing that Ubisoft had a game that could reboot their franchise but decided to go full retard and release it in an early beta state instead.
>Assassin's Creed was good in the first one
Reboot, drop real life crap, stop trying to turn them into the History channel, focus on powerful narratives, actually go into the fucking modern era and stop making excuses not too
>drop the future plot, or at least make it less weird with the artifacts and aliens and shit. just some standard illuminati fare would do
>give characters actual story arcs and multiple games like Ezio had, not just one spin-off after another
>have the main characters play a side role to major historic figures and seem to be written out of history
>create historic scenes/cultures that players have been asking for forever (feudal japan, india, russia)
ezio's arc is still the best, fuck every other AC protag. you can't top 3 games of character development in spin-offs
>Ubisoft's laziness and rehashing is actually part of the in-game lore
You can't make this shit up, what a fucking joke
I don't like how Unity added RPG elements in that they locked away your abilities
>play AC4 expecting a stealth/action game
>can't crouch unless you're standing in a bush
Well that's because the trend of skill trees became popular, instead of just slowly giving you newer abilities to learn as your progress through the game.
the 2nd one has aged pretty badly in terms of graphics, but its still probably the best AC game ever made and a very solid 9/10 overall. They clearly put a lot of care into it. So many awesome cities, sense of adventure, characters, mysteries that you can solve and actually a great story.
Brotherhood and Revelations are both much better in terms of graphics, but they are nowhere near the scope of AC2. Also the combat does improve in these 2 games, AC2 combat can be somewhat... simplistic to say the least .
less assassin shit. more time period shit. this was what AC4 got right.
rehire the guy that did the story for the first two games as a planned trilogy, declare everything after ezio non canon and release a third game that ends the series
>modern day assassins creed
yeah might as well play watch dogs then. I don't want assassins creed to take place in the present fucking storyline. All the uniqueness the series has going for it would immediately disappear.
AC games have been releasing on a yearly basis since 2009 for no reason other than publisher greed.
2016 is the first year its skipped and I am hopeful that when it inevitably releases this year, it will be a very good game once again. And that Ubi doesnt plan to make it yearly again.
AC2, Brotherhood and Black Flag are top fucking games.
It's actually hilarious how a series is able to produce near perfect games and then a year later release a steaming pile of garbage that is AC3.
thats AC black flag
AC3 had short comings but I would argue that it had the most satsifying combat by a long shot. I could kill fiddy men and never see the same kill animation
They should have kept with 2 and 3 talking about the Roman gods and the Eden pieces instead of shitting everything up with current day 4.
Literally the only reason they went in the Animus was the current day happenings you stupid nigger. Scrapping the Damien parts is when the game went to shit. 1 & 2 are only good because of the tie ins.
Try and take advantage of the fact that there are cool places in the world outside of fucking Europe.