play any games today?
Play any games today?
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No. Played a few mobile games just to get daily shit out of the way.
I played some Typing of the dead. I'm shit at typing so I switched to regular mouse controls
played Planet Coaster and created an indoor autism park with penis coasters
I finished Infamous second son today, i liked it and had fun with it
all I have left for the platinum is to do an evil run on expert, not gonna do it anytime soon but eventually
just finished they bleed pixels. good game, but later levels are covered in spikes and buzzsaws
games? why would I need games when I can watch Alex19 play Super Monkey Ball for 8 hours?
just squad
m&b warband
titanfall 2 and for honor beta
Resident Evil 7 and Nioh, good shit.
Overwatch every day for the last 3 weeks trying to get these damn skins. I'm so sick of this game.
This. Mira's fun as hell to play
overwatch griefing
Had a strange urge to play Max Payne 3 again, so I played through it on hard in one sitting.
yes I'm learning dota
I don't have Mira unlocked yet but damn she's great to have on a team. Been on a Frost kick lately
did my speedrun of re7 to get a playthrough in under 4 hours. A hell of a lot of fun to just sprint from objective to objective, soaking up just enough ammo to do the boss battles in
Played some Dragon Age Inquisition and Superhot. Trying to knock DAI on the head before Torment 2 is excreted on to my computer, and once I delete DAI I'll have room on my SSD for Total Warhams.
Also patiently waiting for the Battle Brothers update.
played call of juarez for the first time, if i had played it back in the day i would have had an orgasm but even now the shootouts are intense
mobile game daily shit
almost started up ESO
drew silly characters on a notepad instead
I played some Nioh, came to the conclusion that it was shitty, and went back to replaying Bloodborne. I'll probably get around to finishing it eventually, but god damn it is really underwhelming.
I did a no save speedrun of REmake. Did it for the unlocks, hated every second of it. Speed running is for autists
I hate and love this game at the same time. Why the fuck is it so difficult at certain levels and then easy as fuck in the others?
Nah, I'm getting married tomorrow. But I'm gonna play For Honor after the reception
Did some monhun with gf this morning, after tried RE4's pro mode for the first time. Got my shit pushed it numerous times from the first village encounter, but smooth sailing after that.
I played Freedom Planet, Ducktales Remastered, Mario Tennis Ultra Smash, Mario Maker, as well as found time to play Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. I even managed to do a bit of streaming on Tennis and did a solid video capture test on Mario Maker, causing today to be a good day for vidya
I played Planescape: Torment. This game is so easy, you can't even die.
of course, I'm not a huge faggot.
Yeah, I'm fishing in WoW, I don't feel so good since my girlfriend left me, at least I found a job so I can be a lonely fuck with money I guess.
At least fishing in WoW give me some peace.
Finished nu-DOOM. Game was fucking sick, and the sequel hook got me hype.
I also played some Dota and Overwatch with friends.
crawl with 3 friends
fuck it was amazing 10 / 10