Creepy, is that real?

creepy, is that real?

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Orignal Sims was great. What went so wrong afterwards?

0 effort because guaranteed profit

Electronic Arts happened.

>checking out my house in the middle of the night
>suddenly burglar arrives and this plays

is the sims the first series with content cut specifically for selling as dlc/expansions later


I tend to really hate Maxis games after EA's raping and pillaging of the studio, but I have to say I enjoyed the Sims series up until 3. The open world in 3 allows for some pretty cool shit to happen. For instance, I had a character live in a gym for like 2 months while he trained skills and befriended everyone in town who visited the gym.

Sims 2 was my favourite since it felt more real and more of a "sitcom" simulator rather than a dollhouse like sims 3. The characters also didn't look as "real" as sims 3 so it skipped the uncanny valley. It also has the best dlc of any game

>Orignal Sims was great
>literally not a single day off work
>kids remain forever kids
>no aging of any sims except "babies"
>the scope of things to do pales in comparison to 2

Those nostalgia-googles are cutting the blood circulation from your brain famicom

I want to drill a hole in your skull and fuck your brain.


>They will come soon

>tfw sims 2 takes too long to load so i'm stuck with 3

The open world aspect of sims 3 is a major step forward imo (couldn't get into sims 4 because of it). It's just too bad the game runs like shit.

Something about that fucking little diddy scared the fuck out of me as a kid, and it gave me an unreasonable amount of anxiety to play the Sims at all after first running into it, hahah.

I recently got back into sims 3 after getting a ton of expansions during the winter sale, and I've been struggling with this so much. The game runs poorly, the inventory system is terrible and badly optimized, and all save data trends towards being corrupted. I actually lost one of my favorite sims due to save corruption, I couldn't even save a copy of him to the library any more.

On the bright side, if you're responsible unlike me, you can keep copies of all of your sims and lots saved to the library. And the game actually does get ridiculously fun if you have the good expansions. The couple I'm currently playing as are a Half-alien who can summon meteors, and a pyromaniac wizard.

Who are they, they must be important.


>download sex mods for 3
>knock up every girl in town
>even all the ghosts

>download rape mod
>download sex dungeon mod
>download bdsm mod


Yeah, 4 felt like a real downgrade because of the removal of the open world.

I don't see why EA couldn't have just dedicated some time and effort to improving on the mechanic and making it run more smoothly for the next game instead of just removing it from the game entirely.

Then I remember that it's fucking EA.