

I like all the subtle baits in this image. Oh wait, they aren't subtle.

That picture is the greatest autistic achivement Ive seen today

I appreciate the way it blends in legit stuff with the bait. It's far too obvious in the end, though.

Could have some potential if the image was larger and had more videogames, and like more suggestive stuff to get people asspained.

Remember when people at least tried to be subtle?

>video game
That picture really ticks my microprocessor

>Bloodborne on the same level as Shakespeare
I won't stop laughing at kino fags. Bloodborne is pretty but it's not high tier art
>Inb4 sony defense force

Bloodborne is unironically kino though.

Videogames aren't art.

>All art achievements is from the Renaissance onwards

Fucking Kek

It's bait you stupid fucking newfag, are you dense?

Trying to fix it, can we all agree to remove those?

At the end of the day Shakespeare wrote fiction, much like Bloodborne is. It's not hard to make the argument that Bloodborne is on par with the best works of Shakespeare when you sit down and actually think about it rather than kneejeerking.

>POP kek

>video games
What did he mean by this?

.....No. When Bloodborne has DLC packs it takes away from being art. You stupid fuck.

Dude silence LMAO

Why is tree of life even up there as a film?



the dlc can be pretty much be an stand alone piece of art

4'33" is four minutes and thirty three seconds of silence
It's the abstract art of music.
Personally, I'd keep it in.

>Crosses out Dilbert
>Not Watchmeme
>Not Holocaust guilt trip number six million and one.
Top kek

It took them 12 years to make!

>Crossing out Warhol
>Crossing out Catcher in the Rye
>Crossing out Yeezus

Might want to learn exactly what you're talking about before you go through with this.

>Crossing out Kill la Kill
>Crossing Out In the Aeroplane over the Meme
>Crossing out Garfield

These are fine though.

4'33 is a musical statement by John Gate by the way. It's 4 minutes and 33 seconds of pure silence. It's more commentary than an achievement though.

>leaves Ayn Rand

For matter Dumas can go too.

Honestly there shouldn't be a video game, anime or comic category since those aren't art.

>kill la kill
If these mediocre series can make an achievements list, you should be able to find at least a hundred other video game titles to put up there.

It's not different than writing sequels. Funny because the Old Hunters is also the greatest DLC/expansion ever released.

>Kill la Kill



this desu

how is it looking

Honestly "Limbo" one of the few games I've played and sat there and thought about it for a while.

Am I hearing this?

Steins;Gate should be part of the video game list though

Neutral Milk Hotel is trash

>Have Cowboy Bebop and Kill La Kill listed
>But no Space Dandy
Come on, man.

what, no fucking madoka?

Shakespeare does not write sequels.

Good point. The fact that Bloodborne's sequels/additional content are still the best is probably a good reason to consider Bloodborne better than Shakespeare

why it's not a game

so what's the meme with hating on KLK. I wasn't around for when it came out so maybe I just didn't get jaded on the hype for it, but I thought it was pretty good.

Nah they're legit as fuck actually. They're meme'd pretty hard but they are legit talented and do their own thing.

You are literally retarded.

Where the FUCK is Nabokov

Add monalisa and Escher's portrait in art

Add The Stranger(Albert Camus), The Trial(Kafka) and Apology of Socrates in literature

Add Seven Samurai, Lawrence of Arabia, some disney movie from the 40s and Terminator 2 is film

>R.R. Martin
>Star Wars
top b8 m8

Realtalk, how is Maus?

Pretty bad second cour

Explain this then

Do you seriously expect a good answer from this site about a work about the holocaust?