Any developers, publishers or individuals that you won't buy, play or watch anything from again?
Any developers, publishers or individuals that you won't buy, play or watch anything from again?
Don't mind me...
Just watching this thread closely
Ubisoft, EA, Bethesda, and Activision. They're all lazy cunts with overblown budgets. I would put Sony and Mircosoft here too but they still produce some things that are enjoyable.
Konami, Hello Games, Square Enix, EA, Activision, Warner Brothers.
If From Software releases another fucking Souls game they'll be on the list too.
Pretty much any triple A dev, Valve especially, they used to be my favourite company ever, I was adamant they'd never fuck up, they fucked up. Don't even buy games on Steam anymore, just emulate old shit.
Forgot to mention Naughty Dog, Sony and Microsoft as well I guess.
Gearbox and Konami, probably a heap of other devs too but I can't be fucked remembering them.
I wish I could say Valve but the kikes get a cut of every game I buy since not everything is on GoG.
lionhead studios (before they went out of business)
and more im sure
so you're just buying indieshit?
Not really.
Just a list of "Developers who say things that you should never take for face value"
All of them.
I pirate on PC and all my consoles.
ActiBlizzard, Ubisoft, EA
I only play old games now. Haven't played a new game since 2012, indie or AAA, with the exception of Men of War and Red Orchestra, but they are multiplayer games and editor autism sims so they don't count.
Anything Gaben. I'll never buy anything on Steam, I've only played Half Life, everyone talks down the sequel, and don't really care for FPS so TF and CS don't appeal to me.
I'm pretty sick of Ubisofts bullshit but I can't say I'll never buy another game from them. I'm like the battered housewife that keeps letting them back in my home
Anything made by Todd or where Todd is involved.
I have been buying games that I used to pirate, before marketers try to shame on my post, but fuck denuvo garbage.
>being this buttbamboolzed over 1 gaming disappointment
Come on man, Valve is cancer now, but that's because they stopped being like they were when they made HL1, HL2, Portal and all their other games/mods.
I am pretty sure people only shit on Half Life nowadays for the same reason people begun shitting on all of Bioware's old games after they become SJW shitters. Because they are irrationally hating on Valve for leaving them. Valve used to be good, it no longer is because they stopped making games alltogther and became on online Gamestop with online gambling.
I'd add Capcom
Garry and Facepunch Studios
i-i've been... poisoned...
Square Enix
Konami and uhhhh... Konami seriously though fuck Konami
You couldn't pay me to install Origin.
Don't worry Todd, if I buy Fallout 4 w/ season pass again you're sure to get better
Naughty Dog
Gearbox - garbage games
Ubisoft - garbage games
Naughty Dog - garbage games
Bioware because they hired that girl that claimed you could get raped in GTA V. Why would anyone hire someone that is a liar has such poor vidya knowledge ????
No not really.
If they make a good game I'll buy it, there's plenty that just don't make good games though.
You forgot Ubisoft and Warner Bros, Jim.
Possibly Bethesda.
Pretty much my face when Blizzard fucked the Diablo series. I will never be able to trust again.
Gearbox. Mainly because they seriously fucked up Colonial Marines. It's no secret that they used Sega's money to make Borderlands 2 and kept renegotiating the contract to make this possible. Apparently, they only pulled their finger out when the deadline was looming and Sega was going to sue if they held up any longer. They handed parts of the project off to another studio who also fucked up (or couldn't do shit with what they had). And why? Because they decided that cultivating their own franchise was more important that honouring a contract and delivering a quality product.
I actually bought the Handsome Jack Collection when it was on sale. My friend recommended them highly and I though "Well, fuck it, let's see if I'll actually enjoy this". Any enjoyment I had out of those games was purely because of playing with my friend. Otherwise, both 2 and the Pre-Sequel felt like repetitive slogs with bland stories. In the end I just gave up, it wasn't worth it.
The Battleborn situation sucks. A lot of talented devs working in the trenches had their hard work ruined because of stupid design choices and poor timing. But after Colonial Marines? I'm glad. I want every exec responsible to suffer for what was basically fraud.
As long as you don't need to have every game day one I see almost no point in "blacklisting" people. I've been burned enough that I'm almost never hyped for games anymore. But no matter who's making it, no matter how good or bad their previous games have been I try to always be cautiously optimistic at every game coming out and take things on a case by case basis.
Warner Brothers
Naughty Dog
I found that the first Borderlands is the only enjoyable game they've made. Borderlands 2's writing is literally enraging.
Square Enix
Capcom maybe.
Naughty Dog
Pretty much every AAA developer, they bore me so much with their safe, casually easy, fill in the checkmark approach to games.
EA and Konami are on the perma-shit list. Activision keeps jumping on and off of it.
Deep Silver I have no real issues with, they just seem utterly incapable of releasing anything worth purchasing.
Oh, and add NISA to that too
EA. Origin is garbage.
I'm guess hello games
Borderlands is fucking garbage, all of them. I tried out Borderlands 1 near release and dropped it within 2 hours. Couldn't believe Gearbox made this over Brothers in Arms 4.
Gearbox is a trash tier dev and both Randy and Anthony need to kill themselves. But they used to be really good. Half Life Opposing Force is brilliant and all three Brothers in Arms games were really well done as well. Also the PC version of 007 Nightfire wasn't to bad.
I don't know what the fuck happened, but they went from a reliable PC fps dev to literally SJW cancer that only shat out memes and disappointments in the space of a year.
My dad was always playing PC during that time; so I never knew them then. Didn't actually complete HL until after I had been frustrated by L4D ai.
I'm grateful for Quake, but they're like Bethesda to me. I 'knew' them long after their prime.
EA, Konami, BioWare, Gearbox, Bethesda
how about i get my revenge on Sup Forums instead?
What does Quake have to do with Valve, that was Id software who did that.
>mfw actually playing through Quake for the first time at the moment
I understand your feels about knowing devs long after their prime.
I think that's most of them...
I won't buy a game if it's made by EA, Ubisoft or Blizzard.
I have a negative opinion of Konami, Valve and Bethesda but not quite enough to outright refuse to give them money.
thread lightly friend
>Killing faggots that mostly want to die
Excellent plan, just as your "excellent game". Retard.
this is mine so far
Blizzard, it hurts so much because they were the best.
Bioware, Gearbox, Activion, Squeenix (where is my Deus Ex, cunts) and Blizzard.
EA, Activision, and Ubisoft, haven't given any of a dime in well over a decade. Capcom is real close to being added to that list.
"Angry Joe" Vargas
Yeah you got that right dude. It's all over the place is AAA games; just terrible fucking devs wasting their money. I keep wishing we'd ditch the hugely inflated prices of these big games and move to lower budget but interesting games. Those do exist, but it's just depressing to see the state of the mainstream.
>Just found out about sold out e celebs
How's it being 15, user?
It gets worse, friend.
riot games
Jim Sterling please leave.
Seconded. When you ruin my favorite online multiplayer game twice in the exact same way each time, you get the boot. Killing Greenlight is not helping your case in my book either.
Square Enix
Double Fine
Anything from Kojima
>this thread
Maybe you guys don't play vidya after all.
Just the good ones.
>EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Gearbox, Rockstar, Konami, Nintendo etc are the only game devs in the world
Is this what casuals actually believe?
Anything Origin exclusive, even if I was willing to pay full price day 1 before, Origin is my biggest nope factor. Uplay slightly less so, in that I'll want to avoid it as much as I can, but there can be a rare chance that the game itself is good enough that I'll stomach Uplay for it like Rainbow 6 Siege.
Other than that, as long as the game is good, it'll get my money and I won't care about the politics behind it.
i haven't bought a Ubisoft game in more than 10+ years
Western Trash
Sony consoles and games
Nintendo Hardware
Basically I just beg for PC ports of jap games. Fuck sony.
No it is what marketers want to shame, obviously.
>Don't suck the dick of awful big companies? fuck better say your opinion doesn't matter, it is your fault for not being a good slave, not for them trying to hoard the money to become immortal.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Coin Eater was too much.
I just make it a point to never play games from this company. With the exception of Wet because it was kind of ok.
>Naughty Dog
Next on my list if they don't stop ruining Monster Hunter with 5 is Capcom.
From Software
Double Fine
In that order
Dungeon Siege 3 can't be forgiven.
Don't say that, user. I'm sure you've learned from your mistakes.
EA for fucking killing my first game on the PC - Syndicate. I was aghast when i found out it had an FPS. fuck ill necdr forgive them still salty
>From Software
What's your justification for this? Do you simply not like their games?
For still having that racist cunt employed
i'm happy with some good AAA titles and i don't resent any companies
except for actiblizzard, fuck those greedy hacks
That's about it.
If EA decided to release something good with nobullshit I'd be happy to buy it and support a good no bullshit game.
They just never release a good game with no bullshit anymore.
Nothing really comes to mind but I will say I'm still pissy over the Producer for Federation Force & Sticker Star/Color Splash, Kensuke Tanabe, I may be cautious with his stuff from now on since in recent years I only liked DKC: Tropical Freeze from the dude.
Double Fine
Try and avoid EA and Ubishit as much as possible barring a few exceptions (ie, Seige). I'll play anything as long as it's at least decent so a companies gotta really fuck up for me to want to blacklist them.
Not that the modern market has a lot to offer, but if they're selling a product that appeals to me I'll buy it.
What they do with the money once it's changed hands is their own business. They could be buying up orphans to use as dick socks for all I care
Naughty Dog
Koei Tecmo
It pretty much just the obvious groups who have done shady shit or lost their way or both.
It feels great not having to spend my money on the awful games these people make.
If they have wacky colored hair, I'm not buying their shit.
What the fuck
Rebellion have always been shit tier devs though. Literally only made 1 good game which was Judge Dredd and that was fucking years ago, I doubt those guys still even work there.
Funny enough, they have developed every single AVP game except AVP2 and that was the best game in the series. They have had like 3-4 attempts at it and still can't fucking get it right, while based Monolith does it first go.
What did Konami do to Sterling?
Also, in response to OP:
>Naughty Dog
I'll never buy a game from them, ever again.
Could've kept going but it started to hurt a little.